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By Narumon Rodniam, Rujroad Kaewurai, Wareerat Kaewuri, Department.

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Presentation on theme: "By Narumon Rodniam, Rujroad Kaewurai, Wareerat Kaewuri, Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Narumon Rodniam, e-mail : Rujroad Kaewurai, e-mail : Wareerat Kaewuri, e-mail : Department of Education Technology and Communication. Faculty of Education, Naraesuan University, Thailand. January 14, 2011 Research-Based Blended Learning to Encourage the students’ Scientific Mind.


3 F2F Teaching/ Learning F2F Teaching/ Learning Online Learning Methods / Learning strategies, Media & Resources, Communication & Interaction Social Support. Methods / Learning strategies, Media & Resources, Communication & Interaction Social Support. Blended Learning is combinations of face-to-face (F2F) and online learning (media technology and internet-based learning), which is a flexible approach to meet the needs of individual students for that more effectively facilitate student learning. (Osguthorpe & Graham, 2003; Thorn, 2003; Bersin, J., 2004; Olapiriyakul & Scher, 2006 ; Garrison and Vaughan, 2008) Young (2002) concludes that it is the single greatest unrecognized trend in higher education today”.

4 Research Teaching and Learning RBL Research-Based Learning is a variety of learning and teaching strategies that link with the research, teaching and learning. It includes of the using as follows:. research outcomes research-process research tools. research context The researches are created to develop the teaching and learning. (Blackmore & Fraser, 2007, Healey,2005a,) Research Outcomes Research Tools Research Process Research Context

5 Inquiring Creativity Collaboration Rationality Open-minded Scrupulosity Responsibility Persistence Honesty Better human behavior is on learning development with his/her scientific mind.

6 Garrison and Vaughan state that, “there is no one formula for designing blended courses; in fact, blended learning designs vary widely depending on the nature of the course content, the audience or students, the goals of the course, the instructor, and the technology available ” (2008). The results of this research can be seen that the BL model which is the result of the RBL and the scientific mind. It is clearly enhance the students’ education. And It is better clearly understand how this research can be balance and harmonize the development of teaching and learning. From the idea of Garrison and Vaughan, then we need to develop a better BL model using RBL to encourage the students’ scientific mind. Significance of the research. BL Model RBL SM

7  to compare the score of the students’ scientific mind before learning through the developed model and after learning.  to study students’ opinion towards the developed model. to test the developed blended learning model and study the effects of using the model. to create a blended learning model using research-based learning to encourage the students’ scientific mind, and examine its quality. A development of blended learning model using research-based learning to encourage the scientific mind for undergraduate students.

8 Goals. Scientific Mind 9 Components : 1) inquiring, 2) creativity, 3) collaboration, 4) rationality, 5) open-minded, 6) scrupulosity, 7) responsibility 8) persistence, 9) honesty. Figure 1: A concept framework of Blended Learning model using Research-Based Learning (RBL) to encourage the students’ Scientific Mind. (RBBL-SM)

9 MethodologyR&DMethodologyR&D  Creating a blended learning model and examine its quality.  Testing on the developed model and studying on the effects of using the model.

10 Researcher analyzed and synthesized the concepts, principles, theories, and research study concerning existing Blended Learning, Research-Based Learning, and the Scientific Mind, to set concept framework The researcher take summary and comment for improving the BL model to use next step. Data was analyzed by mean ( ) and standard deviation (S.D.) for analyze the quantitative, and content analysis was used for analyze the qualitative. The researcher gathered the data by using questionnaire and individual depth interviews Gathering data by observing, interviewing, tracking from the social network and learning logs, and summarize of after-action review (AAR). The researcher gathered the data by using questionnaire and individual depth interviews Gathering data by observing, interviewing, tracking from the social network and learning logs, and summarize of after-action review (AAR). Created blended learning model using research-based learning for encourage the scientific mind Created tools for using the model The developed model was reviewed and evaluated by 8 experts, whom were chosen by selected sampling. (Criteria consideration ≥ 3.51 and S.D < 1 otherwise, we need to do improvement the model) The model that was tried out by fifty of 3 rd year students who enrolled in the Computer Teaching Behavior Course during the second semester of the academic year 2009, the Faculty of Education, Naraesuan University

11 Evaluation form for RBBL-SM model 1.Oriented of RBBL model -Significant of model -Theory -Principles -Objective Comments and suggestions further. 2. Process of RBBL model - Syntax/ Phrase - Social system 2. Application The researcher gathered data by using a questionnaire and individual depth interviews on 8 experts. The quantitative data was analyzed by mean ( ) and standard deviation (S.D), and the qualitative data was analyzed by content analysis. The researcher gathered data by using a questionnaire and individual depth interviews on 8 experts. The quantitative data was analyzed by mean ( ) and standard deviation (S.D), and the qualitative data was analyzed by content analysis.

