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Interdisciplinary Writing Unit Presentation Jan Hasenfelt KSPE 7140.

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Presentation on theme: "Interdisciplinary Writing Unit Presentation Jan Hasenfelt KSPE 7140."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interdisciplinary Writing Unit Presentation Jan Hasenfelt KSPE 7140

2 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Introduction Grade level: 3 rd Mode of writing: Expository (Informational)/Sequencing –students collect and synthesize information –writing is objective –give directions, sequence steps, compare one thing to another, explain causes and effects, or describe problems and solutions Content area integration: Science/How a fossil is formed

3 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Georgia Writing Test Types of Writing—Definitions and Explanation 1.Relating a Personal Experience. 2. Creating an Imaginative Story. 3. Responding to Literature. 4. Responding to QCC Content Area Information (language arts, science, social studies, math, fine arts, health, and physical education).

4 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Developmental Stage Scoring Guidelines for the Georgia Grade 3 Writing Assessment

5 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Pre-assessment Prompt Purpose: establish what students already know about sequencing Steps for instruction of the pre-assessment: nothing on desk except pencil and paper set a time limit instruct students to write the steps in: making a pizza, solving a math problem, or brushing teeth no talking no questions

6 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Grouping Options Practice - whole class /direct instruction –encourage participation of all students –provides for discussion with the teacher and peers –provides for more sophisticated writing styles and tighter arguments for the children who are having trouble with their organization –group questions benefit everyone –less distraction

7 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Grouping Options Assessment – paired and independent –paired promote discussion and ideas offer suggestions for improvement –Independent teacher available for individual questions student focus on own work

8 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Development, Cultural and Linguistic Options prevent prejudicial attitudes recognize different speech patterns (regional, lack of exposure to standard English, socioeconomic) consider family organization consider behavioral patterns –traditions and practices of family

9 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Prewriting Getting ready to write stage a topic is chosen consideration is given to: –function or purpose –audience –form ideas generated graphic organizer used to organize ideas – phrases and bullets

10 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Practice Activity - Prewriting whole class grouping shared writing use a sequenced graphic organizer brainstorm ideas list a topic –life cycle of a dinosaur fill in the steps in order continue with each of the steps until feel that have finished

11 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Assessment Activity - Prewriting individual grouping fill in your own sequencing graphic organizer –how fossils are formed use reference sources –library books –encyclopedia –internet hand out scoring guide for reference

12 Topic Finally (Conclusion) Name _______________________________________________________ 3 rd Grade Prewriting Graphic Organizer - Sequencing First Second Third Fourth Hasenfelt, J. (2006). Prewriting graphic organizer. Unpublished manuscript, Valdosta State University, GA.

13 Name ___________________________________________________________ 3 rd Grade Prewriting Scoring Guide Exceeds Standard 4 Meets Standard 3 Partially Meet Standard 2 Standard Not Met/ Improvement Needed 1 Score TopicTopic is listedTopic is not listed Steps are related to content area Steps are related to fossil formation Steps are not related to fossil formation SequenceItems are listed in sequence with 1 or more details Items are listed in sequential order Items are not all listed in correct sequence Items are not listed or are not listed in correct sequence Steps in graphic organizer More than 4 steps listed At least 4 steps listed Less than 4 steps listed Only 1 step or 0 steps listed ConclusionConclusion listed in a complete sentence Conclusion listed in correct block Conclusion listed but not in correct block Conclusion not listed NameFirst and last name listed along with date First and last name listed Only first or last name listed No name listed Total Hasenfelt, J. (2006). Prewriting scoring guide. Unpublished manuscript,,Valdosta State University, GA.

