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“Do Not Flush your Life away” You have heard the update of where we are with the Pubs…now the next steps….

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Presentation on theme: "“Do Not Flush your Life away” You have heard the update of where we are with the Pubs…now the next steps…."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Do Not Flush your Life away” You have heard the update of where we are with the Pubs…now the next steps….

2 Lets recap What is this project about? Aware --Knows there is help Access – Knows how to get help Avail – Knows needs to get help

3 This year… To approach (via St Austell Brewery) local and regional sports organizations for support and adoption To disseminate across all GP practices possibly via adoption through KCCG - Started! Approach RCHT, fire services, job centres LGBTQ groups Devon and Cornwall Police - Thanks Mark Bolt

4 Project idea dissemination To engage NHS and councils across south west to support this initiative A similar strategy in Ladies cubicles about identifying problems in their male partners with advertising behind the door could be used

5 Now we become ambitious! How can local initiatives have more impact? January next year – a new string to the bow! Local issues have a resonance with the local population Can local celebrities have an impact? Should posters be designed with local celebrities proposing the mental health and safety message?

6 Can celebrities have an impact?

7 Does celebrity involvement in public health campaigns deliver benefit? 10.1136/bmj.e6364 Vs. 10.1136/bmj.e6362 6 years research 29 322 news items Celebrities 6%, people experiencing disease or injury 60%, experts and health workers 50%, politicians 49% Kylie effect – mammograms versus false positive effects Jamie Oliver school meals campaign “what would they know?” reaction

8 It depends on what is being advertised and how! is just one strategy and needs to be flexible – Shane Warne lighting up! to produce sustainable, equitable outcomes we need a wider multi- strategy approach a short term boost to campaigns bringing together the lobbying power of ordinary people is important Recognise the importance of Celebrity supported Campaign versus Celebrity led campaign So how do we do it?

9 The cunning plan To have a Cornwall wide competition ‘tweet sized messages/slogans ’ i.e. maximum allowed 120 -130 characters The theme is on male, mental health and suicide catchy and suitable to attract attention when posted over urinals - Aware Access Avail A panel of judges would shortlist the entries Participating celebrities would be invited to adopt/endorse a slogan which would then be created into a poster to put over urinals and toilets Brings messages from the public, for the public Serves the dual function of subliminally impacting on both public awareness and possibly reduction of stigma Schools, local colleges, other organizations could be actively involved in the competition Unique opportunity to be creative i.e. advertise a link to a brief self administration questionnaire for depression ….to make self aware/aid consultation

10 How do we plan to achieve it? The January BBC phone in is to be specifically on suicide risk of middle age men in Cornwall A recent BBC call out on the idea of celebrities promoting mental health has been received well by the public at large. Many suggestions have been made on the potential celebrities suitable Tweets by Laurence Reed has already attracted celebrity interest

11 Collaboration is key BBC Cornwall to help create a list of potential celebrities who are well recognised local faces to approach Public Health to discuss with Samaritans and CALM around adopting their helpline number and logos onto the locally developed posters A letter to be drafted on behalf of the consortium after agreement between partners to explain the project and to invite the celebrity and their expected role Rules of the contest and judge panel – Should include a wide range of people including people with lived experience and if appropriate interested family members (this would send out a strong message) Samaritans and CALM to feedback on poster development St Austell Brewery to help in development of posters and dissemination

12 Feedback The number of entries into the contest Celebrity uptake and promotion Feedback via BBC Cornwall Dissemination and uptake of the project across the country Social Media and main stream Media uptake Did it make a difference at an individual level – case studies

13 The Zero Suicide Collaborative Please ….. Don’t flush large items down the toilet (Your life, happiness, hopes, dreams or your goldfish) Thanks!

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