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FIRST TASK Pick up notetaking guide from tray area. Answer the question at the top of the page.

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2 FIRST TASK Pick up notetaking guide from tray area. Answer the question at the top of the page.

3 TYPES OF BLOOD VESSELS  1. Arteries  Thick, muscular walls  Carry blood AWAY from the heart to the tissues of the body  1. Arteries  Thick, muscular walls  Carry blood AWAY from the heart to the tissues of the body

4 2. Capillaries Walls only 1 cell thick which allows materials to diffuse easily - every cell is near a capillary Smallest blood vessels 2. Capillaries Walls only 1 cell thick which allows materials to diffuse easily - every cell is near a capillary Smallest blood vessels

5 3. Veins –R–Return blood to heart –C–Contain valves to keep blood flowing in one direction –C–Contracting skeletal muscle helps push blood through veins

6 CIRCULATORY DISORDERS  High Blood Pressure  Blood pressure is caused by the force of blood on the walls of the arteries’ walls Systolic Pressure - number when heart contracts Diastolic Pressure - number when heart relaxes Normal: 120/80

7  High Blood Pressure = Hypertension  Heart must work harder  Increased risk of heart attack and stroke

8  Artherosclerosis  Fatty deposits called plaque build up on the walls of the arteries  Plaque obstructs the flow of blood  Increased risk of blood clots

9 HH eart Attack CC oronary (heart) arteries become blocked which deprives the heart of oxygen LL ack of oxygen causes the heart muscle to die

10  Symptoms of Heart Attack  Severe chest pain  Shortness of breath  Nausea  Pain in jaw or arm

11  Stroke  Lack of blood to the brain  Caused by a clot that blocks an artery leading to the brain or…  Caused by an aneurysm (burst blood vessel)

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