14 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Drafting Write a rough draft from graphic organizer - concentration not given to mechanics - only content every other line is skipped for revisions and editing later on sentences are created from the phrases and put into paragraphs paper is labeled “Draft”

15 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Practice Activity - Drafting whole class grouping Use class organizer to create draft Shared writing x out every other line list our topic as a title make the steps go in order create complete sentences from phrases label piece “draft”

16 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Assessment Activity - Drafting individual grouping use graphic organizers individually created to create a draft work independently hand out scoring guide for reference label piece “draft”

17 Name ___________________________________________________________ 3 rd Grade Drafting Scoring Guide Exceeds Standard 4 Meets Standard 3 Partially Meet Standard 2 Standard Not Met/ Improvement Needed 1 Score Topic listed in first paragraph Topic is listed in first paragraph along in complete sentence Topic is listed in first paragraph with at least 1 detail Topic alone is listed in first paragraph Topic is not listed Sentences/ Paragraphs Sentences are complete and paragraphs are used with 2 details Sentences are complete and paragraphs are used Sentences are not complete Sentences are not used – only phrases Sentences in correct order Sentences are in correct order Sentences are not listed in correct order NameFirst and last name listed along with date First and last name listed Only first or last name listed No name listed Proper format Every other line skipped with an x written on it Lines not skipped ConclusionConclusion listed in last paragraph with 2 details Conclusion listed in last paragraph Conclusion phrase listed No conclusion listed Total Hasenfelt, J. (2006). Drafting scoring guide. Unpublished manuscript, Valdosta State University, GA.

18 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Revising add, delete, change and rearrange details use proofreading marks add adjectives - more descriptive change sentences, add or delete steps, and/or rearrange steps change word use delete unrelated sentences

19 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Revising read to each other –author of report reads to peer receive feedback on report from peers decide suggestions you will use in your report make sure that your report has a beginning, middle and ending paragraph use a different colored pen provide checklist and/or scoring guide

20 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Practice Activity - Revising whole class grouping read draft on life cycle of dinosaur suggest additions, deletions, substitutions use proofreader’s marks shared writing note any changes on the draft in a different colored pen

21 Assessment Activity - Revising individual and peer grouping use individual draft created from graphic organizer use proofreader’s marks note any changes on the draft in a different colored pen provide scoring guide for reference

22 Name ___________________________________________________________ 3 rd Grade Revising Scoring Guide Exceeds Standard 4 Meets Standard 3 Partially Meet Standard 2 Standard Not Met/ Improvement Needed 1 Score SentencesSentences are complete with at least 1 detail Sentences are complete Sentences are not complete Sentences are not used – only phrases ParagraphsThere are more than 3 paragraphs There is a beginning, middle and ending paragraph There are only 2 paragraphs There is only 1 paragraph ContentSentences contain 2 or more descriptive words for clarification Sentences contain at least 2 descriptive words for clarification Sentences contain less than 1 descriptive word Information in sentences not clear Revisions/ Proofreader’ s marks Revisions made are correctly using different color pen Revisions are made but different colored pen is not used Revisions are not made on draft Total Hasenfelt, J. (2006). Revising scoring guide. Unpublished manuscript, Valdosta State University, GA.

23 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Editing focus mainly on mechanics –spelling –capitalization –punctuation –paragraph formation use proofreader’s marks use a different colored pen provide checklist and/or scoring guide

24 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Practice Activity - Editing class grouping edit revised piece on life cycle of dinosaur use proofreader’s marks shared pen correct spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and paragraph formation errors use different colored pen

25 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Assessment Activity - Editing individual and peer grouping use revised draft use different colored pen for any changes use proofreader’s marks check mechanics –spelling –capitalization –punctuation –paragraph formation checklist as a guide


27 Name ___________________________________________________________ 3 rd Grade Editing Scoring Guide Exceeds Standard 4 Meets Standard 3 Partially Meet Standard 2 Standard Not Met/ Improvement Needed 1 Score Proofreader’ s marks Proofreader’s marks used correctly throughout writing piece Proofreader’s marks used correctly most of time Seldom use of proofreader’s marks Proofreader’s marks not used correctly CorrectionsAll corrections made on edited piece Corrections made but not still some errors Less than half of corrections made No corrections made to writing PenDifferent colored pen used Different colored pen not used ContentContent flows very well with corrections made Contents flow well with corrections made Content does not flow very well No flow to content Total Hasenfelt, J. (2006). Editing scoring guide. Unpublished manuscript, Valdosta State University, GA.

