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Problem of the Day 1.) Graph triangle ABC

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1 Problem of the Day 1.) Graph triangle ABC
A (-1, 2), B (-2, 5), and C (3, -1) 2) Reflect ABCD over the y axis and draw A’B’C’ 3) Translate A’B’C’ right 3 and down 7. 4) What are the coordinates of A”B”C”?

2 4. no 10. 12. 14. 16. 24. 6. yes 8.yes 18. BCDEHIKOX 20. y axis
Homework Answers: 4. no 6. yes 8.yes 18. BCDEHIKOX 20. y axis 22. x axis 26. (−x, −y) 28. (y, x) 24.


4 C II I III IV Each quadrant = 90˚
COUNTER-CLOCKWISE goes in the order of the quadrants CLOCKWISE goes the direction clock hands move C II I Each quadrant = 90˚ III IV


6 Example 2

7 Lets get some rules for ROTATIONS
Flip paper upside down. Coordinates become (-x,-y) When an object rotates 180˚ _______________________________________________ Example: Rotate Z (-2, 3) 180˚ about the origin __________ When rotating 90˚ COUNTERclockwise__________________________________ _________________________________ Example: Rotate Z (-2, 3) 90˚ counterclockwise about the origin __________ When rotating 90˚ clockwise__________________________________ Example: Rotate Z (-2, 3) 90˚ clockwise about the origin__________ Rotate paper CLOCKWISE. Coordinates become (-y,x) Rotate paper counter-clockwise. Coordinates become (y,-x)

8 Exit Ticket 1.) Graph triangle ABCD A (-6, 5), B (-4, 1), and C (0, 2)
2) Rotate ABC 90˚ counterclockwise about the origin. Draw A’B’C’ 3) What are the new coordinates?

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