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 Begin the Process in a more formal manner of working on Benchmarks and Standards  Tal Am discussion  Discuss new Evaluation Process  Survey Results.

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2  Begin the Process in a more formal manner of working on Benchmarks and Standards  Tal Am discussion  Discuss new Evaluation Process  Survey Results  Personal and Division Goals  Administrivia- Handbook SION etc.

3 MY P ERSONAL G OAL While we do need to talk about the evaluation process and administrivia I want these sessions to focus on real practical ideas through collaborating and open discussion 1. Make professional goals that means something to your classroom day to day, and post them! As a profession we can be very good at passing off responsibility. Most districts require teachers to make and pursue professional goals, but maintaining accountability for these goals can be very difficult. So, you make the goals, and you be accountable. Make yourself accountable! Post the goals for students and others to see, talk about your goals with peers. If you are actually talking about and involved with your goals daily, you will see them through. If goals sit in your desk drawer all semester long, they are a lost cause. 2. Find some new ideas about education and try them out. Look, we know there are 1000+ books about teaching and educational theory out there. Find one, or even just an article, and use it. If you don’t like the theory, read others until you find something, any little thing that will make life better for students in your room. Once you have some knowledge and an idea of what to change, do it. Again, tell others and post reminders around your room. I know of many theories and theorists that can help many teachers, but the power of this one is in finding it yourself! If you need a hand getting started, post a comment and I’ll help, just get started!

4 3. Get a ‘changing education buddy.’ Find someone that you can either convince to join you, or at least listen to what you’re learning. If you don’t have anyone that fits the bill, start a blog. Tell the world what’s happening in your classroom. People read blogs, don’t they? 4. Keep a journal that actually deals with your practice. Too many of us think of journalling as writing out a series of platitudes about ourselves and our lives. Journals can be hard, in your face and brutally honest. What you want out of a journal is to really connect with what is happening, not what you say is happening, not what you tell people is happening, but what is hard, what doesn’t work, what you’d never do again. If you can ‘be real’ in your journal, over time you will have some themes that occur over and over again, and you can come back to the issue with some research and a better way (see #2 above) to change for the students. 5. Within the first 2 weeks of school, have a 5 minute conversation with each of your students, and their parents/guardians. This one is so simple, but it makes such a huge difference for us and the students. Students see you differently if you’ve connected with them and home. They will see that you really do care about them and their success, plus there is the added goodwill you have extended to the family that can come back to help you in tougher times during the year. That initial time will be well paid back as the relationships we want to cultivate with students are forged so early in the year. My hope is that all of you readers will post your own tips in the comment area of ideas you have. We all have something to share, and we all learn so much more when we do. Thanks for reading and have a great day!

5 Inspirational Video

6  Here is John Wooden’s ( Famous Basketball coach) definition of success “ Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to become the best which you are capable.” Our Job: To help our students become the best they are capable of

7 Benchmarks and Standards  Go to Goggle Docs Log into soin and open the email link on top will be a tab for documents open that.  You can make changes on the document so that everyone will be able to see it and it just updated right away.  By the end of the month I would like you to add your ideas and thoughts to this document


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