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Chapter 16: The Global Citizen Most of you are Canadian citizens, but are you a Global Citizen? If so, what responsibilities do you have to think and act.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 16: The Global Citizen Most of you are Canadian citizens, but are you a Global Citizen? If so, what responsibilities do you have to think and act."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 16: The Global Citizen Most of you are Canadian citizens, but are you a Global Citizen? If so, what responsibilities do you have to think and act as a global citizen? So what is a global citizen? They may have the following in common: aware of a wider world, respects diversity, helps out others and they are responsible to themselves and others. Some of you belong to clubs or organizations that help support people across the world - maybe a mission trip, or filling shoeboxes at Christmas - and as you get older you may decide to join these various groups.


3 What Does Global Citizenship Mean? What does Canadian citizenship mean? You were born in Canada. Born somewhere else but to Canadian parents. Immigrated to Canada and became a citizen through the immigration process.

4 What Does Global Citizenship Mean? What documents represent your legal status as a Canadian citizen? Canadian passport Canadian birth certificate A statement of citizenship from the courts. In Canada, your citizenship can be defined and checked. With this legal recognition comes specific rights and responsibilities.

5 Some Rights of Canadian Citizens The right to Equal treatment before law and under the law without discrimination. Participate in political activities. Be presumed innocent until proven guilty. Enter and leave Canada. Use either English or French to communicate with Canada’s federal gov’t and certain provincial gov’ts.

6 Some Responsibilities of Canadian Citizens The responsibility to Understand and obey Canadian laws. Participate in Canada’s democratic political system. Vote in elections. Allow other Canadians to enjoy their rights and freedoms. Appreciate and help preserve Canada’s multicultural heritage. Assignment booklet

7 Deciding to Be a Global Citizen If you were born in Canada, you are a Canadian citizen. But you were also born on Earth, so does that automatically make you a global citizen? Being a world citizen is a way of thinking and acting. Global citizens are self- defining; that is, someone who acts and thinks like a global citizen is a global citizen.

8 We have inherited a large house, a great “world house” in which we have to live together – black and white, Easterner and Westerner, Gentile and Jew, Catholic and Protestant, Muslim and Hindu – a family unduly separated in ideas, culture and interest, who, because we can never live again apart, must learn somehow to live with each other in peace. - Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. tells us that as global citizens we must be prepared for what?

9 Demonstrating Your Global Citizenship People can show their status as global citizens in various ways. You could Help out victims of the tsunami in Asia Become a social activist and warn people about some of the dangers of some aspects of economic globalization. Fill out shoe boxes for others at Christmas. Can someone ever say, “I do not wish to be a global citizen?” What would this mean?

10 Identifying the Global Citizen Though you are automatically a citizen of the country you were born in, you must still apply for a passport. This means you agree to the terms and conditions your country has established for citizenship. Oxfam, an int’l NGO working to eradicate poverty, describes a global citizen as someone who: - is aware of the wider world - respects and values diversity - is willing to help others - accepts responsibility for his/her actions Do you agree with this description? What traits would you add to this list, if any?

11 No More “Us vs. Them!” A large portion of history has seen citizenship focus on those who belonged and those who did not – us and them. Examples are endless: –women trying to gain more of a political voice – minorities trying to fight for freedom of discrimination. Global citizenship transcends the ideas of insiders and outsiders. Anyone, anywhere, can be a global citizen.

12 Civil society includes non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and they try to bring attention to issues that occur around the world. It could be to stop whaling in Japan and China to a protest against Nike and their use of sweatshops. Critics of NGO’s argue that they only focus on one issue and they ignore the global complexities. - For example, when Nike closed down shop in Indonesia and Cambodia, thousands of people were out of work and therefore had no income.

13 What Does A Global Citizen Do? Acting like a global citizen means to: Assume responsibility for making globalization work in a way that benefits as many ppl, in as many situations, as possible. Work collaboratively to respond to global events. Act locally and think globally.

14 Correcting Injustices Global citizens see beyond the immediate. They see a world where injustices are corrected and solutions to global problems are found. Slavery, for example, was a common social practice in the late 18 th (1700s) and early 19 th (1800s) centuries. –Many Europeans believed slavery was acceptable, but, starting with Britain, this idea began to change. –It was brought to an end in the British Empire and now slavery is a completely illegal practice.

15 Civil Society Civil society includes NGOs (Red Cross), environmental movements (Greenpeace), and Indigenous peoples’ associations (the Assembly of First Nations), as well as religious groups, citizen advocacy groups, and trade unions. It contains elements of: – public-spiritedness, –social trust, –non-violence, –tolerance.

16 Aims of Civil Society To raise awareness of highly focused and specific ideas, concerns, and programs that a group is advocating and working to have implemented. –Greenpeace, for example, is working around the world to bring an end to the hunting of whales. This environmental organization has organized demonstrations in Japan, Nicaragua, China, and other countries that continue to support whaling.

17 Opposing Views of Civil Society Some critics of civil society say that the aims of groups involved in this sector are too narrow and too focused on single issues. Critics say that the groups ignore the complexity of the issues involved. 1990s: – civil society groups waged a successful campaign against Nike for using sweatshops to manufacture their products. –As a result, Nike stopped manufacturing goods in Indonesian and Cambodian sweatshops. –But when the company moved elsewhere, thousands of people were thrown out of work – and the families of the newly unemployed workers suffered great hardship.

18 What Is My Role In The Globalizing World? Active Citizens It’s all about doing your part. Some people argue that the problems of the world are just too big and overwhelming for individuals to make a difference. But Mother Theresa disagreed. She said, “We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But if that drop was not in the ocean, I think the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.”

19 Active Students Just like anyone else, students can respond actively to the challenges of globalization at the local, national, and international levels. –Projects some Alberta students have undertaken: letter-writing campaigns urging the government to help disarm child soldiers in Africa inviting in speakers to talk to students about issues such as helping refugees in Africa.

20 Active Consumers Companies are obviously in business to make a profit, and consumer activists have learned that they can influence corporate policies by affecting their profit margin. Some examples of consumer activism that have successfully persuaded companies to change the way they do business: Boycotts protesting the use of animals in the testing of cosmetics led Avon (1989), L’Oreal (1994), and Gillette (1997) to abandon this practice. After a public campaign highlighted some of the unsustainable practices used by the suppliers of Staples and Office Depot, both companies pledged to become more environmentally responsible in 2003. Continuing protests against wearing fur by the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), have succeeded in changing the fashion industry’s attitude towards selling furs.

21 Active Corporations There are some corporations out there that are not just concerned with the almighty dollar. Some have recognized that it is good business to act as good global citizens. Companies such as the Body Shop and Mountain Equipment Co-op support this philosophy and have moved away from focusing on profit as their sole motivation. These companies recognize that ignoring the environment and human rights will hurt everyone in the long run.

22 Active You Awareness of the opportunities and challenges offered by globalization is probably the single most important aspect of global citizenship. Buckminster Fuller, the American inventor, philosopher, and architect, said, “Whether humanity is to continue and comprehensively prosper on Spaceship Earth depends entirely on the integrity of the human individuals and not on the political and economic systems.” What do you suppose he meant?

23 Your role in a globalized world is to appreciate differences, help out however you can and be respectful to yourself and others around you. You as an individual person have a lot of power and are capable of change in a positive manner. Be a voice for the people who do not always have one. Be a smart consumer and if you have issues with something let someone know in a positive manner.

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