28 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Publishing final stage of writing process write the report with all of the revisions and editing wide ruled paper for the final piece skip lines or not written in proper handwriting share writing in the author’s chair

29 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Practice Activity - Publishing whole class grouping use shared pen skip every other line –use chart paper use correct handwriting –letter formation

30 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Assessment Activity - Publishing individual grouping use revised/edited draft skip every other line –wide ruled paper correct handwriting share in author’s chair

31 Name ___________________________________________________________ 3 rd Grade Publishing Scoring Guide Exceeds Standard 4 Meets Standard 3 Partially Meet Standard 2 Standard Not Met/ Improvement Needed 1 Score Completed piece Completed piece shows all revisions Completed piece shows most revisions Completed piece shows some revisions Completed piece shows no revisions HandwritingHandwriting legible and all letter formation correct Handwriting legible and most letter formation correct Handwriting somewhat legible and some errors in letter formation Handwriting not legible and bad letter formation PresentationCompleted piece modeled in class Piece not completed or presented Total Hasenfelt, J. (2006). Publishing scoring guide. Unpublished manuscript, Valdosta State University, GA.

32 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Accommodations and/or modifications For the student with the learning disability: –Talk with the student about what he/she is writing about to make sure student is on the right track. –Carefully planned and explicit instructions will be given separately. –Allow students to type all or part of the assignment on a computer and hand in a printed copy.

33 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Modifications and Accommodations For the student with the visual impairment: –Give the student a graphic organizer using larger print. –Put the child closer to the front of the class when filling out the graphic organizer on the overhead.

34 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Modifications and Accommodations Some students may not want to share in the author’s chair. –Let student share from desk. –Have another student or teacher read finished piece.

35 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Introduction Grade level: 3 rd Mode of writing: Persuasive/Essay –students offer their viewpoint for or against an issue writer expresses opinions, arguments, and feelings –writing : argues logically with reasons presents other viewpoints sways opinions persuades someone to do something Content area integration: Social Studies/Eleanor Roosevelt

36 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Pre-assessment Prompt Purpose: establish what students already know about writing a persuasive essay Steps for instruction of the pre-assessment: nothing on desk except pencil and paper set a time limit instruct students to write about why they should have to attend school or why they should not have to attend school no talking no questions

37 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Grouping Options Practice - whole class /direct instruction –encourage participation of all students –provides for discussion with the teacher and peers –provides for more sophisticated writing styles and tighter arguments for children who are having trouble with their organization –group questions benefit everyone –less distraction

38 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Grouping Options Assessment – paired and independent –paired promote discussion and ideas offer suggestions for improvement –Independent teacher available for individual questions student focus on own work

39 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Development, Cultural and Linguistic Options prevent prejudicial attitudes recognize different speech patterns (regional, lack of exposure to standard English, socioeconomic) consider family organization consider behavioral patterns –traditions and practices of family

40 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Prewriting Getting ready to write stage a topic is chosen consideration is given to: –function or purpose –audience –form ideas generated graphic organizer used to organize ideas – phrases and bullets

41 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Practice Activity - Prewriting whole class grouping shared writing use a graphic organizer list a topic –Eleanor Roosevelt, more than any other American woman of her time, had the biggest influence on human rights. fill in the blocks give reasons in each block

42 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Assessment Activity - Prewriting individual grouping fill in your own graphic organizer –take a position on Eleanor Roosevelt herself or on something related to her life use reference materials –library books –encyclopedia –internet hand out scoring guide for reference


