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Warm-Up ► Name as many countries in Central and South America as you can. Winner gets a prize! NO CHEATING!

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up ► Name as many countries in Central and South America as you can. Winner gets a prize! NO CHEATING!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up ► Name as many countries in Central and South America as you can. Winner gets a prize! NO CHEATING!

2 Map ► Label all of the countries of Central/South America.

3 Coloring Color all of the countries who were ruled by the same country one color, and the next another color, and the next another color, etc. ► Brazil- Color one (Portuguese) ► Suriname- Color two (Dutch) ► Guyana/Belize- Color three (British) ► French Guiana/Haiti- Color four (French) ► Mexico/the rest of South America/DR- Color five (Spanish)

4 Latin American Revolutions

5 Background ► Revolutionary fever of Europe had spread to LA. ► 300 years of Spanish rule. ► Social, racial, and political discontent.

6 Ethnic and Social Hierarchy ► Spanish-born peninsulares dominated LA life. ► Creoles resented their second class status. ► Mestizos and Mulattoes were angry at being denied everything available to whites. ► Native Americans unhappy. ► African slaves wanted freedom.

7 Enlightenment Ideas ► 1700s, creoles read E works. ► Watched colonists win in NA. ► Translations of DOI and Constitution were circulated. ► Still many were reluctant to act.

8 Napoleon Invades Spain ► Spark LA needed. ► Ousted the Spanish king and placed his brother, Joseph, on the throne. ► LA countries saw this as an opportunity.

9 Haiti’s Struggle for Independence ► French ruled colony. ► Profitable sugar plantations run by enslaved Africans. ► Haiti’s slaves revolted in 1791. ► Lead by Toussaint L’Overture. ► Long, complex, deadly. ► 1798, slaves freed, LO’s troops controlled island.

10 Independence ► In 1802, Napoleon sends troops to reconquer Haiti. ► Toussaint again took the lead. ► Forces were aided by yellow fever. ► French agreed to a truce. ► French captured Toussaint, died in prison. ► In 1804, Haitian leaders claimed independence. ► Finally, NB abandon Haiti. ► After years of fighting for power, Haiti became a republic in 1820.

11 STOP!!!!!!! ► Read Toussaint on slavery primary source and answer questions 1-3.

12 Mapping Assignment ► On your map, write the year of independence next to the country. ► Mexico-1821 Guatemala- 1839 El Salvador- 1839 Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica- 1838 Haiti- 1804 DR- 1844 ► Venezuela- 1830 Colombia- 1819 Ecuador- 1822 Peru- 1824 Bolivia- 1825 ► Chile- 1818 Argentina- 1816 Uruguay- 1828 Paraguay- 1811 Brazil- 1822

13 Warm-Up ► Name 5 LA countries and the year that they became independent.

14 Mexico and Central America ► Creoles in Mexico were frightened. ► Father Miguel Hidalgo appealed to people. ► Ragged army of meztizos rallied, but weren’t successful. ► Hidalgo was captured and executed. ► His followers scattered.

15 STOP!!!! ► Read Decree of Hidalgo and answer questions 1-3.

16 Jose Morelos ► Priest. ► Picked up the banner of revolution. ► Wanted reform.  Improve conditions for majority of Mexicans.  Abolish slavery.  Allow all men to vote. ► Led for four years, then was captured and shot.

17 Mexican Independence ► In 1820, liberals forced Spain to issue a constitution. ► Alarmed Agustin de Iturbide. C Creole. ► Reaches out and rallies all groups. ► Overthrows Spanish, becomes emperor. ► Eventually overthrown and Republic of Mexico is established. ► Although free, little changed. ► Military dominated. ► Next 100 years brought new struggles.

18 Native Americans ► In SA, NA had rebelled for years. ► Tupac Amaru was strongest NA challenger. ► Demanded change from force labor. ► In 1780, organized revolt. ► Large army crushed the rebels and killed Amaru. ► Eventually did get his wish.

19 Independence in South America ► Simon Bolivar admired French and U.S. Revolutions. ► Led uprising in Venezuela. ► Was toppled by conservatives. ► Civil Wars followed. ► Bolivar forced to exile. ► Conceives a daring plan. ► After success, “The Liberator” moved south.

20 STOP!!!!!! ► Read Simon Bolivar: Address to the Congress of Venezuela and answer questions 1-3

21 San Martin ► Creole ► Helped Argentina win freedom from Spain. ► Then moved to Chile and Peru. ► Views too different from Bolivar. ► Steps aside and lets him win the final victories against Spain.

22 Dreams and Disappointment ► By 1824, wars ended. ► Bolivar tries to unite lands. ► Rivalries too strong. ► Destructive civil wars and unstable governments. ► No social revolution ever took place. ► SA’s people simply changed one set of masters for another. ► “We have achieved our independence at the expense of everything else.”  Simon Bolivar

23 Independence for Brazil ► Napoleon’s armies capture Portugal. ► Royal families fled to Brazil. ► King introduces many reforms. ► Returns and leaves his son Dom Pedro at the throne. ► Accepted constitution and granted:  Freedom of press  Freedom of religion  Elected legislature ► Remained a monarchy until 1889 when it became a republic.

24 Assignment ► Create a chart of leaders and their countries they helped free. LeaderCountryL’OvertureHaiti

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