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2 EXECUTIVE BOARD POSITIONS President Vice President Campus Involvement Chairperson Community Involvement Chairperson Treasurer

3 Responsibilities of Executive Board Acts as overseeing admin on student group system. Attend bi-weekly (spring), and weekly (fall) executive meeting

4 President Serve as the primary leader for the group. Meet with the Advisors Assume overall leadership for planning homecoming, which includes filling vacant positions, preparing agendas, reports, etc. Communicates with Senate on any needs. Prepares board meeting agendas Prepares e-board meeting agendas Runs all executive board and Homecoming board meetings Works with Treasurer to prepare budget allocation request with Homecoming board & advisors. Assists with the planning of retreats with the advisors. Manages the organization of the Homecoming Committee office. Schedule periodic clean-up/organize days of the office. Maintain filling system and labels for all cabinets in the office. Update the voicemail message, email signatures, etc. Gather all important information (office room & phone number, email address, social media passwords, etc.) Creates and maintains program file for all homecoming contacts, schedules, correspondences, expenditures, etc. Program support for a self-selected Homecoming event that is decided upon in the spring semester. *Only applicable if you have held a position on the Homecoming Board for at least 1 full year.

5 Vice President Assume the duties of the Homecoming President in his/her absence and in the case of the Homecoming President’s ability to not complete his/her term, to serve as interim Homecoming President until another appointment has been made Serve as secondary leader of the group Record minutes at board and e-board meetings and distribute accordingly Prepare and distribute general membership meetings and distribute accordingly Sends all communication to general members Keep all members informed of general meetings Maintains the membership database (contact lists for board and general members) Works with coordinators to staff general members for events. Facilitates general member meetings. Responsible for planning the information table at the SIS Fairs. Responsible for planning the Kick-off Meeting in August. Coordinates Membership socials. Coordinates the volunteer and staffing signup for the painting of the billboards (when done during the school year and not summer retreat). Create display boards used at open houses and fairs. Must have served on the Homecoming Board for at least one year. Program support for a self-selected Homecoming event that is decided upon in the spring semester. *Only applicable if you have held a position on the Homecoming Board for at least 1 full year.

6 Campus Involvement Chairperson Sponsoring letter and recruitment for campus department, office (i.e. PSECU, Luhrs Center, Foundation)- send out all communication, advertising in the on campus departments, find ways to get the community involved. Works with Campus Offices, Areas, and Student Groups to: Attend meetings Promote Homecoming events Encourage involvement of the campus offices and student groups Coordinates co-sponsored events with other campus offices and student groups. Responsible for on campus PR (Ship News & Events, distribution of posters around campus, coordinating all PR items with campus media; The Slate, WSYC, SUTV, Yearbook). Sets up informational meetings about Homecoming for campus office and student groups. Responsible for sending out all communications to on campus groups/departments/offices. Judges & Interviewers : Recruits all judges and interviewers for events and competitions (with input from other Homecoming board members). Sends out thank you gifts to judges, interviewers, and other members of campus who assisted in the planning and executive of events. Schedules judging times for competitions and interview times for King & Queen. Meets with judges and interviewers to explain criteria of events. Travels with judges to judge competitions. Coordinates with the Athletic Department for SU mascot appearance at events. Draft and distribute letters of participation/invitation to the President, Cabinet, Board of Trustees, staff, faculty, etc.). Sends official homecoming schedule of events to the President and his staff. Program support for a self-selected Homecoming event that is decided upon in the spring semester.

7 Community Involvement Chairperson Coordinates with the sponsoring Community Outreach Organization- appearances at the HC events, meeting and speaking with the board, advertising information (i.e. logo, website, etc.), and check presentation. Sponsoring letter and recruitment for local businesses- send out all communication, advertising at all business, and find ways to get the community involved. Responsible for sending out all communication to all off-campus organizations. Works to advertise homecoming events and activities at local businesses. Develop creative ways to get the Shippensburg community involved in Homecoming. Plan and carry out the Dickens Day Parade (float and parade) start to finish. Program support for a self-selected Homecoming event that is decided upon in the spring semester

8 Treasurer Maintain an accurate record of all finances- Processes all financial payments, deposits and request for funds for all programs/events/etc. Work with each board member to ensure fiscal responsibility of his or her budget. Budget management including cash boxes, fundraising log, sales log, etc. Coordinates all tables and staffing for the selling of Homecoming items. Creates and maintains master binder for the tackle box of all important information, sales, attendance tally at events, staffing, etc. Works with President to prepare budget allocation request with board & advisors. In charge of creating all service agreements for events and competitions. Program support for a self-selected Homecoming event that is decided upon in the spring semester

9 Board Positions Promotions Coordinator Promotional Designer Entertainment Event Coordinator Recreational Events Coordinator Spirit Rally Coordinator Competitions Coordinator King & Queen Coordinator Media Coordinator Fundraising Coordinator

