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Council for Geoscience Strategy 2014 to 2019 02 July 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Council for Geoscience Strategy 2014 to 2019 02 July 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Council for Geoscience Strategy 2014 to 2019 02 July 2014

2 Structure Mandate Vision, Mission and Values Strategy Budgets for the MTEF period 2013/14-2016/17 Strategic performance objectives and targets Key programmes and priorities for action Human capital

3 Mandate

4 The Geoscience Act (Act 100 of 1993) The Geoscience Amendment Act (Act 16 of 2010) The systematic onshore and offshore geoscientific mapping of South Africa Basic geoscience research into the nature and origin of rocks The collection and curation of all geoscience data and act as a National Geoscience Repository Rendering of geoscience knowledge services and advice to the State Manage a number of national geoscience facilities on behalf of the country Render commercial geoscience services and products to national and international clients

5 Strategic Alignment National Development Plan 2030 Strategic Plan for 2014 to 2019 - Government National System of Innovation - Government Stakeholders’ declaration on Strategy for the Sustainable Growth and meaningful Transformation of South Africa’s Mining Industry - DMR Grand Challenges - DST

6 National Development Plan 2030 The CGS business model will address the following strategic national outcomes:  4. Decent employment through inclusive economic growth (Increase the benefit of the mineral resources to the country by delivering geoscience information and services to increase the rail, water and energy infrastructure)  5. A skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path (building capacity in respect of scientific, administrative and managerial/leadership skills; development of products, systems and services)

7 National Development Plan 2030  6. An efficient, competitive and responsive economic infrastructure network (geoscience information and services input to infrastructure development, contributes to South Africa’s economic development – coal, gas (shale gas), electricity and water resources)  7. Vibrant, equitable and sustainable rural communities with food security for all (CGS assistance in the development of South Africa and its people through improved infrastructure development – mining and geotourism)

8 National Development Plan 2030  10. Environmental assets and natural resources that are well protected and continually enhanced (the CGS conducts research with regard to acid mine drainage, climate change and carbon capture technology) 12. An efficient, effective and development oriented public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship (ensuring CGS compliance with legislative requirements, development of CGS regulatory systems and alignment with national mandates; addressing gender equality and employment equity).

9 Vision, Mission and Values

10 Our aspiration is to become Leaders in Applied Geoscience Solutions CGS Vision 2019 unpacked To be acknowledged as the leading providers of public geoscience expertise for South Africa and the African continent Vision

11 The Mission To advance the knowledge, understanding and sustainable management of the geological environment, including geohazards, mineral, energy and water resources. To provide timely geoscience data, information and knowledge to address the developmental priorities of the Nation. Our public activities support evidence-based decision- making and build effective public capacity in the geosciences. We build and maintain national geoscience infrastructure with qualified professionals Our applied geoscience research is world-class, locally relevant, and responsive to the most important challenges facing our society.

12 The Values  We work together as a team across functions to solve problems, develop novel ideas that create new value for our stakeholders and improve the organizational performance of the CGS.  Our targets are challenging yet realistic and we take ownership of our personal actions and work commitments. We hold ourselves personally accountable for achieving results.  We consistently provide prompt and courteous service to our external and internal customers and stakeholders.  Our focus is excellence and continuous improvement in everything we do.  We strive for a diverse workplace by incorporating the contributions of people from a wide variety of backgrounds, promoting an inclusive culture and demonstrating respect for the individual.  We ensure the professional development and personal wellbeing our staff in a learning organisation.

13 Strategy

14 CGS Strategic Objectives To generate revenue To manage overhead efficiency To address stakeholder needs To effectively promote the CGS and disseminate strategic information to the public To develop and implement effective policies and procedures To drive preferential procurement

15 To attract and retain a skilled workforce To enhance present levels of excellence To build a positive organizational culture To reflect and embrace South Africa’s diversity CGS Strategic Objectives (cont.)

16 Five-year Goals Strategic outcome-oriented goals of the CGS Employees view the CGS as an attractive career opportunity The CGS is responsive to the developmental needs of the country and is recognized among global leaders in the geological field because of its commitment to excellence The CGS is a financially viable and structurally robust organization catering for all stakeholders and utilizing multiple revenue streams

17 Critical Success Factors A repositioned organisation with a structure that supports its strategy An integrated approach to service delivery Appropriate financial backing Improved global economic environment A workable balance between statutory and contract research work Adequate and competent scientists A happy workforce (high staff morale) The transfer of knowledge, skills and expertise to young scientists The retention of experienced scientists A strategic place/brand within the national priorities framework.

