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Ensuring the quality of fresh Litchi during cold transport from the North to the South of Vietnam Litchi group: Nguyen Manh Khai Dinh Thai Hoang Huynh.

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Presentation on theme: "Ensuring the quality of fresh Litchi during cold transport from the North to the South of Vietnam Litchi group: Nguyen Manh Khai Dinh Thai Hoang Huynh."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ensuring the quality of fresh Litchi during cold transport from the North to the South of Vietnam Litchi group: Nguyen Manh Khai Dinh Thai Hoang Huynh Thi Thanh Tuyen Action plan

2 Title “Ensuring the quality of fresh Litchi during cold transport from the North to the South of Vietnam” Organization: Hanoi University of Agriculture Cantho University Work responsibilities: Mr. Khai: Project manager Mr. Hoang: Research assistant in the North Ms. Tuyen: Research assistant in the South

3 Total area: 60,000 ha Total yield: 400,000 tons (50% fresh) Planted only in the North

4 Inappropriate postharvest techniques Losses: 20-35%


6 Objectives  Reduce postharvest losses of fresh Litchi after a long distance transportation  Identify the good way to ensure the quality including color, taste and nutritional values of fresh Litchi for consumers

7 Design Raw Litchi in the North Foam boxes with ice Customers in the South Cold chain with cold storage and cold transport cold water Foam boxes cold water >6h + cold transport

8 Description Step 1: Collecting raw Litchi from Bacgiang province

9 Expected outputs Progress indicator ActivitiesTime duration InputBudgetResponsible persons High quality fresh Litchi 500 kg Litchi Go to each household in the sample to guide for the right harvest time Transport to packing house 15 days (from May) Harvest time guidelines Labor: 5 people Trucks for transport Wood boxes: 25 $ 700Mr. Khai Mr. Hoang Step 1: Collecting raw Litchi from Bacgiang province

10 Step 2. Analysis the quality of fresh Litchi before transport

11 Expected outputs Progress indicators ActivitiesTime duration InputBudgetResponsible persons Identified quality of fresh Litchi before cold transport Color Taste Total Sugar Total dry matter Vitamin C Randomly select 30 fruits per wood box, 5 boxes from 25 boxes Conduct chemical analysis in lab Carry analysis by SPSS 7 daysChemicals Labor:2 $ 500Mr. Khai Mr. Hoang

12 Step 3: Pre-cooling and cold transport

13 Expected outputs Progress indicators ActivitiesTime duration InputBudgetResponsible persons Temperature of each Litchi after cooling will be approximately equal to 7 0 C High quality cold transport within 3 days Temperature of Litchi Color Peel appearance 3 days cold transport Dip in cold water Put in foam boxes Cold transport by trucks 4 days Labor: 2 Foam boxes: 25 Litchi for control sample: 3 foam boxes Cold truck transport $ 300Mr. Khai Mr. Hoang

14 Step 4: Receiving in the South and quality analysis

15 Expected outputs Progress indicators ActivitiesTime duration InputBudgetResponsible persons Identified quality of fresh Litchi after cold transport in the South Color Taste Total sugar Total dry matter Vitamin C Randomly select 30 fruits per wood box, 5 boxes from 25 boxes Conduct chemical analysis in lab Carry analysis by SPSS 7 daysChemicals Labor:2 $ 500Mr. Khai Ms. Tuyen

16 Step 5: Analysis and writing report

17 Expected outputs Progress indicators ActivitiesTime duration InputBudgetResponsible persons Results Final report Data base Complet e report Carry analysis by SPSS Writing report 30 days Printing Labor:3 $ 200Mr. Khai Mr. Hoang Ms. Tuyen

18 Summary Time duration: 4 months Total budget: $ 2,200.00 Expected result: complete model for the cold chain for fresh Litchi to transport them from the North to the South Future plan: transferring successful model to farmers and traders/companies

19 Thanks for your listening!

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