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Adding and Subtracting Money! Click on the dollar sign to begin!

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Presentation on theme: "Adding and Subtracting Money! Click on the dollar sign to begin!"— Presentation transcript:


2 Adding and Subtracting Money! Click on the dollar sign to begin!

3 Quick Review: How much is one of these coins worth? $25 ¢$5$55¢5¢ Click on the box with the correct answer

4 Click on the dollar sign to continue

5 Click on the dollar sign to go back

6 Quick Review: How much is one of these coins worth? $10 ¢ 5¢ 5¢ $5 Click on the box with the correct answer

7 Click on the dollar sign to continue

8 Click on the dollar sign to go back

9 Quick Review: How much is one of these bills worth? $1.00$10.00 1¢ 10¢ Click on the box with the correct answer

10 Click on the dollar sign to continue

11 Click on the dollar sign to go back

12 Question 1 If I have one quarter And two dimes How much money do I have all together? 50¢45¢ 35¢ Click on the box with the correct answer

13 Click on the dollar sign to continue

14 Click on the dollar sign to go back

15 If I have one dollar And three nickels How much money do I have all together? $1.15$1.50 15¢ Question 2 Click on the box with the correct answer

16 Click on the dollar sign to continue

17 Click on the dollar sign to go back

18 If I have one dollar bill Two dimes One nickel And two pennies How much money do I have all together? $1.25 $1.50$1.27 Question 3 Click on the box with the correct answer

19 Click on the dollar sign to go back

20 Click on the dollar sign to continue

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