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GROUP BUYING Introduction Group of graduate students at Carleton university  Yi Qu  With the assistance of  Jainal Chisty  Laleh Rezaie.

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Presentation on theme: "GROUP BUYING Introduction Group of graduate students at Carleton university  Yi Qu  With the assistance of  Jainal Chisty  Laleh Rezaie."— Presentation transcript:


2 Introduction Group of graduate students at Carleton university  Yi Qu  With the assistance of  Jainal Chisty  Laleh Rezaie Adl  Chulaka Ailapperuma Looking for  Start-up funding  Executive team  Advisory board  Marketing and sales professionals

3 Overview Online group buying site  Bring together multiple buyers with the best supplier Many online shopping sites but;  Buyers are not aware of each other  Supplier have an information advantage  Convenient but not certain of getting the best deal Our value to the customer  Guaranteed savings and time Our value to the supplier  Increased revenue, fast sales cycle

4 Market Size Global market of on line shoppers

5 Our product Two kinds of buying modes  Buyer initiated  Supplier initiated Sell products and services Time limited sale Buyer can state the maximum they wish to pay Supplier makes discount agreements with us  A secret that we keep  We use that information and our technology to give different buyers different discounts

6 Our product Shipping  Agreements with drop-ship companies  They participate in the sale  Some suppliers ship themselves Supplier orchestrators  Third parties who use the platform to enable sales  Domain experts  Add value by enabling new and diverse suppliers Complimentary providers  Integration with social networking sites such as Facebook and other sites such as eBay

7 Value segments and offers Occasional buyer  Uses the site for occasional deals  Serviced by a transaction fee Average volume buyer  Uses the site moderately, such as a family or individuals  Subscription fee High volume buyer  Uses the site for most purchases, such as a small business  Executive subscription fee

8 Kinds of suppliers Products  High margin products  High volume products  Low margin but high priced products Services  Insurance  Utilities

9 Technologies Online web site Open interfaces for integration  Suppliers, orchestrators  Other applications, such as social-networking sites Built using open source software

10 Competition Most are traditional business to single customer There are group buying offers     North American market is wide open  More buy-in in countries like China

11 Marketing and leverage In the next year sign up  1000 normal subscribers with minimum $100 savings per  500 executive subscribers with minimum $500 savings per  Draw in 10,000 transactional buyers who average 5% discount Provide $500,000 in combined increased revenue for suppliers A key need is to attract buyers quickly for a sale  Integrate with Facebook and eBay to draw in “swarms”

12 How do we make money A per transaction charge on the “transactional” customers Two levels of subscriptions  Normal subscription - $100  Executive subscriptions - $500

13 Team Yi Qu Jainal Chisty Laleh Rezaie Adl Chulaka Ailapperuma

14 Why we need the money Product development Business development and market penetration Operations

15 Concluding remarks will bring value to customers by saving them time and money when shopping Bring value to suppliers by increasing revenue by enabling high volume sales Build an network of domain experts to bring diverse products and services Create a critical mass of shoppers to bring a rapid conclusion to sales

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