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Welcome to.

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1 Welcome to










































43 So I Know PhotoShop, Then What?


45 Everything from…

46 to…



49 Next= rules and regulations

50 Soooo… What is Mr. B. like anyway?

51 Identifying Characteristics of Mr. B.  Generally easy to get along with.  Honest.  Good listener.  Doesn’t play favorites.  Supportive.  Randomly explosive at times. Picture taken by my 5 year old son, Spencer.

52 The Rules of The Tech Lab

53 Food and Drink  School Policy this year: Students can have water, but only from enclosed containers.  Don’t like it? Talk to the boss, I am just following rules.

54 Something that really irritates me…  If someone eats in the room and then throws the wrappers on the floor, behind their computer, under their chair.  See: Random explosions.

55 Music  Machines that create music are allowed in the Tech Lab, but only when WORKING on a project.  DO NOT listen to music while Mr. B. is lecturing.  Special words about Music in the Tech Lab.  DO NOT play streaming music from your computer!

56 Funny Movies!  Nope, sorry!  Hogs bandwidth.  Wastes time.  See: Random Explosions.

57 Hats and other headcoverings.  School policy forbids the wearing of a hat on campus this year.  If a student has a hat on in the classroom, it will be confiscated.  Do it twice and the world may end.

58 Cell Phones  I will tolerate Cell Phones in the Tech Lab for music listening purposes.  NO TEXTING, NO FACEBOOKING!  If I ask for your phone, give it to me or face possible suspension.  Taken Cell Phones will be given to Mr. Yaussi and you will need to serve detention to retrieve it.

59 What About Day Planners?  Day Planners are a BIG THING this year. Teachers are expected to use them in EVERY class.  Don’t like it, talk to the boss!

60 Games  Access to computer games in The Tech Lab is strictly prohibited.  Most online games are blocked anyway.  No Solitaire!

61 Email  I do not want people checking their email during class.  If you need to check email, do it from your phone during passing period or here after school.

62 My Computer  DO NOT touch my teacher’s computer without permission!  This is a violation of the code of conduct and you can be expelled!

63 Respecting The Tech Lab  Keep your feet off the desks and chairs.  Please don’t mess with my windchimes, my spider, my iPhone or other stuff without permission.

64 IT’S FREEZING IN HERE!  Yeah, I know, get used to it.  Try wearing a sweater…

65 Starting the Class  At the start of most class periods, I will have a slide up with my instructions for getting started for the day. This will usually have a time limit and will likely involve your Day Planner.  If the class takes longer to get prepared than the time limit, I will keep everyone after class to compensate.

66 Late Work  Work turned in late or missed because of an unexcused absence will receive a score of 0.  If you need help or more time on an assignment, SEE ME before it is due!

67 Turning in Assignments  All Work will be submitted via the Network DROPBOX Folder  Improperly copied or misnamed files will not receive any credit.

68 What should I call my files?  Files are always called the same thing: lastname_assignmentname.doc

69 Am I going to grade everything?  Heck No! Not when we are doing AutoCAD.  I will select random assignments to grade once in a while.  I will be giving “participation grades” every other week.

70 Grading the other units…  Most of the other units, Fireworks, Flash, etc. will be project based work.  This stuff will all be graded. You will do most of it.

71 Grading in the Tech Lab

72 Are there tests?  There will be 2-3 quizzes in AutoCAD to cover the material.  There are comprehensive finals in Technology at the end of each semester.

73 How does Mr. B. teach?  I don’t. I do not lecture AT ALL in the Technology Lab.  Years of experience has taught me that this is the right thing to do.

74 So how are we gonna learn?

75 Escaping the Tech Lab  Sounds awful? You can transfer out of the class…  But you probably need this class to graduate…  However, you can get out once in awhile…

76 Passes  There will be no Passes given to any students during the first 60 minutes of the class.  After the first 60 minutes of class, students can ask to use a hall pass. IF THEY HAVE THEIR PLANNER!  If you haven’t asked before, I will probably let you go.  If you have, I probably won’t.

77 Passes- continued  Students who refrain from using their Hall Passes for an entire semester will receive consideration at the end of the semester when considering borderline grades.  Students leaving the class on a pass for more than 5 minutes will not be allowed to leave the room for the rest of the semester.


79 Annoying thing number one  Talk when Mr. B. is talking, especially if he is giving a lecture.  This will quickly lead to Random Explosions.

80 Annoying Thing Number Two  Throwing out some lousy work in 3 minutes then saying….  “I’m done! I’m done! I’m done!” and thinking you can goof off the rest of the week.

81 REALLY BAD THING #1  Accessing inappropriate material on the Internet is forbidden. This includes: Any images of clothing (or lack thereof) that violate the school dress code. Any sites related to violence, guns, alcohol or drugs, unless specifically connected to a school assignment.

82 Which is school appropriate?




86 REALLY BAD THING #2  Using the computer to intimidate or harass others.  This can include use of your personal computer at home.

87 REALLY BAD THING #3  Damaging or vandalizing any of the school’s computers or technological equipment.

88 Expect some discipline…

89 Discipline in the Tech Lab consists of FIVE Steps:

90 Step ONE  The Corner Computer.

91 Step TWO  You get to go sit in the hallway (new school policy)

92 Step THREE  Long, boring writing assignments that must be completed instead of the regular class assignments.

93 Step FOUR  Meeting with your parents, Mr. Yaussi, etc…

94 All Along the Way…  Infinite Campus now has a Discipline Tab, that your parents can see…

95 What about etc.?

96 The “G” Word and its friends and relatives

97 Visitors  I hate having your friends in as visitors during class.  See: Random Explosions.

98 “The Chair”  In honor of Destin Towse.  Given, on occasion, to the person that has been working hardest for the last week.  That person gets to keep the chair for the rest of the week.  If it isn’t yours, don’t sit in it!

99 Using The Tech Lab  No students will be allowed to access The Tech Lab before school, I am not a morning person.  Tech Lab can be accessed during Mr. B’s planning periods with permission.  The Tech Lab will be available after school for Open Computer Use.

100 Logging onto the School’s Network  Username= Firstname.Lastname  Password= M/DD/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY (date must be two numbers)  Temporary login for new students= User= techlab, pwd= huskies

101 Now that you have logged in….  Go find the class website:  All class assignments will be listed each day on the class website.



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