12 The model was try out on 50 student, from the faculty of education, Naraesuan University. Action-research approach was used for tryout, the researcher gathered data by observing, interviewing, tracking from the social network and learning logs, and summarize after-action review (AAR). Action Research.. Observe  Reflect  Plan  Action .. Action Research.. Observe  Reflect  Plan  Action ..

13 Before Teaching During Teaching After Teaching Revision Narumon Rodniam (Teacher) RecorderSignature. Memorable form Plan …… Activity…………………………….date……………

14 Goal Hypothesis / Planning Test / Gathering Analysis (Student / Researcher) Recorder Signature. Learning logs (via blog) Plan …… Activity…………………………….date…………… Summary Application

15 Step2 : Testing on the developed model and studying on the effects of using the model. The sampling group was forty of 4 th year students who enrolled in the e-Media Design Development Course during the first semester of the academic year 2010, the Faculty of Education, Naraesuan University. They were chosen by selected sampling method.

16 The quantitative data were analyzed by using t-test dependent sample, an efficiency index (E.I), and the effect size. For the qualitative data were analyzed by using content analysis. The quantitative data were analyzed by using t-test dependent sample, an efficiency index (E.I), and the effect size. For the qualitative data were analyzed by using content analysis. Research design : One Group Pretest – Posttest Design (Cohen, Manion, and Morrison, 2003) 1.Pre-test by the Scientific mind measurement. 2. An implementation of model for 16 weeks, which online learning via multiply social network at and F2F learning., and asked for students’ opinions. 3. Post-test : the Scientific mind measurement. 1.Pre-test by the Scientific mind measurement. 2. An implementation of model for 16 weeks, which online learning via multiply social network at and F2F learning., and asked for students’ opinions. 3. Post-test : the Scientific mind measurement. Gathering data by using a scientific mind test, which was a five- point, Likert - type rating scale questionnaire, and it has reliability of 0.89, and student’s opinion was gathering by interviewing, learning logs and record after-action review (AAR). Gathering data by using a scientific mind test, which was a five- point, Likert - type rating scale questionnaire, and it has reliability of 0.89, and student’s opinion was gathering by interviewing, learning logs and record after-action review (AAR).

17 A scientific mind test for pretest and post-test, which was a five-point, Likert - type rating scale questionnaire, and it has reliability of 0.89,

18 The researcher gathered data of student’s opinion by interviewing, learning logs, memorable and record after-action review (AAR).


20 Part I : RESULT of the developed model was called “RBBL-SM model” The experts agreed to the quality of the RBBL-SM model in excellent level. ( =4.63, S.D.=0.55) Objectives To encourage a scientific mind : 1) inquiring, 2) creativity, 3) collaboration, 4) rationality, 5) open-minded, 6) scrupulosity, 7) responsibility 8) persistence, 9) honesty. Concepts &Theory Constructivism Theory, Research-Based Learning The Learning Strategies for develop the Scientific mind Blended Learning Principles 1. Focus on problem and activities learning to encourage the Scientific Mind such as metacognitive strategy, active learning, collaborative learning, project learning etc. 2. Collaboration of teacher and learner by using 1) research process, 2) research tools, research outcomes and research context for promoting teaching,learning and Scientific mind. 3. Mix F2F and Online Learning environment. Nurturing Effects The ability of learner in analysis thinking, system thinking, Communication Skills, (Demonstrate written and verbal skills) ICT skills for learning. I : Orientation IV : Learning outcomes Teacher should create plan for BL course level consists of 4 phases : 1)Orientation for RBBL-SM : 1 weeks 2)Practical-Strategies (pre-project) : 6 weeks 3)Project Construction : 7 weeks 4)Evaluation and Report : 2 weeks Learners should participate in orientation and all activities. Institute / Faculty should supports the provision of integrated curriculum, service learning resources and promote fund for research. 1. Preparation 2. Practica l Construct ion 3. Presentation 4. Learning Logs & Sharing RBBL Effects A Scientific Mind was encouraged : 1) inquiring, 2) creativity, 3) collaboration, 4) rationality, 5) open-minded, 6) scrupulosity, 7) responsibility 8) persistence, 9) honesty. II : The Model of Blended Learning process III. Application Problem Significant of model : The essential of learning human development in 21 century by Research-Based Learning, and the use of technology and ICT to support learning. Assessment Problem Analysis & Interpretation Collaboration & Gathering Discussion & Conclusion & Refection 5. Hypothesis & plan Report

