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1 Creation of Collaborative Partnerships and Knowledge Sharing Platforms to advance growth and development in the City Zukiswa Ncunyana SED: Research and.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Creation of Collaborative Partnerships and Knowledge Sharing Platforms to advance growth and development in the City Zukiswa Ncunyana SED: Research and."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Creation of Collaborative Partnerships and Knowledge Sharing Platforms to advance growth and development in the City Zukiswa Ncunyana SED: Research and Innovation City of Tshwane 03 December 2015 CSIR Knowledge Commons

2 Role of Open Innovation in Cities Tshwane Case Studies 50 % of the world’s population lives in Cities – projected unprecedented levels by 2030 to 60%. Cities built over the past 100 years are not sustainable; a contaminated environment not conducive for people to live ( e.g, increasing levels of unemployment, spatial divide, high transport costs, inadequate infrastructure, diminishing natural resources etc.) Cities are engines for economic growth and social development. Cities are considered to be the locus for achievement for many developmental goals. Cities are spaces for interaction – inflows and outflows of people therefore knowledge exchanges. Solutions do not lie with government but everybody in the system.

3 The city we are constructing is a city with opportunities. Tshwane Case Studies In 2055, the City of Tshwane is liveable, resilient and inclusive whose citizens enjoy a high quality of life, have access to social, economic and enhanced political freedoms and where citizens are partners in the development of the African Capital City of excellence.

4 Vision 2055 Outcomes Outcome 1: A resilient and resource efficient City Outcome 2: A growing economy that is inclusive, diversified and competitive Outcome 3: A City with quality infrastructure development that supports liveable communities Outcome 4: An equitable City that supports happiness, social cohesion, safety and healthy citizens Outcome 5: An African Capital City that promotes excellence and innovative governance solutions Outcome 6: South Africa’s Capital with an activist citizenry that is engaging, aware of their rights and presents themselves as partners in tackling societal challenges 4

5 Levers for remaking the City of Tshwane Embracing a new age of Pan-Africanism Leading the development of a collaborative Gauteng City Region Creating a better life for the people of Tshwane Consolidating our intellectual and innovation capacity City of Tshwane 5

6 6 To provide platforms for collaboration, facilitation, coordination in research, innovation, quality and knowledge management initiatives ensuring that services are delivered in an efficient and effective manner and thus citizens enjoying a high quality of life in the City of Tshwane Research Advance municipal research and development to support long-term planning, strategy and policy through collaborative research partnerships Knowledge Management Enhance municipal capacity through institutionalizing knowledge management practices within the City of Tshwane Quality Assurance Improve the efficiencies and effectiveness of City of Tshwane in delivering services through the Quality Management System Continuous Improvement Continuously Improve business value-add to customers and citizens through strategic re- engineering and optimisation of end- to-end value chain processes Innovation Centre Drive and stimulate Innovation in the City thus establishing new value chains, products and service through targeted innovation programs Role of Research and Innovation towards Vision 2055

7 7 Areas of Focus: Green Economy Water Resource Management Spatial Transformation Agronomy Knowledge Economy Approved CoT Municipal

8 Creating a local innovation system… Community Retirees Suppliers Universities Consultants Universities Large Corporates Small entrepreneurial companies Private Laboratories University Technology Transfer Offices Individuals OI - Partners NationalLabs Research Institutes Non-profits Dept./Divisions Business Development Research Center Research Center Other Slide developed by RIIS Tshwane Innovation Portal Tshwane Innovation Zone Open Solution Exchange Tshwane Research Symposium and Networks

9 Making it Work! – Identifying Collaborative Partnerships 9 Governments must advance new organisational structures and leverage partnerships to enhance approaches and tools, share risk and harness available information and resources for innovation. (OECD, Innovating the Public Sector: from ideas to impact: Action 3 – Working together solves problems)

10 10 Advance municipal research and development and policy foresight in the Capital City Harmonize research and knowledge creation in areas of priority for the municipality Develop evidence-based solutions and best practices to enhance institutional capacity of the City to deliver services efficiently and effectively Providing Technical Assistance and Support Rationale for collaborative partnerships & knowledge sharing platforms

11 11 Objectives: Foster strategic partnerships on various thematic areas Facilitate creation and sharing of knowledge, lessons learned and good practices to advance development in CoT Build capacity, provide support, and strategic advice in the implementation of policies, programmes and initiatives 2015 Resolutions: Establishment of thematic networks Formation of Advisory Panel Tshwane Research Symposium

12 12 Flagship championed by CoT in collaboration with CSIR Overview Water is a critical resource necessary for sustainable socio- economic development and growth SA is a water stressed country, characterized by low rainfall, limited underground aquifers, and increasingly dependent on water sources outside its borders Country faces a growing gap between water supply and demand Tshwane Water Resources Management Network

13 13 Overview Effects of climate change are beginning to exacerbate the problem significantly Addressing water issues requires a collaborative effort between CoT and key water stakeholders hence the establishment of the network Tshwane Water Resources Management Network

14 14 Facilitate creation and exchange of knowledge to unpack City’s water resource management challenges. Provide strategic advice and support on: Pertinent water issues & develop solutions Implementation of City’s Water Conservation & Water Demand Management Strategy Benchmarking studies and adoption of best practices. Influence policy development and implementation. Identify possible projects to be implemented in short-medium and medium-long term. Aims and Objectives of the Network

15 Thank You 15

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