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Space SIG General Meeting December, 2015. Welcome.

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Presentation on theme: "Space SIG General Meeting December, 2015. Welcome."— Presentation transcript:

1 Space SIG General Meeting December, 2015

2 Welcome

3 2016 Space Blitz What is It? Why Go? Event Logistics

4 What is It? An alliance of pro-space nonprofit societies – Space Exploration Alliance NSBE is the only member representing the interests of the Black community An annual visit to members of Congress Participants organized into small teams Each team assigned a schedule of appointments –May include Senators and Congressmen, the norm is to meet with staffers Training/orientation session the day before

5 Why Go? Voting is NOT enough A person who simply votes might as well have stayed at home Need to be an active constituent Even non-US citizens can visit Washington and meet with members of Congress Legislators need to see your face and hear your passion Numerous Black jobs lost during cancellation of Constellation, yet minimal Black advocacy – need to show space is important to us

6 Event Logistics Airfare, hotel, travel is all on your own Federal employees MUST be on annual leave status and may not wear any government insignia All persons have a legal right to participate (including GS-scale Federal employees) Must attend Sunday training session May attend half days or one day for Monday/Tuesday with advance notification

7 Event Logistics February 21-23, 2016 (Sunday – Tuesday) Minors must EACH be accompanied by chaperone Early bird registration (deadline December 31) –$25 Adult, $15 Student (increases to $40 and $25 Jan 1) –Registration link:

8 2016 Space Leadership Conference What is it? Who should attend? Conference Logistics

9 What is It? Annual planning for upcoming Space SIG technical projects, outreach, and conferences –Near-term and Mid-range goals –Schedule/Deliverables –Recruiting –Publicity –Government, Industry, and Academia partnerships 2016 focus on partnership with Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

10 Who Should Attend? Any person who wants to see any aspect of the Space SIG succeed –Board members –Conference planning team members –Technical project team members –JEDI Council members –Non-members interested in joining –Faculty looking for Space SIG research partnerships

11 Conference Logistics April 14-17, 2016 Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, FL Early registration is important –Early Bird discount ends December 31 –Event planners need to know who will attend – conference content is customized based on planning team presence Conference website: http://leadership.nsbe-space.org –Registration open now ($65 Early Bird through December 31)

12 Upcoming Space SIG Activities 2016 Aerospace Systems Conference August 24-27, 2016 Renaissance Arlington Capital View Hotel (next to DCA) Awards Nominations –Now open - Celestial Torch Awards 21 st Century Trailblazers in Aerospace Technical Paper Awards Call for Papers –Full paper drafts due January 28 –

13 Primary Meeting Topic Arusha Long Range Rover Medical Workstation

14 Project Arusha Arusha Long Range Rover Crew Cabin 10.01 meter (32.85 ft) length 3 meter (9.84 ft) diameter Sole living environment for 6 crew for 30 days

15 Arusha Innovation Must be able to provide both medical care and maintenance repairs simultaneously Any portion of a crew member’s body (or multiple portions) may require medical treatment –Requires caregiver to have access to all parts of the patient’s body In prior NASA studies has resulted in requirement for caregiver to be able to walk around all sides of the surgical table Not possible in Arusha rover due to small size of vehicle (would intrude in maintenance work volume)

16 Project Arusha Deployable Medical Workstation Preliminary Workstation Concept

17 Arusha Innovation New idea – since cannot bring caregiver to patient, must bring patient to caregiver: Robotic Surgical Table Patient treatment table nominally stowed beneath floor and raised for use Table is a robot that is articulated to reposition patient as needed to present area of injury to caregiver –Table is subdivided into articulating sections

18 Outline Need Constraints Concept Details Plan

19 Need Surgical table that fits in a small volume and leaves enough space for operators to access all areas of the patient

20 Max Length 80in –Upper Body min 35in Min Length 57in –Upper Body max 27in Max Width 26in Min Width 18in Constraints 18in 26in 27in 35in 57in 80in

21 Concepts Considerations Passive system may be most feasible considering the packing and energy-safety requirements that may exist Passive system may reduce the risk of failure or safety hazards during operation. Active system may offer more instantaneous control Active system can be equipped with fault system/e-stops for emergency situations –Adjustable/Sliding along length and width

22 Custom Socket Joint Length/Width Adjustment Couplers Angular Adjustment Support Link & Coupler Cross-Section Ball Joint Optional Ball Joint Details Support Links

23 Plan Overall goal is to create a low fidelity system that will identify crew members and auto select medical workstation configuration accordingly 1.Develop the passive bed 2.Develop the active bed Future Capabilities –monitor crew medical data: EKG information, body temperature, and etc. –Auto-configure its size-to-person based on sensor profiling data

24 Full Table Robotic Surgical Table 1.Eye Display / Caregiver Display 2.Ear Sensor and EDCD Mounting 3.Headrest 4.Upper Arm Rest 5.Torso Rest 6.Lower Arm Rest 7.Hand Rest 8.Thigh Rest 9.Tool Mounting 10.Lower Leg Rest 11.Foot Rest 910 9 88 77 5 44 6 6 321 2 1 11

25 Full Table Robotic Surgical Table must accommodate 1 st percentile Japanese female to 99 th percentile American male in all relevant anthropometric dimensions –Significant range in dimension – will move relative positioning of joints Each element must be capable of expanding or contracting in length and width to meet anthropometry requirement –Surgical table will literally be a different size when different crew members use it 910 9 88 77 5 44 6 6 321 2 1 11

26 Full Table Each element will also have to either move or hold a fixed position relative to one another Requires additional research beyond current effort 910 9 88 77 5 44 6 6 321 2 1 11

27 Questions? Next Meeting Monday, January 11, 2016 8:00 pm Eastern

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