10 Responsibilities of all Board Members No member of the Homecoming Committee shall be allowed to run for Homecoming King or Queen as per a conflict of interest. Hold at least three-(3) office hours per week. Submit updates to the President for preparation of meeting agendas. Maintain accurate program files for each event/activity planned. Attend all Executive (if applicable), Board & General Membership meetings Attend and Staff the following major events (except when they conflict with class or work schedules): PR Blitz Week Events (including APB Daytime Events when available) Homecoming Week Events (including football game and Halftime coronation) Decorating of the billboards Decorating of the CUB Teardown of the CUB decorations Student Involvement & Services Fairs (SIS Fairs) Fundraising Events Other events planned for the specific year Attend planning retreats; one in early spring semester, and one in the summer. Meet weekly or bi-weekly with the advisor(s). Submit all reservation requests and set-ups for events at least two weeks prior to the event. In charge of keeping Homecoming, email account organized. All board members must work with advisors at the end of Homecoming to create transition reports for the next year.

11 Promotions Coordinator Plans all PR Blitz week events. Plan a spring theme kickoff. Plan and advertise for Spirit Days. Plans the countdown to Homecoming event during the first week of classes in the fall (to promote competitions and king and queen applications).

12 Promotional Designer Create the official Homecoming logo. Design all marketing materials: Posters Banners Great Wall Posters Digital signage Shirt designs Theme shirts Board shirts Spirit Rally shirts Flyers Develop and coordinate plan of action for material distribution. Responsible for ordering t-shirts (general, board, and spirit shirt). Researches and works with the board and advisors to order all promo and giveaway items for PR Blitz Week and Homecoming Week Events. Coordinates Great Hall decorating.

13 Entertainment Events Coordinator Plans and logistically carries out the annual Lip Sync competition. Plans one additional evening activity during Monday-Thursday of Homecoming Week. Updates Special Event applications, rules, regulations, and prizes.

14 Recreational Events Coordinator Plans and logistically carries out the annual Battle of the Campus Competition. Logistically carries out Battle of the Campus from start to finish Plans one additional evening activity during Monday-Thursday of Homecoming Week. Updates Special Event applications includes rules, regulations, and prizes.

15 Spirit Rally Coordinator Work with Promotions Designer to design Spirit Rally shirt. Plan and design layout of Seth Grove Stadium for the Spirit Rally. Work with Duttera to: Staging Lighting Special effects Work with SU Marching Band to coordinate their performance for the Spirit Rally: Review schedule Performance songs Band shirts Meet with Athletic department: Attend Athletic meeting Work with Campus Coordinator to communicate with coaches and captains Work with Campus Coordinator to communicate with any additional performers. Create Spirit Rally script and timeline of events.

16 Competitions Coordinator Focuses on marketing competitions to the campus to all offices and departments. Responsible for the Banner Decorating and House /Office/Res Hall/Living Learning Community Decorating Competition. Creating judging sheets Creating packets for the judges Creates the Spirit Packet that contains applications for: House/Office/Res Hall/Living Learning Community Decorating Competition Banner Competition Lip Sync (will get the updated application from Special Events Coordinator) Any additional competitions Order all plaques and trophies for winners Communicates with the Treasurer about service agreements needed. Coordinates other additional winnings (as needed).

17 King & Queen Coordinator Updates and distributes applications. Voting; creating displays and vote site. Organizes and prepares first Homecoming Court meeting. Updates court packets. Works with court in fundraising for the Community Outreach Organization. Prepares and sends out email to official court. Prepares and sends out email to court nominees. Coordinates court fundraisers. Coordinates court participation and appearances at all events (PR Blitz WEEK, Homecoming Week and throughout fall semester). Works with SU Red Raider Marching Band for half time court presentation. Prepares half time script. Order flowers, sashes, and crowns for the court. Create the script for half time.

18 Media Coordinator Document all events with photos, videos, and uploads them to the S drive. Schedules and coordinates with board and general members to take pictures/videos at events. Responsible for maintaining and updating all social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.). Responsible for using Hootsuite account to schedule Facebook and Twitter posts for the spring semester, summer, and fall semester. Updates the Homecoming website (with advisors). Updates student group admin system.

19 Fundraising Coordinator Works with board and advisors to plan fundraising events. Works with King & Queen Court to assist with fundraising. Set up a GoFund me account for the event for the committee to use when online asking for donations, etc. Oversees the fundraising log and cash boxes with the Treasurer and advisors in entering all monies. Must hold a minimum of two fundraisers a month. Plans Silent Auction start to finish including: Work with Campus to get donations Work with Community to get donations Coordinate Plan Create Coordinates all tables and staffing for the selling of Homecoming items with Promotional Designer and Treasurer.

20 APPLY NOW!!!! APPLICATIONS DUE : DECEMBER 2, 2015 APPLICATIONS DUE : DECEMBER 2, 2015 Available at!/ Available at!/!/ Email applications to Email applications to


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