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 WELCOME  St. Clement Coptic Orthodox Christian Academy

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1  WELCOME  St. Clement Coptic Orthodox Christian Academy
School Year

2 SAT 10 Stanford Achievement Test Series, Tenth Edition
Overview: Guides teaching and learning toward high achievement standards. Accredition: Sold only to accredited/approved schools & school districts Age Range: Thirteen Levels - Kindergarten - Grade 12 Administration: Untimed with flexible guidelines. Forms: Complete and abbreviated M-C battery by grade and subject Norms: Scaled Scores, National and Local Percentile Ranks and Stanines, Grade Equivalents, and Normal Curve Equivalents

3 St. Clement’s Scores 1st Grade Reading 55% advanced / proficient
Math % advanced / proficient 2nd Grade Reading % advanced/proficient Math % advanced /proficient 3rd grade Reading % advanced/proficient Math % advanced/proficient 4th Grade Reading % advanced/proficient Math % advanced/proficient

4 St. Clement’s Scores Elementary Reading 64% advanced/proficient
Math % advanced/proficient

5 St. Clement’s Scores Middle School 5th-8th
Reading % advanced/proficient Math % advanced/proficient 7th and 8th grade Reading % advanced/proficient Math % advanced /proficient

6 Morning Drop-Off Church Preschool St. Clement Academy Playground Gym
Preschool & Before-Care Entrance ONLY Drop Off Elementary/Middle School Elementary Drop-Off Before-Care ONLY Church entrance will be CLOSED during week days Middle Drop-Off Church Gym St. Clement Academy Preschool Playground Preschool & Before-Care ONLY Entrance Drop Off Elementary/Middle School Entrance ONLY Elementary Drop-Off Before-Care in Cafeteria Before-Care

7 Afternoon Pick Up Church Preschool St. Clement Academy Playground Gym
Entrance ONLY Pick Up Elementary/Middle School Elementary/Bus/Middle Pick Up Before-Care ONLY Church entrance will be CLOSED during week days After-Care Pick Up Middle Middle Drop-Off Church Gym St. Clement Academy Preschool Playground Preschool & Before-Care ONLY Entrance Drop Off Elementary/Middle School Entrance ONLY Elementary Drop-Off Before-Care in Cafeteria Before-Care

8 Attendance Policy St. Clement follows the Compulsory Attendance Law as set by Metro Publics Schools of Nashville Must have a written excuse for every absence from parent or doctor Student Can’t have more than 5 unexcused absences

9 Financial Policy A small teacher/student ratio is important to the success of the program. Tuition set by the school does not cover the entire cost to the school for serving each child; therefore, the school depends on donations to supplement each student’s tuition. Due to the financial dependence on tuition to operate the school, parents are responsible for tuition cost for the entire school year even if the child is withdrawn during the school year. The school cannot fill a vacated student’s place during the school year and losing any tuition will bring a financial hardship on the school.

10 Fundraising Program Tuition fees do not cover the cost of operating the school; therefore, all families are required to participate in fundraising for the school. We will have ongoing fundraising programs. $200 per family Any extra will be deposited into your child account If you collect less than $200 by the end of the school year. The family will be responsible to pay the different. We will have several programs during the year to raise money. Please participate

11 Accepting Credit Cards & ACH
PAYMENT OPTIONS Cash Checks Accepting Credit Cards & ACH

12 Tardy After 8:00 a.m. Parents must park in front of building;
PRE-K > walk student inside the building, and sign them in. Elementary & Middle > Drop students and watch to make sure they enter the building and are seen by the secretary Students arriving before 7:45 a.m. MUST be dropped off by the Before-Care program. NO EXCEPTIONS

13 Early Pick Up Please refer to the school calendar when scheduling appointments. Please contact the teacher/office by or note in advance of an appointment. No pick up after 2:30 for elem./middle and after 2:45 for PreK

14 Inclement Weather The School will make a decision and announce it via Channel 4 news OR phone tree system. Watch/Listen for TWO things: St. Clement Christian Academy St. Clement Preschool

15 Dress Code Refer to the school website for uniform info.
Students may not wear any item or hairstyle that draws attention to them causing distraction for them or others. Ex. tattoos, make-up, large jewelry, hair colors, etc. Boys must have neatly cut hair; no Mohawk cuts, tails etc. White on Wednesdays

16 TODAY - Meet your child teacher - Pay any fees/tuition
- For our Preschool director & our school secretary - Please don’t hold the line - Make sure they are serving one family at a time - Drop supplies today or tomorrow or Friday - Leave your address - Update your address & phone numbers Uniforms will be sold tomorrow 8am-4pm Trying to open 2 year old class prek parents please don't buy the quantities of glue bottles or sanitizes on the supply list, only buy one of each


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