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Introduction to Action Research Capstone Development.

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1 Introduction to Action Research Capstone Development

2 Research in Action: A quick overview of Action Research The action research process involves 5 essential steps: ▫1. Ask a question, identify a problem or define an area of exploration ▫2. Decide what data should be collected, how they should be collected, and how often.

3 Research in Action: A quick overview of Action Research (cont.) ▫3. Collect and analyze data. ▫4. Describe how your findings can be used and applied. ▫5. Report or share your findings and plan for action with others.

4 Steps of the Action Research Process

5 Research in Action: Descriptors of Action Research 1. Action Research is systematic. 2. You do not start with an answer. 3. An action research does not have to be complicated or elaborate to be rigorous or effective.

6 Research in Action: Descriptors of Action Research (cont.) 4. You must plan your study adequately before you begin to collect data. 5. Action research projects vary in length. 6. Observations should be regular, but they do not necessarily have to be long.

7 Research in Action: Descriptors of Action Research (cont.) 7. Action research projects exist on a continuum from simple and informal to detailed and formal 8. Action research is sometimes grounded in theory.

8 Research in Action: Descriptors of Action Research (cont.) 9. Action research is not a quantitative study. 10. The results of quantitative action research projects are limited.

9 The Importance of Action Research: The Gap between Theory and Practice Often what goes on in public schools does not reflect the research related to best practices in teaching/learning Two reasons for this gap: ▫1. Research in education is sometimes written in a way that does not respect the demands of teachers’ schedules ▫2. The Moses Effect

10 The Moses Effect Basic research Theories Applications Applied research Best practice Teachers

11 The Action Research Quadrant Basic research TheoriesApplications Applied Research Applications Action Research Best Practice

12 Teacher Inservice and Professional Growth Action research can also be used to replace teacher inservices as a means of professional growth and development. Traditional teacher inservices are often ineffective (Barone et al. 1996). (Johnson 2012) These traditional inservices generally do not givce teachers sufficient time, activities, or content to increase their knowledge or affect their practice (Birman, Desimone, Porter, & Garet, 2000). (Johnson 2012)

13 Teacher Inservice and Professional Growth (cont.) To be effective, inservices need to be longer or extended over multiple sessions, contain active learning to allow teachers to manipulate the ideas and enhance their assimilation of the information, and align the concepts presented with the current curriculum, goals, or teaching concerns. (Johnson 2012)

14 Benefits of Action Research A. It helps teachers develop new knowledge directly related to their classrooms. B. It promotes reflective teaching and thinking. C. It expands teachers’ pedagogical repertoire. D. It puts teachers in charge of their craft.

15 Benefits of Action Research E. It reinforces the link between practice and student achievement. F. It fosters an openness toward new ideas and learning new things. G. It gives teachers ownership of effective practices.

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