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Interoperability Testing for RFCs 3279 and 3280 Tim Polk

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1 Interoperability Testing for RFCs 3279 and 3280 Tim Polk

2 Scope Verify that two implementations can correctly generate each of the features in the certificates and CRLs Verify that two implementations correctly process path validation features Note: application handling of features (e.g., extended key usage or otherName) is out of scope

3 Generation Testing Generation testing for certificates and CRLs is nearly complete –90% of features have been confirmed –Need volunteers for certain features Open issues –DSA parameter inheritance, Diffie-Hellman, EC cryptography, and Delta CRLs If we can’t find examples, we will have to remove them as we progress!!!

4 Path Validation Tests Path validation tests are published –221 tests available in beta Three known implementations currently undergoing testing –Expecting Delta CRLs to present “issues” Tests available at

5 Credits & Contacts Jim Schaad developed the initial matrix Chris Brown (NIST) managing generation testing – NIST & DigitalNet developed path validation test suite –NIST contact is –Email list for test suite –Subscription process at

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