44 Name ___________________________________________________________ 3 rd Grade Prewriting Scoring Guide Exceeds Standard 4 Meets Standard 3 Partially Meet Standard 2 Standard Not Met/ Improvement Needed 1 Score Position Statement reasons Position statement is listed and 3 reasons Position statement is listed and 1 or 2 reasons Position statement is not listed Content related to assignment Content not related to assignment SequenceItems are listed in organized sequence with more than 3 examples for each paragraph Items are listed with 3 examples for each paragraph Items are not all listed and there are less than 3 examples Items are not listed and less than 2 examples are listed ConclusionConclusion listed and major points summed up in complete sentences Conclusion listed and major points summed up Conclusion listed Conclusion not listed NameFirst and last name listed along with date Only first or last name listed No name listed Total Hasenfelt, J. (2006). Prewriting scoring guide. Unpublished manuscript, Valdosta State University, GA.

45 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Drafting Write a rough draft from graphic organizer - concentration not given to mechanics - only content every other line is skipped for revisions and editing later on sentences are created from the phrases and put into paragraphs paper is labeled “Draft”

46 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Practice Activity - Drafting whole class grouping Use class organizer to create draft Shared writing x out every other line list position statement Create paragraphs with reasons label piece “draft”

47 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Assessment Activity - Drafting individual grouping use graphic organizers individually created to create a draft work independently hand out scoring guide for reference

48 Name _____________________________________ Date ____________________________ 3 rd Grade Drafting Scoring Guide Exceeds Standard 4 Meets Standard 3 Partially Meet Standard 2 Standard Not Met/ Improvemen t Needed 1 Score Position statement Position statement is listed in first paragraph and in complete sentence with more than 3 reasons Position statement is listed in first paragraph with 3 reasons Position statement is listed in first paragraph with less than 3 reasons Position statement alone is listed or is not listed Sentences/ Paragraphs Sentences are complete with more than 5 paragraphs Sentences are complete with 5 paragraphs Sentences are not complete and there are less than 5 paragraphs Sentences are not used – only phrases Paragraphs Paragraphs follow each other in an organized manner Paragraphs follow each other in a somewhat organized manner Paragraphs do not follow each other in an organized manner Name First and last name listed along with date First and last name listed Only first or last name listed No name listed Proper format Every other line skipped with an x written on it Lines not skipped Conclusion Conclusion restates position statement and summed up points in complete sentence in last paragraph Conclusion restates position statement and summed up points in last paragraph Conclusion restates position statement in paragraph No conclusion paragraph written Total Hasenfelt, J. (2006). Drafting scoring guide. Unpublished manuscript, Valdosta State University, GA.

49 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Revising add, delete, change and rearrange details use proofreading marks add adjectives - more descriptive change sentences, add or delete steps, and/or rearrange steps change word use delete unrelated sentences

50 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Revising read to each other –author of report reads to peer receive feedback on report from peers decide suggestions you will use in your report make sure that your report has a beginning, middle and ending paragraph use a different colored pen provide checklist and/or scoring guide

51 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Practice Activity - Revising whole class grouping read draft from prewriting suggest additions, deletions, substitutions use proofreader’s marks shared writing note any changes on the draft in a different colored pen

52 Assessment Activity - Revising individual and peer grouping use individual draft created from graphic organizer use proofreader’s marks note any changes on the draft in a different colored pen provide scoring guide for reference

53 Name ___________________________________________________________ 3 rd Grade Revising Scoring Guide Exceeds Standard 4 Meets Standard 3 Partially Meet Standard 2 Standard Not Met/ Improvement Needed 1 Score SentencesSentences are all written as complete sentences Sentences are mostly written in complete sentences Sentences are not complete Sentences are not used – only phrases ParagraphsThere are more than 5 paragraphs There are 5 paragraphs There are only 2 paragraphs There is only 1 paragraph ContentSentences contain 2 or more descriptive words for clarification Sentences contain at least 2 descriptive words for clarification Sentences contain less than 1 descriptive word Information in sentences not clear Revisions/ Proofreader’ s marks Revisions made are correctly using different color pen Revisions are made but different colored pen is not used Revisions are not made on draft Total Hasenfelt, J. (2006). Revising scoring guide. Unpublished manuscript, Valdosta State University, GA.