18 Key Challenges Declining contract revenue Inadequate statutory funding Ageing infrastructure Continuing with Transformation Refocusing and aligning the organization to address SA’s developmental challenges Implementation of the Geoscience Amendment Act (Act No. 16 of 2010)

19 Budgets for the MTEF period 2013/14- 2016/17

20 ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE PERIOD 2013/14 TO 2016/17 INCOME (RANDS) 2013/14 Budget x 1000 2014/15 Budget x 1000 2015/16 Budget x 1000 2016/17 Budget x 1000 Government grant 271 232287 839309 114336 102 Sales and contracts 79 86087 84696 630106 218 Sundry income 2 8943 0393 1913 350 TOTAL INCOME - A 353 986378 724408 935445 670 EXPENDITURE Personnel costs 162 289172 787186 148206 978 Bursaries 2 0902 3002 5302 783 Commercial project costs 39 93739 53143 48447 832 Overheads and operating costs 128 170137 106137 623148 724 SUBTOTAL - B 332 486351 724369 785406 317 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE Equipment - Acquisitions 1 5002 00010 00012 000 Land and buildings 20 00025 00029 15027 353 SUBTOTAL 21 50027 00039 15039 353 TOTAL EXPENDITURE = B 353 986378 724408 935445 670 Surplus (Loss) ----- * Balance Sheet Budgets for the period 2013/14 to 2016/17

21 ANALYSIS OF GOVERNMENT GRANT ALLOCATION FOR 2013/14 TO 2016/17 ITEM2013/14 R 2014/15 R 2015/16 R 2016/17 R Baseline allocation 154.7m156.0m171.3m192.0m Water Ingress Project 26.5m21.8m22.8m23.8m Total Government Grant 181.2m177.8m194.1m215.8m Derelict and Ownerless Mines Project 20m 20.9m21.9m Additional Funding (MTEF proposals) - Stimulation of investment in the Mineral Sector50m65m68m71.1m - Building & infrastructure (AC)20m25m26.1m27.3m Total Government Grant271.2m287.8m309.1m336.1m Government Grant Allocation for the period 2013/14 to 2016/17

22 CGS BUDGET – GOVERNMENT BASELINE GRANT ALLOCATION VS. PERSONNEL COSTS R’000 Budget 2013/2014 Budget 2014/2015 Budget 2015/2016 Budget 2016/2017 Government grant154 711156 087171 301191 950 Personnel Costs(162 289)(172 787)(186 148)(206 978) Funds for Operational Costs( 7 578)(16 700)(14 847)(15 028) Government Baseline Grant Allocation vs Personnel Costs

23 Strategic Performance Objectives and Targets

24 Economic / Financial Growth Key ObjectivesMeasuresTarget 2014/15Target 2015/16Target 2016/17 To generate Revenue Total revenue (Rands) R378,8mR408,9mR443,5m Contract revenue (Rands) R87,9mR96,6mR106,3m Ratio of external revenue to total revenue 24%24,4%24,7% Number of large tenders submitted (>R1m) 24 Tender success rate10%15%20% To manage overhead efficiency Ratio of overheads to total cost 60% Ratio of personnel cost to total cost 59%55%

25 Stake Holder / Customer Perspective Key ObjectivesMeasures Target 2014/15 Target 2015/16 Target 2016/17 To contribute towards South Africa’s economic growth and serve stakeholders No. of Geoscience Maps and Publications published 182025 Customer satisfaction level85% No. of Rural Development Project reports completed 14 18 No. of Regional and African Development Project reports completed 272818 No. of Environment-Related Projects reports completed 8915 No. of Innovation Project Reports completed 235 Annual Technical Programme performance index 85% To integrate the Mine Seismic Network into National Network Number of stations installed 10

26 Stake Holder / Customer Perspective Key ObjectivesMeasures Target 2014/15 Target 2015/16 Target 2016/17 To promote the CGS and disseminate information Articles published in the popular press222 Articles published in industry publications 444

27 Effective Systems Perspective Key ObjectivesMeasures Target 2014/15 Target 2015/16 Target 2016/17 To develop and implement effective polices and procedures Number of audit qualifications 000 Number of policies written and/or reviewed 710 To drive Preferential procurement Preferential procurement as a % of total procurement 40%

28 World-class People Perspective Key Objectives Measures Target 2014/15 Target 2015/16 Target 2016/17 To attract and retain a skilled workforce Nett staff turnover0% No. of staff funded for MSc and PhD degrees 3540 Proportion of scientists to total staff 50% % of scientific staff with PhD and MSc degrees 60% % Protégée satisfaction level 60% 70% To enhance present levels of excellence No. of papers and articles published 707585 No. of projects with external collaborators 5560 No. of strategic science partnerships 2225

29 World-class People Perspective (cont.) Key ObjectivesMeasuresTarget 2014/15Target 2015/16Target 2016/17 To build positive organisational culture Staff satisfaction level 65% 70% To reflect and embrace RSA diversity EE Stats (Consolidated) W:B ratio 32:6830:7028:72 EE Stats (Gender) (M:F) 54:4653:4752:48

30 Key Programmes and Priorities for Action

31 Geological maps provide the basic information for a range of applications including mineral exploration and hydrogeological, engineering, environmental (including climate change and geohazard) investigations and natural science research. Geoscience Mapping

32 Modern Mapping Aids

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