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Bioinorganic Chemistry: Zn & its Toxic Congeners Deborah C. Bebout Chemistry Department The College of William & Mary.

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Presentation on theme: "Bioinorganic Chemistry: Zn & its Toxic Congeners Deborah C. Bebout Chemistry Department The College of William & Mary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bioinorganic Chemistry: Zn & its Toxic Congeners Deborah C. Bebout Chemistry Department The College of William & Mary

2 Zn Cd Hg Essential to all known life forms Thalassiosira weissflogii produces a Cd(II)-dependent carbonic anhydrase in Zn(II) limiting conditions …or not IIB …but generally considered toxic to all known life forms Broad toxicity of Hg(II) likely precludes any physiologically beneficial role …but ZnSO 4 has an LD 50 (oral, rats) 3 g/kg


4 L Coordination number variability Coordination geometry flexibility Rapid exchange M MM L 2 LLLL 3 LL 45678

5 New Insight NMR X-Ray ESI-MS >60 new complexes Slow exchange J( 199 Hg 1 H) J( 111/113 Cd 1 H)

6 Zn Cd Hg Spectroscopically silent …or not to see 12.3% 113 Cd spin & 12.8% 111 Cd with spin I = ½ 16.8% 199 Hg with spin I = ½

7 Julie A. Viehweg, Sarah M. Stamps, Jennifer J. Dertinger, Robert L. Green, Katherine E. Harris, Raymond J. Butcher, ‡ Erica J. Andriole, J.C. Poutsma, Steven M. Berry, Deborah C. Bebout* “A Synthetic Model of Hg(II) Sequestration” Dalton Transactions 2010, 39, 3174.

8 W. Lai, S.M. Berry, A. Q. A. Tran, W. P. Kaplan, M. S. Hain, J.C. Poutsma, R. J. Butcher, R. D. Pike and D. C. Bebout “Macrocyclic (CdS) 6 Bis-carbonato Complex Self-Assembly” manuscript in preparation. Y. Xu, L. Feng, P.D. Jeffrey, Y. Shi, F. M. M. Morel Nature 2008, 452, 56.

9  Organic synthesis  Purification  Coordination Chem  Routine NMR  IR, UV/Vis, etc.  Multinuclear NMR  ESI-MS  X-ray Crystallography  Scientific writing  Scientific presentations

10 « Recruiting Underclassmen! « Please come talk to me if interested! « ISC 2039 & 2028 ME TOO! I’M A HEAVY METAL FAN.

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