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Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) FQ15237 SIX (6) TIE BREAKER STATIONS UPGRADE ORANGE AND BLUE LINES VA, DC AND MD Pre-Bid Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) FQ15237 SIX (6) TIE BREAKER STATIONS UPGRADE ORANGE AND BLUE LINES VA, DC AND MD Pre-Bid Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) FQ15237 SIX (6) TIE BREAKER STATIONS UPGRADE ORANGE AND BLUE LINES VA, DC AND MD Pre-Bid Conference 1

2 Opening Remarks Silence all Cell phones and pagers This presentation and attendee log will be provided on website Safety Tip: “ ” Don’t go to work half-dressed. Wear PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT ” 2

3 Introduction of WMATA Personnel Guzel Gufranova, PRMT – Contract Administrator Kelly Reahl – IRPM Project Manager Alexandria Zimar – IRPM Project Manager Tinuade S. Akinshola, DBE – Compliance Specialist IRPM –Infrastructure Renewal Program Management DBE – Disadvantage Business Enterprise PRMT – Office of Procurement and Materials 3

4 Purpose The purpose of the conference will be to provide and overview of the project, technical and contractual requirements, answer questions regarding the solicitation documents. After today’s conference, if you have additional questions, they must be received via electronic mail to (See “Explanation to Offeror under SOLICITATION INSTRUCTIONS”, p.19 of Volume 1 and p.6 of IFB Letter). Not later than 5 business days prior to bid opening 4

5 Purpose To promote a common understanding of: –Authority’s requirements in Volume 1 – 3 –Solicitation Instructions (Volume 1) To provide answers to questions regarding the IFB 5

6 The Pre-Bid Conference is for information purposes only. It may answer some Bidders’ questions. Statements or representations made during the Conference are not legally binding. Changes resulting from this Conference are official only if issued through an Amendment to the IFB. Disclaimer Regarding Changes to the Solicitation 6

7 WMATA solicitations are publicized at 7

8 BIDDING MATERIAL BIDDING MATERIAL (p.18 Invitation for Bids)  Bid Form  Representations and Certifications  Unit Price Schedule  Bid Bond  Appendix B: Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Forms One (1) hard copy (p.21). Sealed envelope. Proposals may be received prior to, but no later than 2:00 PM, November 4, 2015 AWARD OF CONTRACT (p.23): Award of Contract will be made to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. 8

9 The outside of the envelope shall show: The outside of the envelope shall show: - THE AMENDMENTS RECEIVED. Failure to acknowledge all amendments may cause the Bid to be considered not responsive. (p.33) - VIRGINIA REGISTRATION NUMBER (p.33, p. 29) - HOUR and DATE specified in the IFB for receipt, the IFB number, and the full legal name and address of the Bidder on the face of the envelope (p.21) 9

10 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) 18.5%. Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) 18.5%. $500,000 or more for a construction contract. P.240. Submit complete schedule of DBE participation and Letters of Intent. All DBEs must have current WMATA DBE certifications. Representations and Certifications Representations and Certifications – Complete all blocks/boxes and sign where required, p.35-43 Bid Form Bid Form – sign manually, acknowledge receipt of all amendments, p.33-34 Unit Price Schedules Unit Price Schedules: Base – Six TBS. Option 1 – Spare Parts. Contract :Total Bid Price (Base plus Option 1). P. 44-47. Bid Bond: Bid Bond: 5% of the Bid Price. More on p.52-53 Bid Guarantee 10

11 Disadvantaged Business Enterprises It is the policy of WMATA, the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and the U.S. Department of Transportation (US DOT) that Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE’s) shall have an equal opportunity to receive and participate in performing federally -assisted contracts, including contractors and subcontractors at any tier. 11

12 AWARD Apparent Low Bidder submits Pre- Award Information after Bid Opening p.24. Don’t submit with Bid. 5 calendar days after bid opening. WMATA will have 90 calendar days to award the Contract p.29 12

13 Period of Performance K06TB2 Greenwich Street and K07TB2 Prosperity Avenue: by June 30, 2016. Final work completion – NTP + 495 days. Pp.138 13

14 Schedule SCHEDULE EVENTDATE IFB ReleaseOctober 9, 2015 Pre-Bid ConferenceOctober 20, 2015 Site Visit October 20, 2015 Bid Due Date November 4, 2015 Contract ExecutionJanuary 4, 2016 Dates Subject to Change 14

15 Questions 15

16 Thank you! 16

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