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By: Timothy Stevens Hour 5 Argentina!. Facts & Figures  Population (2012 est.): 42,192,494 (growth rate: 1.0%);  Capital and largest city: Buenos Aires,

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Presentation on theme: "By: Timothy Stevens Hour 5 Argentina!. Facts & Figures  Population (2012 est.): 42,192,494 (growth rate: 1.0%);  Capital and largest city: Buenos Aires,"— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Timothy Stevens Hour 5 Argentina!

2 Facts & Figures  Population (2012 est.): 42,192,494 (growth rate: 1.0%);  Capital and largest city: Buenos Aires, 12,988,000  life expectancy: 77.14  Density per sq mi: 38

3 Monumento Historico Nacional a la Bandera  Is a symbol monument of the city of Rosario.  The National Historic Monument to the Flag  It is located in the Parque Nacional a la Bandera  General Manuel Belgrano rose the flag for the first time on February 27, 1812

4 Natural Wonders  The Igauzu Waterfall is located in the northwest corner of Argentina at the borders of Brazil and Paraguay.  It is 2.7 kilometers across with a 900 meter section where no water cascades over the falls.  In the Devil’s Falls area, the water descends an incredible 230 feet  Iguazú is an unforgettable display of the power and majesty of nature

5  El Noviciado Jesuitico was founded in 1608  The project was delayed due to lack of funds  Today the space of the three naves of the crypt - which comprise thick rock walls, some lined with red brick, interspersed with large pillars  After the Jesuits were expelled in 1767 it passed into the hands of the Betlemitas order who ran the local hospital San Roque. The Crypt

6  Mount Fitz Roy was named by the Perito Moreno  Patrick Fitzroy who explored this part of Patagonia together with Darwin in the nineteen century.  The mount Fitz Roy is 3405m high  one of the most challenging summits for climbers from all around the world. Mount Fitz Roy

7  The Train to the Clouds was originally built to connect Argentina to Chile in 1930.  Constructing this viaduct in the middle of the Andes was without doubt an impressive engineering task.  This viaduct, known as La Polvorilla  Is located at 4220m (13850ft) above sea level, and is 70m high and 224m long. Train to the clouds

8  Argentina is officially known as the Argentine Republic, or, La Republica Argentina.  Argentina returned to the 1853 Constitution which was further amended in 1994.  Government in Argentina is now operated via a representative, republican federal system which is similar to the federal system in the USA.  The government in Argentina is formed of two separate legislative branches Government

9  Argentina is rich in natural resources with a geological and climatic situation particularly suitable for developing forestry, agriculture, mining and fisheries.  Argentina is famous for its agricultural production. With over 54 million head of cattle, Argentina’s beef is renowned around the world.  Gas and Oil: are important resources being increasingly exported to the neighbouring countries and to the world market. Together with mining products they make out for 15% of total exports.  The industrial sector includes manufacturing and construction. Economy

10  Total Trip Time: 21hr 25min  2 days  Layover Time : 7hr 0min  Price:$1650.00 + $143.42 (taxes) = $1793.42  Flight #:American Airlines Flight 1151, LAN Argentina Flight 452, LAN Airlines Flight 4112 Flight Information

11 . "Country Facts." Government in Argentina. N.p., 29 Mar 2010. Web. 13 Feb 2013.. . "Great Monuments of Argentina: National Historic Monument to the Flag." Unique Argentina. N.p., 8 Apr 2009. Web. 13 Feb 2013..  q=argentine+government&oq=argentina+go&gs_l=img.3.1.0j0i10j0j0i24j0i10i24j0i24j0i10i24j0i24j 0i10i24l2.1113.7869.0.11027.  q=argentine+government&oq=argentina+go&gs_l=img.3.1.0j0i10j0j0i24j0i10i24j0i24j0i10i24j0i24j 0i10i24l2.1113.7869.0.11027. o=d&site=imghp&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=argentina+economy&oq=argentina+economy&gs_l=img.3..0j 0i10i24l6j0i24j0i10i24l2.6165.12530.0.12769. TtB4b6lU&fp=1&biw=1280&bih=839&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&cad=b&sei=bpIaUcagLsyay QHx4oHwDg . "Embassy of Argentina." Economy and Trade. Embassy of Argentina. Web. 13 Feb 2013..  David, Ventura. "Hub Pages." Famous Landmarks in Argentina. Hub Pages. Web. 13 Feb 2013.. . "Cheapoair." Air fair Deals. Cheapoair. Web. 13 Feb 2013.. Work Cited

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