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Welcome Mrs Sheena Ryde: – Curriculum Director for years 7-9 Mr Danny Walker: – Assistant Curriculum Director for years 7-9 We will be talking about our.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Mrs Sheena Ryde: – Curriculum Director for years 7-9 Mr Danny Walker: – Assistant Curriculum Director for years 7-9 We will be talking about our."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Mrs Sheena Ryde: – Curriculum Director for years 7-9 Mr Danny Walker: – Assistant Curriculum Director for years 7-9 We will be talking about our Co-curriculum: – within the school day – outside the school gates

2 Year 7 Co-curriculum ‘Learning outside the classroom’

3 Co-curriculum Independent learners Where can information be found? We encourage girls to take part in lunchtime clubs but they have free choice to take part in as many or few as they choose


5 Sports Year 7 hockey and netball clubs and matches Open to all: badminton, football, rugby, non-elite gymnastics and trampolining clubs Interhouse gymnastics and dance performances Dance Club (Junior and Senior) Sports will change every term so the girls need to keep an eye out!

6 Alternative Sport, Drama and Art Drama club for years 7-8 in the drama studio Pilates and Yoga Pom Pom Club Colour yourself calm

7 TGS Equestrian Club (and team) Wednesday Week B Room 32 1.30-2.00 Equestrian Club

8 English/Humanities Theatre visits – several trips available throughout the year in the evenings Time Travellers club (Lower School History Club for years 7 & 8)

9 Christian Union Club Wednesday lunchtimes all welcome Scrabble Club Monday lunchtimes all welcome

10 Languages Spanish Story Club (Y7-8-9) Every Monday from 1.30pm in room 11 French Story Club (Y7-8-9) Every Wednesday from 1.30 in room 3 MFL Film Club (various years depending on the film + various languages – programme to be published) Every Tuesday from 1.15 in room 13 – students can bring their lunch along

11 Japan Club For those interested in Japan or Japanese – Tuesday lunchtime for all years – 1.30-2.00 in room 43

12 Music Junior choir on Monday lunchtimes (Cantores is run for Year 8-9 after school) TGS orchestra for all years Swing Band World Music day- musicians from Africa run a workshop LCO Music Junction Flash Mob – encouraging students to consider learning an instrument Inter-house music competition run in the Spring. Allows every girl the opportunity to perform individually or in a group in order to win points for her house.

13 Maths Challenge Taken by all students as it promotes deeper thinking about Maths problems. Acts to further boost their confidence in maths. 21 gold, 33 silver and 54 bronze with 1 student going on to score full marks in the Olympiad round (the follow on for the most gifted).

14 Computing and Technology Lego Robotics Club – Club open to all and team of 10 students will be selected to compete in the South East Round of the First Lego League in December – Open to a mixed team of year 7-11 students The TGS team at the University of Kent, Canterbury

15 Science Science Club for years 7-9 held at lunchtime

16 Science- Falcon Initiative project Students help to build a real life flight simulator Takes place at lunchtimes as well as after school. Volunteers needed from designers to technicians and computer programmers

17 Eco Monkeys Hands-on approach this year to reduce their impact on the environment Encouraging wildlife and looking at the ways we use energy and deal with our waste in school Achieved the Eco Schools Bronze Award and are now working towards the Silver Award Opportunity to have a go at crafts using recycled materials, work outdoors and be the driving force behind whole school projects

18 Action! Wednesday afternoon 2.40-3.40pm Activities run by outside providers as well as sixth from groups – a range of experiences and costs Activities have included animal encounters, bridge, circus skills, peak fitness, first aid, face painting, cookery, street dancing, yoga, curling - changes each term Gives students the opportunity to learn a new skill/sport More information on

19 ….and more pop up all the time Textiles club starting in November - make craft items for Christmas and beyond....students read the enrichment board for updates and current clubs will be published on the portal

20 Ski Trip open to years 8-10 (current 7-9) February 2017 half term Launched last week- letter on portal

21 Year 7 Bushcraft Camp 13 th – 17 th June 2016

22 Why Bushcraft? A fantastic opportunity for students to learn outside of the classroom. A chance to participate in fun and exciting. Developing leadership, teamwork and the building of self‐confidence. Encouraging independence and friendship.

23 Staffing Miss J Duncan – Camp leader 8 other members of TGS staff including 3 First Aiders (1 per mini camp) Bushcraft staff are on duty 24hours and sleep in shelters outside the tents

24 Travel Details Drop off at camp at 9.30am on Monday the 13 th of June (for a 10am start). Pick up at camp at midday on Friday the 17 th of June. Maps and comprehensive directions will be provided via the portal.

25 Camp Organisation 3 Camps – big camp – small feel –each camp 60 students, 4 tribes, 6 tent groups Tents of 10 students – students can choose 1, 2 or 3 friends to share with Tribes of 15 students – activity groups – students learning to work with each other All groups get together for some evening activities

26 Accommodation

27 Activities Fire Building Wilderness Cookery Camp-craft Shelter-building Fresh-water Swimming First Aid Workshops Archery And much much more...

28 Food


30 Kit List Large rucksack (or alternative bag/suitcase) Warm sleeping bag Sleeping bag liner (optional) Pillow (optional) Roll mat Tracksuit/hardwearing trousers T-shirts Warm jumper/fleece Waterproof jacket and trousers Warm socks Footwear x 2 - walking boots, old trainers Wellington boots Swimwear Towel(s) Wash bag including toothbrush, toothpaste and face wipes Warm hat Gloves Whistle Water bottle Good torch with fresh batteries Insect repellent Sun cream Sun hat Alcohol Hand Gel Head Torch NO Mobile Phones or iPods/ iPads

31 Key Expectations Enthusiasm and a willingness to try new things Respect for other students, staff and the environment No mobile technology

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