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LOGO How a business defines themselves. Standards CTE Standards  AME.A.A2.1 Analyze the way in which technical design (e.g., color theory, lighting,

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Presentation on theme: "LOGO How a business defines themselves. Standards CTE Standards  AME.A.A2.1 Analyze the way in which technical design (e.g., color theory, lighting,"— Presentation transcript:

1 LOGO How a business defines themselves

2 Standards CTE Standards  AME.A.A2.1 Analyze the way in which technical design (e.g., color theory, lighting, graphics, typography, posters, sound, costumes, makeup) contributes to a performance or presentation.  AME.A.A2.2 Know the component steps and skills required to design, edit, and produce a production for audio, video, electronic, or printed presentation. California Visual Arts Standards: Advanced:  1.6 Describe the use of the elements of art to express mood in one or more of their works of art.

3 Objectives  Students will describe what corporate identity and branding are.  Students will demonstrate their understanding of corporate identity by researching a company and defining its identity.

4 Simply Corporate Identity www.themegallery.comCompany Logo

5 Brand, Identity, Logo – What’s the Difference?  A brand is the overall image of a company.  Identity is the visual aspects of a company’s brand.  A logo identifies a business in the simplest form through the use of a recognizable mark or icon.

6 Brand Brand is the personality of a company. It conveys what the company stands for, through all of the company’s communications, visual pieces and actions. An example would be a well-known IT Company, Apple. The company projects a humanistic corporate culture. This is evident through everything they do including support of good causes, involvement in the community, innovative advertising and excellent customer service. Their brand connects with people and they buy or use their products to feel a part of the brand.

7 Identity A corporate identity is the overall image of a company, firm or business. The identity of a company is developed to build the company’s visibility and recognition. Companies build identities that help customers fill a sense of belonging to their brand. A company’s identity answers the following questions about the company: Who are we? Where are we going?

8 Key Aspects to a Company’s Identity 1.Differentiation: Today’s market is highly competitive. In order for companies to be successful they need to differentiate themselves from other companies in order to be recognized, make an impression and become preferred by the customer. 2.Relevant: A company’s identity must be relevant to what people need or want. 3.Unity: A company’s identity must have unity. All of the corporate materials must go together and send the same message.

9 Visual Aspects of Identity  Logo (symbol of the brand)  Stationery (letterhead, business cards, envelope)  Marking Materials (flyers, brochures, books, websites, etc.)  Products and Packaging  Apparel Design (clothing worn by employees)  Signage (interior and exterior signage)

10 Logo  A company’s Logo is for Identification. It portrays the company in its simples form through a unique mark, design, symbol or lettering that represent the company.  Specific colors and fonts are also used in logo. The use of specific colors and fonts helps maintain the company’s identity.


12 Coca Cola Logo:

13 Business Card

14 Packaging

15 Advertising


17 Apparel


19 Valens Powerful Water - Logo

20 Valens Powerful Water - Packaging

21 Valens Powerful Water - Stationery

22 Valens Powerful Water –Envelope

23 Valens Powerful Water – Business Card

24 Valens Powerful Water - Advertising


26 Other Examples of Identity



29 Questions  What do all of these identity examples have in common?  What helps products all look like they are part of the same company?  Would you change anything about these designs? Why or why not?

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