21 Detail of a RBBL-SM Process model 1. Preparation 2. Practica l Construct ion 3. Presentation 4. Learning Logs & Sharing 5. Assessment Problem Report Analysis & Interpretation Collaboration & Gathering Discussion & Conclusion & Refection Hypothesis & plan Online support Media & Resources Blog Social Network Google Form Goggle Docs Google Site Wiki YouTube e-Communities e-Research e-Library e-Journal e-Thesis 1.motivator and facilitator 2.mentoring and coaching. 3.moral support &feedback. 4.e-mentoring, e-coaching, e-monitoring & feedback. 5.model and evaluator F2F support Media & Resources Computer PowerPoint. Tool for drill. Classroom Laboratory Library Self-study room Field work place Communities Exhibition room 1. T. Analysis learner ‘s problem 2, T. Design Tasks & Tools 3. T. Develop Activities /Tasks & Tools. 4. L. Read and writing for self-reflection Teacher’s role : 1.Self-goal, self-plan and actively participate. 2.Inquiring and self-monitor.. 3.presenter and self-reflection-evaluation 4.writer and reader,. 5.self-assessment, peer- assessment, teacher- assessment Student’s role : T:L : 1: N, 1:1, 1: N, N:M create a climate of trust and inquiring and curiosity independence in the inquiry knowledge of scientific mind community. support the create of scientific mind community. L:L : 1:1, 1: N, N: M. exchange idea, motivate and moral support, open minded for inquiry knowledge of scientific mind community. 1. T. Motivate and support inquiry. 2, T &L. Review knowledge & Problem. 1.Collaboration to define problem. 2.Hypothesis & planning. 3.Gathering data. 4.Analysis &Interpretation. 5.Discussion & Conclusion. 6.Report 7.Assessment and reflection. 1.Learner present learning outcomes in classroom. 2.Teachers and learners participant for listening and critism 3.Evaluation and Reflection by AAR. 1.Learner record learning outcome in blog and sharing via social network. 2.Learners-Learners-teachers exchange idea, comment and moral support. 1.Learner present the learning logs and portfolios. 2.Teachers and learner participant for reading, comment and moral support. 3.Evaluation and Reflection. Online Support System F 2 F Support System Social System Principles of Reaction

22 Part II : Result of an implementation. 1. The average scores of the students’ scientific mind after learning through the developed model were significantly higher than students’ scientific mind before learning on.01 level of significance. As shown in table 2. 2. The effect size of the students’ scientific mind score after learning through the developed model and before learning at 3.586*, which was on the set target. As shown in table 2. ScoreNSD effect size tp pretest40139.99.843.586*18.731.000** posttest40175.28.95 Table 2: The comparison of pretest and posttest of the scientific mind’s score. Note: * effect size >.50, **p<.01

23 3. The effectiveness index (E.I.) of using the developed model was 0.58, which means that students have the scientific mind higher than 58 percent. And when considered in each components, it was found that the 9 components on the efficiency of index values higher than 0.5, which is indicating that the students developed their scientific mind. as shown in Figure 3. Figure 3. Show of efficiency of index values of each components’ scientific mind. Part II : Result of an implementation (Continue)

24 4. Students’ opinion about the RBBL-SM processes :  Undergraduate students had opinion about the RBBL-SM process that would appropriate in the high level.  It would help them to greatly develop their scientific mind, especially in terms of self-reflection and self-evaluation.  It would help them to understand themselves, and making them aware of their learning strength and weakness for self-learning development.  It would help them to develop not only their knowledge in higher levels but also they could gain problem solving, analysis thinking, communication skills and information communication and technology (ICT) using skills. Also, they are able to exchange their learning with their classmates as well.  The students also said that teachers and friends who both play an important role in developing their scientific mind, they receive encouragement and support from teachers and friends. All are the key for the development of their scientific mind. Part II : Result of an implementation (Continue)

25 It would be better to do more research and development on BL in order to find a better way to develop the students’ scientific mind. The research aims to point out that the development of a new BL model, it could improve the students’ scientific mind capability in over all; the results of this qualitative data would be collected for future comparisons. Recommendations for further research. It should have the development of scientific mind in depth. That is by learning the basic skills of the students or the learning style and so on.


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