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By: Shayla Pullen CI 350 Section 103 This unit should be taught at the first grade level. During the five day unit, students will learn about the life.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Shayla Pullen CI 350 Section 103 This unit should be taught at the first grade level. During the five day unit, students will learn about the life."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Shayla Pullen CI 350 Section 103 This unit should be taught at the first grade level. During the five day unit, students will learn about the life cycle of a butterfly. Each day the class will focus on a particular phase of the life cycle.

2 What will be covered in the Butterfly Unit? Monday-The egg Tuesday-Caterpillar Wednesday-Chrysalis Thursday-Butterfly Friday-Sequence the life cycle of a butterfly

3 In this unit there will be various materials and technology used to exemplify the life cycle of a butterfly. The children’s book The Very Hungry Caterpillar A video that demonstrates the life cycle of a butterfly. A smart board Coloring pages of each phase Materials and Visuals

4 West Virginia 21 st Century Science Content Standards and Objectives These objectives correlate to the unit plan based on a butterfly’s life cycle. SC.O.1.1.03 (Nature of Science) SC.O.1.2.03 ( Content of Science) CSOs and information found at the WVDE websiteWVDE

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