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Lake Forest ES School-Based Health Center Lynne P. Meadows, RN, MS Coordinator, Student Health Services Georgia House of Representatives Study Committee.

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Presentation on theme: "Lake Forest ES School-Based Health Center Lynne P. Meadows, RN, MS Coordinator, Student Health Services Georgia House of Representatives Study Committee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lake Forest ES School-Based Health Center Lynne P. Meadows, RN, MS Coordinator, Student Health Services Georgia House of Representatives Study Committee on School-Based Health Centers October 27, 2015

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3 Why Lake Forest ES? In August 2008, majority of students were not properly immunized 77% of parents reported barriers to obtaining appropriate health care services Majority of students received inconsistent health services Nearest community health center is approximately 15 miles away 3

4 Benefits of School-Based Health Centers 4 ↓Drop in absentee rates ↑Increased grade point averages for students receiving mental health services ↓Decrease in drop-out rates ↑Increased parental engagement Healthier students lead to improved academic success Source: National Assembly on School Based Health Care

5 Lake Forest School-Based Health Center opened in the fall of 2013 – after much planning and Board approval Today, more than 700 of the 900+ students have consents for the School-Based Health Center (SBHC) The School-Based Health Center provides quality primary healthcare services to patients (students) via a referral system from the school clinic and Ridgeview MS students. The SBHC also sees siblings and school staff. Services include treatment for acute illnesses, chronic conditions management, immunizations, physicals and check-up visits. The SBHC also provide behavioral/mental health services, health education and nutritional counseling. We continue to expand services and programs.

6 Lake Forest SBHC Open House – Nov 2013 FCS District Administrative Team, Community Stakeholders & Board Members Lake Forest SBHC Team 6

7 Initial Funding for Lake Forest SBHC 7 Healthcare of Georgia Foundation $160,000 Grant Provides funding for medical needs of students and siblings 18 years old or under Kaiser Permanente $80,000 Grant Provides funding for mental health services Emory University’s Partners for Equity in Child & Adolescent Health (Fiscal Agent) We also partner with several other community agencies to offer other program and services.

8 Providing health services for students 8 Lake Forest ES School Clinic Teachers and staff continue to refer students to the school clinic The clinic assistant & school nurse can then make a referral to the SBHC for additional care, if necessary Will serve all students of Lake Forest ES Family Health Centers of Georgia Operate as its own entity. Parental consent required for service. Will serve LFES students and alumni with consent and their siblings (18 yrs old and younger) Provides basic preventive, primary health care, mental and behavioral health services

9 Lake Forest ES: Health Related Data 5,996 Average Clinic Visits 753 Students Sent Home for Illness 852 Doses of Medication Administered 9 3,119 Average Clinic Visits 430 Students Sent Home for Illness 205 Doses of Medication Administered 2011-2012 School Year2012-2013 School Year (August-December) Top Health Concerns: Asthma, Allergies, Seizure disorder, and ADHD

10 Data from last school year Increased seat/class time …the link between health services and academic success! 436 Referrals to SBHC from school clinic (August 2014-May 2015) – 58% (252) Returned to class* – 42% (184) Sent home *If not for the SBHC, these students would have been sent home and referred to a health care provider. Missed Days of School Of the 184 students sent home: – O days missed from school 62% – 1 day missed from school 27% – 2 days missed from school 9% – 3 days missed from school 2%

11 Lake Forest ES School Clinic FY13-FY14 Comparison Lower absenteeism

12 Other Programs and Services/Special Projects: Flu Vaccine Clinics “Kool Kids” Youth Wellness Program, Wellness 4Uth Fitness Program & Family Fitness Programs Focus on Childhood Obesity – LFHC Obesity Lab Student Counseling Sessions Parent/Family Counseling Sessions Asthma Management Focused Care Staff Wellness Initiatives – health tips, health promotion activities, Wellness Friday emails, etc. 12

13 Pictures from Kool Kids Youth Wellness Program and Family Fitness Program 13

14 Open Lobby at LFES 14 View of SBHC from the Front Desk Location of SBHC Lake Forest SBHC Pictures

15 Lake Forest School-Based Health Center Team Collaborative Team: Meets bi-monthly Taylor Barton, Principal Paulette Abbey, Cluster Nurse, Fulton County Schools Lynne Meadows, Coordinator, Student Health Services, Fulton County Schools Nancy Young, BSN, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC Nurse Practitioner, Lake Forest SBHC Kathleen Malcolm, MS,CWWS Health Educator, Lake Forest SBHC Helen Woodbury, LCSW Clinical Social Worker, Lake Forest SBHC Jocelyn Gutierrez, CMA Medical Assistant, Lake Forest SBHC Maggie Lloyd, Coordinator of Special Programs, Family Health Centers of Georgia, Inc. Advisory Committee: Meets quarterly Ashley Garrison, Office of Grant Development, Dr. Gonzalo La Cava, Area Superintendent, Fulton County Schools Kirk Shrum, Area Executive Director, Fulton County Schools Dr. Veda Johnson, Emory University Department of Pediatrics Ruth Ellis, Program Director, Partners for Equity in Child & Adolescent Health 15

16 Summary The SBHC has shown a significant and positive impact on the health needs of the students and staff at Lake Forest ES, Ridgeview MS and the school community Overall Benefits and Accomplishments include:  Immediate access to primary health services  Affordable healthcare  Decrease in the number of students sent home from school for health-related issues – improved seat time & absences  Participation in national SBHC Alliance initiatives 16

17 Questions & Thank You Lynne P. Meadows, RN, MS Coordinator, Student Health Services Fulton County Schools School-Based Health Alliance Leadership Fellow 2015 17

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