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Discussion question 12/1/15 We are talking – not writing this The Civil War is over. What should the southern states that seceded have to do as a penalty.

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Presentation on theme: "Discussion question 12/1/15 We are talking – not writing this The Civil War is over. What should the southern states that seceded have to do as a penalty."— Presentation transcript:

1 Discussion question 12/1/15 We are talking – not writing this The Civil War is over. What should the southern states that seceded have to do as a penalty for starting the war? Or should they be punished at all?

2 Tuesday 12/1/15 Warm-up On Pg. 404, look at the graph titled “Costs of the Civil War.” Answer the two questions at the bottom of the graph. Watching a video today & learning about the assassination & the effect on Reconstruction. Vocabulary is homework. You will put the vocab in your notebook when finished.

3 Reconstruction 1865-1877 Write this on the top of your notes EQ: What were some of the important pieces of Reconstruction?

4 African American Family Reunification: Frederick Douglass’s children were all born in freedom, but he lost a brother to slavery, Perry Downs (not pictured). The two were reunited in 1867 after forty years. Below: wife Anna Murray Douglass and Frederick Douglass

5 Assassination of President Lincoln

6 Abraham Lincoln

7 Abraham Lincoln Assassinated Left: Lincoln just four days before his assassination; right: John Wilkes Booth (1838-1865), of Virginia, a stage actor. He shot the president on April 14 th, 1865.

8 Lincoln’s Assassination He was killed 5 days after the war was over. He was shot in the head by John Wilkes Booth Vice President Andrew Johnson became President.

9 2 different plans for Reconstruction President Johnson and Lincoln wanted: – bring the Union back together quickly – Easy on the white southern leaders Radical Republicans wanted to: – Make the south pay – Take care of the freedmen

10 Reunion: ex-Confederates Welcomed Back President Andrew Johnson (1808-1875) of Tennessee was no friend to Freedpeople. When he took over Reconstruction after Lincoln was assassinated, he turned a blind eye to white violence against African Americans

11 Freedmen’s School, Washington, D.C. Freedom to Learn

12 Andrew Johnson Sworn in 2 hours after Lincoln’s death the next morning. Johnson was a Democrat while Lincoln was a Republican. Despised wealthy southern planters He opposed secession but did support State’s rights and limits on federal government power.

13 Johnson vs Radical Republicans Johnson – President’s Plan – Let the southern states back in if they promised loyalty – Didn’t prevent the South from creating Black Codes – Disagreed with the “Reconstruction Amendments” Radical Republicans – Congress’ Plan – Created Amendments for African Americans to be equal – Reconstruction Act to provide for the freedmen

14 Warm up 12/2/15 Write out the amendment with the explanation next to it A. 13 th Amendment B. 14 th Amendment C.15 th Amendment Gave women the right to vote Gave freedmen the right to vote Abolished slavery Ended segregation in the South Guarantees equal protection under the law for all people.

15 Reconstruction Amendments 13 th Amendment- 1865 14 th Amendment- 1868 15 th Amendment- 1870

16 3 Reconstruction Amendments Close and careful reading of the amendments Academic vocabulary review Analyze the amendments Summarize the amendments Judge the amendments Add work to the notebook

17 13 th Amendment Added in Dec. 1865 Abolished Slavery in the US Draw a picture to show this

18 14 th Amendment 1868 Three Important Parts – 1. Citizenship Clause - born in the US = U.S. Citizen – 2. Due Process Clause - State governments cannot deny Life, Liberty, or due process to its citizens – 3. Equal Protection Clause - Equal protection under law to all citizens. Southern states had to approve the amendment before being welcomed back into the Union Draw a picture to show this

19 15 th Amendment 1870 Governments cannot deny voting rights to any citizen based on race, color, or previous conditions of servitude. Did not prevent states from requiring taxes or tests to vote Draw a picture to show this

20 Homework – that you start now, please Read p. 424 – 427 answer question #1 about the map p. 426 answer the following questions on p. 427 – 1a, 1c – 2c – 3c – extra credit – question 4 – That makes 5 required questions in all

21 Warm up 12/3/15 Glue all purple papers into your notebook. – -vocab: folded up so that you can write on a back flap, amendment document, amendment foldable – On the back flap of the vocab, rewrite the definition for impeach in different words. – Draw a picture to represent “Reconstruction” – Summarize the 3 amendments

22 Quiz – 4 min to complete Write the Amendment # that matches the description. 1.Gave freed slaves the right to vote. 2.Abolished slavery 3.Guaranteed equal protection under the law for all people. 1 – 3 are 2 pts each 4.Summarize what last night’s reading was about. #4 is worth 6 pts. Quiz total is 12 pts.

23 Impeachment of President Johnson -Congress was frustrated that he wasn’t more supportive Secretary of War Edward Stanton & Johnson disagree about Reconstruction – Stanton sided with the Radical Republicans – Johnson fired him Johnson broke the Tenure of Office Act – Senate must vote if cabinet members are to be removed. – House approved the charges against Johnson – Senate held the trial Impeachment of Johnson missed by 1 vote. He was allowed to finish his term

24 Can We All Just Get Along? Former Confederates returned home to their neighbors, former slaves. Some, like Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest (1821-1877), right, of Tennessee, did not embrace emancipation. He had sold cotton and slaves before the war; after it, he joined the Ku Klux Klan. So did many former white sons of the South.

25 “Avidizing” yesterday’s notes Go back and write “Lenient” or “Harsh” next to the president’s plan and Congress’ plan. Write the #s of the Reconstruction Amendments next to the phrase “reconstruction amendments” Write “Freedmen’s Bureau” next to Congress’ Plan Circle Impeach – what happened to Pres. Johnson after he was impeached? Write your answer in the margin.

26 Warm up 12/4/2015 Read the Chapter 12 summary on p. 432. Write the main idea for each section. It is not the 1 st sentence of any of the paragraphs – read the entire summary. “Section 1: … “Section 2:... “Section 3: … “Section 4: … When you finish, turn to p. 419 & look at the pictures.

27 Southern Resistance to Reconstruction efforts Black Codes – Set up to keep the freedmen under control – Forced to sign labor contracts, couldn’t own guns or start businesses in some towns KKK & other groups started to keep the freedmen down and scare whites loyal to the US govt

28 Northern states lost interest in Reconstruction frustrated that the army was still in the south and costing a lot of $$ Frustrated by the violence in the south 5 year economic depression took more of their attention

29 Compromise of 1877 ended Reconstruction Rutherford B. Hayes (R) v. Samuel Tilden (D) 1876 Tilden won the popular vote but didn’t have enough electoral college votes to win. A commission decided that Hayes, the republican, would get the disputed votes and become president. Compromise of 1877 resolved the disputed election – Republican Pres. Hayes must: Remove Troops from South Not force state governments to be republican – Democrats would: Respect Black Rights Accept Hayes as president

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