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How many base pairs (BP) long is each of the fragments (bands) in “your” gel? Pick an actual gel Develop, justify, and use a method Save the data “LAB.

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Presentation on theme: "How many base pairs (BP) long is each of the fragments (bands) in “your” gel? Pick an actual gel Develop, justify, and use a method Save the data “LAB."— Presentation transcript:

1 How many base pairs (BP) long is each of the fragments (bands) in “your” gel? Pick an actual gel Develop, justify, and use a method Save the data “LAB REPORT”: Write a paragraph or two about this.

2 How many base pairs (BP) long is each of the fragments (bands) in “your” gel? Use the same actual gel Use Loggerpro “Gel Analysis” How do the values compare with your first set? Which is more accurate and why? Save the data “LAB REPORT”: Write several paragraphs about this.

3 How do “your” results, for fragment length, compare to results from an ideal gel. Use the ideal gel and Loggerpro How do the numbers compare? Which is more accurate (what’s wrong with ours?) and why? Save the data “LAB REPORT”: Write several paragraphs about this.

4 “LAB REPORT” Introduction (hook, brief synopsis of procedures, appropriate embellishments) 1-2 paragraphs about the method you developed and results (numbers!) obtained. SLIDE 1 Several paragraphs about using Loggerpro and the results (numbers!). SLIDE 2 Several paragraphs about comparing “your” gel to the ideal gel (numbers!). SLIDE 3 Conclusion: tie it all together (include relevance/application of gel electrophoresis). BONUS (the difference between an A and an A+): Explore and explain the mathematical relationship between # of BP and migration distance (why did L-p use such a weird y axis scale?)

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