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E. histolytica Symptoms Symptoms of infection vary greatly among cases.

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Presentation on theme: "E. histolytica Symptoms Symptoms of infection vary greatly among cases."— Presentation transcript:

1 E. histolytica Symptoms Symptoms of infection vary greatly among cases.

2 E. histolytica Symptoms Symptoms of infection vary greatly among cases. 1) Strain of E. histolytica present.

3 E. histolytica Symptoms Symptoms of infection vary greatly among cases. 1) Strain of E. histolytica present. 2) Host’s natural or acquired resistance to that strain.

4 E. histolytica Symptoms Symptoms of infection vary greatly among cases. 1) Strain of E. histolytica present. 2) Host’s natural or acquired resistance to that strain. 3) Host’s physical and emotional condition when challenged.

5 Symptoms 10% of people in the world infected with amoeba, but only 3% ever have some sort of clinical signs. Abdominal discomfort  Intense pain localized on the right side. Normal stool  Dysentery.

6 Question Is a person with dysentery from E. histolytica an epidemiological threat?

7 Question If you diagnose someone with Endolimax nana is this a big deal?

8 Means of Being Exposed to E. histolytica cysts 1) Contaminated or polluted water. -Most people in the world don’t have indoor plumbing/running water. -Get water by ground/surface water.

9 Laundry U.S.A.

10 Laundry Africa

11 Laundry South America

12 10:00 AM Kenya

13 Laundry 12:00 PM Kenya

14 Laundry Bathing 12:00 PM Kenya

15 Laundry Bathing Drinking & Cooking 12:00 PM Kenya

16 Means of Being Exposed to E. histolytica cysts 2) Contaminated food. –Defecation in vegetable gardens, fields. –Night soil (human excrement used for your fertilizer).

17 Night Soil Men Flushing toilets were emptied into large pits called cesspits which were emptied by the "night soil men".

18 An Indian Woman Fertilizing Her Garden With Night Soil Uncooked/Unwashed Vegetables/Crops

19 Man fertilizing with human "night soil" with his homemade "honey-cart”.

20 Bangalore's 'night soil' collectors It may be India's high- tech capital, but the practice of humans using their bare hands to clean toilet pits continues in Bangalore to this day. In the dead of the night, when the city of six million goes to sleep, groups of jobless low-caste Hindus, known as Dalits, eke out a living by removing human excrement from pits in the poorer neighborhoods of the city.


22 Market in Africa

23 Freshening Vegetables: using contaminated water

24 Means of Being Exposed to E. histolytica cysts 3) Mechanical contamination. (Flies, roaches, etc.)

25 Means of Being Exposed to E. histolytica cysts 3) Mechanical contamination. (Medical Equipment)

26 Means of Being Exposed to E. histolytica cysts 3) Mechanical contamination. (Others) -Hand to mouth (finger nails, contaminated objects, toys, etc.). -Anal sex/pleasuring the anus.

27 So how do you get infected with E. histolytica?

28 Need three things. 1) Source 2) Stage 3) Mode of entry

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