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Natural & Processed Materials.

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Presentation on theme: "Natural & Processed Materials."— Presentation transcript:

1 Natural & Processed Materials.
Term 3, 2008

2 Observable properties
Secret bags and boxes. Identify items by touch. Natural and Man-made Tennis ball, eggs, sweet and other potatoes, rocks. Look at property of each and group accordingly- Shape Size- microscopic Texture- cotton wool & concrete Density- heavy stone, light polystyrene ball Temperature- feathers, wool, stones & concrete (in fire, sun, cold water), ice Use- glass, wood, metal & plastic Look at composite items, like a car and list all the materials and their uses Personal preference. Why? Test strength, hardness, stretchability.

3 STRENGTH Spider silk Fishing line Rope Pandanus

4 Elasticity Take a 10 cm piece, and stretch it and measure again.
Rubberised cord Wool Fishing line

5 Size How could you measure the size safely.
The Northern Territory Truck Spider’s leg Scabies mite

6 HARDNESS 0 very soft 10 very hard Use a stick and rub for 1 minute.
Polystyrene block Sedimentary rock Igneous rock Cement

7 Properties Temperature Mass Texture Use Cold Hot Light Heavy
Rough Smooth Stone Concrete Ice Feather Wood

8 CHANGE OF STATE Solid, liquid and gas
Particles Shape Property Rigid Pour Interesting mixtures. Clay in water Fizzy drinks Cornflour and water Volcanic rock

9 PHYSICAL STATE 2 kids cling together. Wet a kid. Melt ice. Boil water.
Change shape and colour of Playdough Wire Sponge Elastic Heat up Milo to drink. Put bubbles in water to play.

10 CHEMICAL CHANGE Cooked eggs Burnt wood Burn Mg ribbon Cycad nuts

11 Chemical Reactions & Mixtures (solutions, suspensions & sediments)
Water and sand Water and cordial Water and salt Water and chalk dust Water and pancake mix Water and clay Sand and iron filings

12 Drama Separating people into groups
Moiety Dhuwa & Yirritja Gender Using drama to show separation using colours. Filter Magnet Sedimentation Evaporation Every day examples of these: Filter: sports bag, kitchen colanders and sieves, teabags, and coffee filters Lawn mower and car filters Magnet: generator, electro-magnet Sedimentation: sand settles to the bottom of puddles, use for car Evaporation: dry clothes

13 Separating mixtures Filter Magnet Evaporation
Sedimentation and decanting

14 Assessment-seperating mixtures.
Provided with a mixture of: Coarse sand Iron filings Salt crystals

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