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Oneight Program Parent Meeting April 25 th Youth Center.

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1 Oneight Program Parent Meeting April 25 th Youth Center

2 Meeting Goal Understanding why we all need this change. “We hold the beauty and grace of our faith in the palm of our hands” -Bishop Zarama

3 Tonight’s Agenda Agenda Agenda ◦Current Statistics ◦Previous Formation Process Concerns ◦Oneight Formation Process ◦Open Forum

4 Current Statistics

5 Statistics (Dynamic Catholic) 1 Million Teens Confirmed Yearly ◦77 Million Catholics in United States

6 Statistics (Dynamic Catholic) Less than 30% of American Catholics uphold Sunday obligation ◦Between ages 18-30 it drops to 15%  “Oh they will come back” ◦ Catholic Marriages have dropped 60% “Sleeping Giant” ◦Largest single religious denomination in US ◦Largest lukewarm denomination in US

7 Statistics (Dynamic Catholic) By age 21 ◦70% stop practicing their Catholic Faith Between ages of 21 and 30 ◦Increases to 85%

8 Statistics (Dynamic Catholic) 17, 782 Roman Catholic Parishes in US Spiritual Formation beyond Confirmation ◦60% youth programming ◦40% don’t have anything Of the 60% ◦10% of teens participate  St Jude ◦ 350 Teens on the Roster ◦ 35 attend Life Night

9 Statistics (Dynamic Catholic) Most young people receive First Eucharist at age 7 ◦Only 30% who received this Sacrament believe in the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist by their teenage years

10 Statistics (Dynamic Catholic) Within 15 years of Confirmation 85% will leave the faith A Confirmation class of 20 people means that 17 will leave the church in 7-10 years ◦This year  63 teens  51 of the 63 will leave The Church within two Presidential Elections

11 Previous Formation Process Concerns

12 Previous Formation Program Lack of commitment to the deeper meaning Lack of knowledge obtained from formation Candidates are somewhat educated about the faith Lacks spiritual experience that brings them into an understanding, in the heart, about Confirmation

13 Previous Formation Program Formation is “lost” in the summer gap before the Liturgy of the Sacrament Formation isn’t appealing to the participating candidates…IT’S BORING Formation doesn’t engage teens to be active in their faith after the Sacrament is received Lacked depth and experience

14 Oneight Formation Process

15 Overhaul formation schedule matching school year and surrounding Parishes Provide an enjoyable atmosphere for candidates to get the most out of their experience Engage teens so that they consciously live their faith out after Confirmation

16 Oneight Formation Process Excite candidates to seek a deeper commitment and meaning Formation that will meet candidates where they are at to build knowledge Create a spiritual experience to motivate them to actively participate ◦Spirit of the Law Vs. Letter of the Law

17 Open Forum

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