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Dan Nataf Ph.D. Director Center for the Study of Local Issues Anne Arundel Community College 101 College Parkway Arnold, MD 21012-1895

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1 Dan Nataf Ph.D. Director Center for the Study of Local Issues Anne Arundel Community College 101 College Parkway Arnold, MD 21012-1895 410.777.2733


3 ServiceIncreaseReduceKeep same Increase- Reduce Public Schools58635+52 Police53541+47 Fire46250+44 The community college41649+35 Seniors’ services39752+32 Roads391051+29 Social Services351645+19 Health Department341346+21 Environmental Oversight311847+13 Libraries26864+18 Parks and Recreation221759+5 Planning and Zoning132949-16




7 As you may know, cameras are already being used to catch and ticket drivers who run red lights. Now there is consideration of using cameras to catch and ticket drivers who speed near schools or construction areas. Which of the following best represents your views on this issue? StancePercentage Favor the use of cameras in all cases 49% Favor the use of cameras only for red lights16% Favor the use of cameras only for speeding 6% Oppose the use of cameras in general 28% No opinion/no answer 2%

8 Digging out of a deep hole Washington Post, Nov. 19, 2009 “Digging out of a deep hole”


10 How would you rate economic conditions in… excellent, good, only fair or poor?

11 How would you rate economic conditions (% saying excellent or good) by employment category

12 How would you rate economic conditions ( % saying excellent or good) by income, gender, marital status, race, party, ideology



15 How would you rate economic conditions by “does X condition apply” - % saying excellent or good Anne Arundel County



18 Economic ConditionThis year Next year Future year Median year N.A. A stabilization of housing values8355120127 A return to steady growth of the economy5325920125 A major reduction in the unemployment rate 4316120124 A return to a better balance between revenues and expenditures for state and local government budgets 31668201413 A return to a better balance between revenues and expenditures for the federal government’s budget 31073201514


20 Health Care Quality/Access

21 Budget cutting measure About right Too big Too small N.A. The governor’s policy of making state employees take three to 10 days of unpaid leave 513776 Laying off 200 state employees384579 The proposal to cut $210 million in state aid to localities in Maryland 3241819 The proposal to cut $15 million in local aid to Anne Arundel County 3147913 Cutting a combined $30 million in health- related funding 2360611

22 SupportOpposeUnsure N.A. Maintaining the tuition freeze at the University of Maryland 791551 Maintaining the level of state funding for public schools 781741 Requiring school employees to take several unpaid days off 365941 Shifting the cost of teachers’ pensions to local governments 2458154

23 AllDemRepInd.D-R Maintaining the tuition freeze at the University of Maryland79 850 Maintaining the level of state funding for public schools788176775 Requiring school employees to take several unpaid days off363936303 Shifting the cost of teachers’ pensions to local governments24232820-5 AllDemRepInd.D-R The governor’s policy of making state employees take three to 10 days of unpaid leave 515550475 Laying off 200 state employees 38374046-3 The proposal to cut $210 million in state aid to localities in Maryland 32293936-10 The proposal to cut $15 million in local aid to Anne Arundel County 31303627-6 Cutting a combined $30 million in health-related funding 23173028-13 O’Malley doing poor job % Ideology Conservative55 Moderate33 Liberal10 Conservative-Liberal45 Party Democrat21 Republican62 Independent38 Democrat-Republican-41 % saying “support” % saying “about right” O’Malley’s job balancing budget Good=13%; Okay=42%; Poor=38%

24 Main problem… OverallDemRepUnaffil.D-R Deficit/Debt107157-8 Budget/Overspending85118-6 Defense/Homeland Sec./Terrorism4270-5 Economy21202217-2 Unemployment43380 Taxes2233 Wars in Afghan/Iraq9124158 Health care182015195 Environment/Climate change23003 Education13003

25 : National Issues: Presidential job approval Bush Obama

26 % approving of president’s job by party

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