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Introduction to Web Authoring Ellen Cushman Class mtg. #19.

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1 Introduction to Web Authoring Ellen Cushman cushmane Class mtg. #19

2 Where we are M 3/17 assignment #4 intro, assign groups, brainstorm orgs. W 3/19 selecting organizations, problem analysis procedure M 3/24 proposal due (1-2 pages) W 3/26 web standards M 3/31 designing test, planning W 4/2 testing and compliance, executing M 4/7 M 4/7 visual rhetoric, intro (readability (fonts & white space), rhetoric and psych of color schemes) W 4/9 W 4/9 visual rhetoric, 2 (space: real estate, eye/hand movement, information layout) M 4/14 Workshop usability testing W 4/16 Presentation workshops. Reports due. M & W 4/21- /23 Presentations on websolutions Note the changes in content as per 3/17 discussion

3 Today in Class | Next Class Web standards Activity: test your site using these standards Write up your notes and post on your page Make sure to find a couple volunteers to user test this site! Designing a usability test! Planning your usability test. Loving your usability test.

4 Standards Resources Section 508 Guidelines Web Standards Project W3C HTML Validator Three key steps: 1.Doctype 2.Validate 3.Separate content from presentation.(We’re looking @ content now, and presentation on 4/7)

5 Accessibility Tools Test Visual Contrast Screenreader simulation Low Vision simulations Bottom Line: Tools are fine, but do not replace tests with real people

6 Sustainability is… Focused on Web Authoring as an important organizational practice A way of looking at an organization’s website as something they do, not something they have An exercise of a technical communicator’s role as a “steward of writing practice” rather than merely as a writer

7 Assessing Sustainability The main way we assess the sustainability of a website is via Activity Analysis… Activity We need to do ____________ via our website… Activity = Roles x Tasks workflows breakdowns

8 Scenario: Coordinate Group Rides A local cycling club uses its website to keep members informed about upcoming rides Any member can schedule a ride for any day of the week; rides are phoned in to a “Rideline” that is transcribed to the site twice a week During inclement weather, ride plans often change before the website can be updated..

9 Breakdowns in Current Scenario coordinate group rides We _________________________ via our website… Roles Webmaster Ride Leaders Members Call in ride info Copy ride info to log Attend Ride? Update web site Hold Ride? Transcription errors Too late to update site No rsvp

10 Transformed Scenario coordinate group rides We _________________________ via our website… Roles Webmaster Ride Leaders Members Submit ride Info via form Sign up to ride? Hold Ride? Get confirm e-mail + updates Approve rides

11 Do workflow analysis by… 1.Listing all the activities that are important to the organization to accomplish via the website…even those that they don’t currently use the website for 2.Map current scenarios with breakdowns; do this by talking with and/or observing group members 3.Map transformed scenarios that address the problems in the current scenario 4.Based on requirements of transformed scenario, recommend changes to site, roles, and actions

12 Activity Divide your group’s roles. –One tests your sites standards. –Another tests it’s accessibility –A third looks at its sustainability. Test the site and draft 1-2 pages of notes for your final report. These notes will help you develop the content of your final websolutions project. Post your notes to your personal site. Meet as a group and discuss what you found.

13 Looking forward | homework Post your notes from today’s class Make sure you have user testers secured for next week. Figure out who will be the document and presentation managers in your group!

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