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RPC Design Studies Gabriel Stoicea, NIPNE-HH, Bucharest CBM Software Week GSI-Darmstadt May 10, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "RPC Design Studies Gabriel Stoicea, NIPNE-HH, Bucharest CBM Software Week GSI-Darmstadt May 10, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 RPC Design Studies Gabriel Stoicea, NIPNE-HH, Bucharest CBM Software Week GSI-Darmstadt May 10, 2004

2 Outline Using CBM VMC for TOF simulations Geometry corrections TOF hits distribution and densities New TOF structure and shape? Summary

3 Using CBM VMC wrong rotation direction for TOF modules define each module with a symmetric RPC structure with 4 gaps: Al plate - 2mm gas gap - 0.3 mm glass - 1mm gas gap - 0.3 mm glass - 1mm printed circuit - composed from two copper foils and G10 (stesalit) in between - 1mm geometry corrections new material added to materials file - G10 (stesalit) Starting with TOFgeom.v03_v10.nml Using UrQMD like event generator (central Au+Au collisions at 25 AGeV), magnetic field on and STS & TRDs in front of TOF

4 Example trying to get hits distribution in xy plane: not corrected after correction 20 central events Au+Au at 25 AGev

5 TOF hits distribution Hits distribution in a xy plane at 10 m from the interaction point central Au + Au reactions at 25 AGeV (100 events) all charged particles

6 TOF hits densities Emission angle [mrad] area [m 2 ] N [hits/cm 2 /event] 50 0.53 0.79 x 10 -2 100 3.56 0.58 x 10 -2 200 14.64 0.23 x 10 -2 300 25.64 0.083 x 10 -2 400 39.19 0.037 x 10 -2 500 56.21 0.015 x 10 -2 Hit densities and detector areas for different emission angles. The hit density is calculated for central Au+Au at 25 AGeV. The areas are calculated assuming an elliptical shape which takes in account the deflection of charged particles in horizontal direction. Due to the large surface of the TOF (~140 m 2 ) it is unrealistic to buildTOF detector from single cell RPCs (complexity, price, dead zones). For outer regions not closed to the beam we can use strip readout RPCs. New geometry?

7 New TOF shape ? For ~9 m on horizontal direction and for a counter of about 1 m we have an angle of ~6.37 deg. and the total number of sectors is ~56 for full azimuthal covering. Outer wall poligonal structure built from strip readout RPCs. Inner wall - single cells. Overlap between modules in a given sector.

8 Summary real simulations -> event generator - magnetic field - all detectors in front of TOF, in CBM VMC environment function of distance & geometric efficiency -> size of the detectors + counting rate performance -> module size new TOF structure? - poligonal shape with an inner wall of single cell RPCs and an outer wall of strip readout RPCs starting to work at TOF Digitizer

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