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Mini-Lesson ideas to do with the class Create a graphic organizer – word web Create a 4 square writing Create a Venn Diagram Teach a song or poem Present.

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Presentation on theme: "Mini-Lesson ideas to do with the class Create a graphic organizer – word web Create a 4 square writing Create a Venn Diagram Teach a song or poem Present."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mini-Lesson ideas to do with the class Create a graphic organizer – word web Create a 4 square writing Create a Venn Diagram Teach a song or poem Present a Reader’s Theater Script with material from a new script, a poem or material from your textbook Introduce vocabulary by drawing a picture on the board and class draws with you

2 HELP ON THE INTERNET Songs for Kids: htttp:// Reader's Theater Scripts: English learning Materials: When searching for English Language Resources, use: Graphic Organizers and More Bloom's Taxonomy

3 Graphic Organizers Helps students to: – Organize their thinking – Take notes when reading – Visually see relationships – Prepare for writing – Encourage higher order thinking – Analysis

4 Venn Diagram









13 Scoring Guides - Rubric Tell students how their work will be evaluated before they start Students should be able to evaluate their own work Helps students to set goals and improve their work

14 1) Has an effective beginning, middle, and end. 2) Contains a clear controlling idea. 3) Clearly addresses the topic and provides specific and relevant details/examples. 4) Contains words that are specific, accurate, and suited to the topic. 5) Consistently uses complete sentences. 6) Contains few errors in grammar/usage, punctuation, capitalization, and/or spelling. Scoring Guide for a Written Paragraph A Score is given for meeting each Standard – Scale of 1-4 4= Always 3= Most of the time 2= Not all 1= Does not

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