54 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Editing focus mainly on mechanics –spelling –capitalization –punctuation –paragraph formation use proofreader’s marks use a different colored pen provide checklist and/or scoring guide

55 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Practice Activity - Editing class grouping edit revised piece from draft use proofreader’s marks shared pen correct spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and paragraph formation errors use different colored pen

56 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Assessment Activity - Editing individual and peer grouping use revised draft use different colored pen for any changes use proofreader’s marks check mechanics –spelling –capitalization –punctuation –paragraph formation checklist as a guide


58 Name ___________________________________________________________ 3 rd Grade Editing Scoring Guide Exceeds Standard 4 Meets Standard 3 Partially Meet Standard 2 Standard Not Met/ Improvement Needed 1 Score Proofreader’ s marks Proofreader’s marks used correctly throughout writing piece Proofreader’s marks used correctly most of time Seldom use of proofreader’s marks Proofreader’s marks not used correctly CorrectionsAll corrections made on edited piece Corrections made but not still some errors Less than half of corrections made No corrections made to writing PenDifferent colored pen used Different colored pen not used ContentContent flows very well with corrections made Contents flow well with corrections made Content does not flow very well No flow to content Total Hasenfelt, J. (2006). Editing scoring guide. Unpublished manuscript, Valdosta State University, GA.

59 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Publishing write the report with all of the revisions and editing wide ruled paper for the final piece skip lines or not written in proper handwriting share writing in the author’s chair

60 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Practice Activity - Publishing whole class grouping use shared pen skip every other line –use chart paper use correct handwriting –letter formation

61 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Assessment Activity - Publishing individual grouping use revised/edited draft skip every other line –wide ruled paper correct handwriting share in author’s chair

62 Name ___________________________________________________________ 3 rd Grade Publishing Scoring Guide Exceeds Standard 4 Meets Standard 3 Partially Meet Standard 2 Standard Not Met/ Improvement Needed 1 Score Completed piece Completed piece shows all revisions Completed piece shows most revisions Completed piece shows some revisions Completed piece shows no revisions HandwritingHandwriting legible and all letter formation correct Handwriting legible and most letter formation correct Handwriting somewhat legible and some errors in letter formation Handwriting not legible and bad letter formation PresentationCompleted piece modeled in class Piece not completed or presented Total Hasenfelt, J. (2006). Publishing scoring guide. Unpublished manuscript, Valdosta State University, GA.

63 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Accommodations and/or modifications For the student with the learning disability: –Talk with the student about what he/she is writing about to make sure student is on the right track. –Carefully planned and explicit instructions will be given separately. –Allow students to type all or part of the assignment on a computer and hand in a printed copy.

64 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Modifications and Accommodations For the student with the visual impairment: –Give the student a graphic organizer using larger print. –Put the child closer to the front of the class when filling out the graphic organizer on the overhead.

65 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 Modifications and Accommodations Some students may not want to share in the author’s chair. –Let student share from desk. –Have another student or teacher read finished piece.

66 Jan W. Hasenfelt READ 7140 Summer 2006 References Tompkins, G. E. (2004). Teaching writing: Balancing process and product (4th edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall. Tompkins, G. E. (2005). Language arts: Patterns of practice (6th edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall. Fossils with play-doh, Retrieved May 16, 2006 from =4854&external= lessons.cgi/Virtual/Lessons/Science/Paleontology /PAL0200.html&original= m/110055.shtml&title=Fossils. =4854&external= lessons.cgi/Virtual/Lessons/Science/Paleontology /PAL0200.html&original= m/110055.shtml&title=Fossils This website has a lesson plan on defining the word fossil, describing how a fossil is formed, and explaining how minerals play a part in fossil formation. Fossil chart, Retrieved May 16, 2006 from rt.GIF. rt.GIF This website has a chart showing the cycle of a fossil.

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