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Hindrances to Spiritual Growth Ephesians 4:14-15.

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1 Hindrances to Spiritual Growth Ephesians 4:14-15

2 Introduction Colossians 2:19(NCV) God wants see growth All living things grow What is keeping you from growing Make choices that reflect spiritual growth or choose stagnation

3 HINDRANCES TO GROWING 1. Misunderstanding what it is. 2. You don’t where to begin. 3. Facing the truth about you are… 4. Your environment isn’t set up for it. 5. The deceitfulness of riches.

4 1. Misunderstanding what it is Growing spiritually is not easy task. 2 Peter 1:1-11 Growing spiritually is becoming righteous You are already made righteous by faith in Jesus Christ (Romans 3:22) Spiritual growth is growing closer to God and becoming mature about yourself and God

5 2. You don’t where to begin With desire – Psalm 27:4. Have a vision what you want to achieve Philippians 3:12-15. Work on one thing at a time Luke 10:42. Keep a spiritual mentor close to you.

6 3. Facing the truth about who are John 8:32 / Hebrews 4:12 You will have to face the truth about your nature You will face conflict externally and conflict internally. ex. Do you find it hard to forgive? Do you have a problem with anger. Conflict is one way the Holy Spirit reveals to you that growth needs to occur Never let a conflict blow through you life without growing you.

7 4. Your environment isn’t set up for it Proverbs 13:20 Matthew You cannot maintain a diet in a house full of junk food. The same can apply with spiritual growth. It is difficult to maintain your maturity when the closet to you are not growing themselves. You have to be determined and others will be inspired with your transformation.

8 5. Deceitfulness of riches Matthew 13:22 Many believe their peace, freedom and purpose is equated to how much money you make. Their will come a day when things no longer fill in the void of their hearts. The secret of contentment – Philippians 4:11. True prosperity – 3 John Verse2 Matthew 6:19-34

9 Conclusion If we know the benefits of spiritual growth why would we avoid it. The benefits are peace, freedom in Christ, discovering your purpose, more discernment… The goal of Christianity is growing into the character of Christ – Romans 8:29

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