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By Lourdes Infante, Brianna Perez, Alanny Ramirez, Tiffany Vargas.

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1 by Lourdes Infante, Brianna Perez, Alanny Ramirez, Tiffany Vargas

2 EDUCATION POLICIES TODAY  Elementary & secondary- Standardized testing, common core, "Every Child Achieves Act“, universal pre-k  All candidates believe that it is a prerequisite for success, and economic progress and educational achievement are linked, educating every American student to graduate from high school prepared for college and for a career is a national imperative.  Candidates believe that we need to provide every student with a complete and competitive education that will enable them to succeed in the future based on their knowledge and innovation  Candidates believe that higher standards and better assessments are needed to prepare students to succeed in college and the workplace  Ambitious efforts are needed to prepare, develop, and advance effective teachers and principals, especially in the classrooms where they are most needed in order to prepare the kids  Smarter data systems to measure student growth and success, and help educators improve teaching and learning  College- FAFSA, FERPA, college loans

3 HILLARY CLINTON ON EDUCATION  Believes everyone should be entitled to an education, supports public schools  Does not support online degree programs  Supports charter schools  Does not like voucher programs - against funds for private and religious schools  Pro universal pre-k  Investing in early childhood programs.  Clinton would also look to lower student loan interest rates and let borrowers with older debt refinance.  She supports educators.She feels like there isn't enough being done, to ensure that teachers receive the correct training, and support they need to thrive in a classroom. Hillary believes that more should be invested to support teachers, and provide them with training that includes real world, and hands on experiences.  Improve student outcomes. She believes we should do more to ensure that students with disabilities have the resources and support they need.  Wants students to enjoy learning, and be engaged, rather than narrowing schools on focusing primarily on testing.  Doesn’t know where she stands when it comes to the common core

4 BERNIE SANDERS ON EDUCATION  Bernie Sanders believes in all students having the opportunity to receive an affordable education from the earliest stages of schooling to high-level degrees  Early Childhood Education Bernie Sanders proposes affordable early childhood education as it strengthens the ability of the child to succeed in the future  The policy that Bernie Sanders has proposed about early childhood education is the Foundations of Success Act which provides all children from 6 weeks of age to kindergarten, to a full-time, high quality, developmentally appropriate, early care and education program.  K-12 Education Bernie believes that America needs to work closely together in funding public schools so that we can be known as "the best- educated in the world". He wants to support expanding educational programs but he does not agree with NCLB  Bernie's thoughts on Common Core  College All public colleges and universities should be tuition free  He does not believe that the government should be profiting so much off of student loans, and he wants to reduce interest rates.

5 DONALD TRUMP ON EDUCATION Beliefs on Early Education promotes preK-8 to have some assessment for young children to learn Students should retain the information they learn between grades Elementary & Secondary Opposes the Common Core Cut funds of the department of education, not specific on how much but he wants a sufficient amount Opposes the creative spelling, wants to challenge the children in their ability. believes public schools should do more make more exams college-level College Education Cuts on department of education down Tuition is increasing, undergraduates with low income cannot afford the first semester tuition Wants to cut the tuition down for college, make it affordable

6 TED CRUZ ON EDUCATION  Believes that education is a right, should be giving to everyone  Opposes the common core  Believes federal government shouldn’t be involved in the school curriculum  Supports the Local Control of Education Act, which allows states to not follow what the federal government expects them to do, without affecting the amount of money the school gets  Supports homeschooling  Believes that there shouldn't be a waiting list for Charter Schools

7 MARCO RUBIO ON EDUCATION  Believes that the current public school system is a "disaster"  Opposes Common Core because he doesn't want the federal government to make decisions on the curriculum  Supports virtual learning and homeschooling  Promote better education for students with disabilities  Believes that college is too expensive, time consuming and inflexible  Wants to simplify the financial aid application  Encourage those with loans to make loan payments based on how much they earn  Wants to make college information more available in easily accessible formats  Modernize higher education to fit the 21 st century economy

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