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World War II: Canada’s Role. Canada Enters the War Britain and France, honouring their pledge to Poland, declared war on Germany on September 3rd. Although.

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Presentation on theme: "World War II: Canada’s Role. Canada Enters the War Britain and France, honouring their pledge to Poland, declared war on Germany on September 3rd. Although."— Presentation transcript:

1 World War II: Canada’s Role

2 Canada Enters the War Britain and France, honouring their pledge to Poland, declared war on Germany on September 3rd. Although not automatically committed by Britain's declaration of war (Statute of Westminster, 1931), there was little doubt that Canada would quickly follow. On September 7, Parliament met in special session; on September 9 it approved support to Britain and France; and on September 10 th 1939, Canada declared war on Germany.

3 Alliances Allies AlliesBritainFranceCanada USSR (1941) USA (1942) Axis AxisGermanyItalyJapan

4 The House of Commons on September 7, 1939, the first day of the special session in which Canada's Parliament decided to declare war on Germany.

5 Canadian Preparations When Canada declared war in 1939, there were only about 10 000 soldiers in its armed forces. During the Depression years, the government had reduced military spending and in 1938-1939, the budget for defence was only $35 million. In 1939, the Canadian army possessed only 14 tanks; 29 light machine guns, 23 anti- tank rifles and 5 small mortar guns. The Canadian navy had exactly 10 operational vessels, and the Royal Canadian Air Force had only 50 modern aircraft.

6 Though largely unprepared for war, Canada was quick to respond: – –the government hoped that Canada’s role would be limited – –were ready to send 40 000 troops – –anticipated a role as the main supplier of food and war materials for Britain P.M. King did not want the war to involve a costly expenditure of Canadian lives, and above all, he wanted to avoid another conscription crisis at all costs.

7 Canada Steps Up By the end of September, over 58 000 Canadian men and women had enlisted in the armed forces. Many recruits were unemployed men who were grateful for a new pair of boots, a warm uniform and coat, three square meals a day and a soldier’s basic pay of $1.30 per day.

8 As in 1914, these recruits were all volunteers, however, they went off to war in a much more sombre mood than the young recruits in 1914. On September 16 the first convoy left for England. By January 1940, 23 000 mostly untrained Canadian troops were in Britain. Their rallying cry declared, “We’ve come here to do a job and then go home”. The hope was that the war would be over quickly. Events would soon erase this hope.

9 Phony War (Sitzkreig) Between September 1939 and April 1940 there was little fighting as both sides prepared for war. Between September 1939 and April 1940 there was little fighting as both sides prepared for war.

10 At War! In April of 1940 Germany overran Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. By early May, Hitler turned his attention to France.

11 Britain to the Rescue??? Thousands of British troops raced across the English Channel to defend France. A contingent of Canadian soldiers remained in Britain to defend against the expected German invasion. Despite Britain's valiant effort, the Germans advanced rapidly into France leaving both British and French troops trapped.

12 The Miracle of Dunkirk In May, 1940, British troops had to be evacuated from the seaport town of Dunkirk on the French coast. 300 000 soldiers were rescued by boats of all sizes; in addition to the British destroyers, a makeshift fleet of sightseeing boats, river ferries, fishing boats and privately owned crafts sailed across the British Channel to return the stranded troops safely back to Britain. Despite the “miracle” it was a terrible defeat, much of the heavy British war equipment had to be abandoned and France fell in 6 weeks.


14 Elsewhere in the world… (do not copy) On June 10, 1940, Italian dictator Mussolini decided to enter the war on Germany’s side. Soon almost all of Europe was under the control of the Axis powers; with only Britain and its Commonwealth allies outside their grasp of power.

15 The Battle of Hong Kong Japan attacked Hong Kong (a British colony at the time) the day after they attacked Pearl Harbour. Canada surrenders after 17 days of fighting after 300 soldiers are killed and 493 are injured. Captured soldiers are taken to Japanese Prisoner of War (P.O.W.) camps – –257 more Cdn soldiers die from torture, starvation or murder – –Leads to bitterness towards Japanese- Canadians in Canada

16 The Move to Centre Stage… (do not copy) Although Prime Minister King had hoped Canada would be a supplier of war materials in a short, limited war, the reverse was soon true. Hitler’s dramatic success meant that Britain stood alone in Europe and depended more than ever on Canada’s support. The Canadian troops in Britain were fresh and well equipped and more could be sent into Europe. As in WWI, Canadian convoys were a vital lifeline to the survival of Britain. Canadian food, guns, supplies and armed forces were desperately needed in Europe. Thus Canada, despite reluctance to take on such a large role within the war, quickly moved to center stage.

17 Seat/Homework The Dieppe Raid – –read pg. 151 – –answer questions 1-4

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