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Keeping your body stable. Homeostasis  Review of the process Refers to all activities in your body designed to keep your body within a constant internal.

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Presentation on theme: "Keeping your body stable. Homeostasis  Review of the process Refers to all activities in your body designed to keep your body within a constant internal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Keeping your body stable

2 Homeostasis  Review of the process Refers to all activities in your body designed to keep your body within a constant internal range  Much of homeostasis controlled by feedback mechanisms One part of your body monitors, sends signals to another organ instructing it to react a certain way

3 Examples  Some ways you maintain homeostasis Body temperature ○ Must remain close to 98.6 F -WHY??? Glucose levels ○ If too high or too low, can cause coma or death Pathogen free ○ Keep all disease-causing agents out of your body

4 Systems involved  All systems really involved  Systems to be reviewed in this unit: Integumentary Immune Lymphatic Excretory

5 Integumentary System  Your body’s coverings Includes ○ all layers of your skin ○ Hair follicles, hair ○ nails

6 Immune System  Keeps you free of disease White blood cells Bone marrow All designed to kill anything that is not recognized as being a part of you or is recognized as being bad for you

7 Lymphatic System  Prevents buildup of fluids from collecting in tissues  Produce antibodies to act against pathogens

8 Excretory System  Monitors fluid levels in blood stream  Removes any nitrogenous waste and excess water from blood stream  Removes METABOLIC waste Why is feces not included as excretion?

9 Disruptions of Homeostasis  Burns

10 Burns  Degrees 1 st - usually mild, with redness on skin 2 nd - bubbling of skin 3 rd - complete peeling/removal of skin  Anytime damage done to skin, becomes nearly impossible to prevent pathogens from entering and water from leaving Also makes thermoregulation VERY difficult

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