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Mars, here we come! 2012 Curricula & Resources Background The Mars Rover Celebration is a legacy event from “The New Face of Space: Exciting the Next.

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2 Mars, here we come! 2012 Curricula & Resources

3 Background The Mars Rover Celebration is a legacy event from “The New Face of Space: Exciting the Next Generation” Educational Events and Activities at the World Space Congress 2002

4 What is Mars Rover Celebration?  Primary and middle school (Grades 3-8) students.  Design and build a model Mars rover.  Select a specific science mission on Mars.  The model will be a mock-up constructed at minimal cost of mostly found/recycled objects.  A low-cost solar-powered car kit ($10) or radio-controlled car ($25) may serve as the chassis.

5 Contestant

6 Motivation  Provide a low-cost alternative to true robotics programs.  Develop a flexible curriculum module that covers planetary science & aerospace engineering.  Excite and motivate future engineers & scientists.

7 History  Based on JPL’s Mars Millennium project  Brought to Houston by Mayor’s SparkPark project  Refined and further developed by Holly Smith, Bendwood Elementary, SBISD

8 Mars Unit Overview  Research the characteristics of Mars.  Investigate the features of NASA’s probes.  Power for Probes is an option with the Solar Racer.  Design teams decide on mission and rover features, then create an initial draft with the criteria in mind.  Build rovers using craft materials.  Plan a presentation to share their team’s Mars Rover.  Compete in the Mars Rover Celebration, Jan. 28, 2012.

9 Research the Red Planet  Learn about the features and conditions on Mars.  Gather information critical for a Mars space probe.  Use various sources, including the Internet, NASA materials, videos, DVDs, etc.  Share information in a fun way by asking teams to teach the class about their findings.

10 WorldWide Telescope

11 WWT/Mars

12 Research Space Probes  Learn how space probes communicate and conduct experiments on Mars.  Discover how space probes survive in harsh conditions.  Learn how rovers are designed & tested.  Share facts & findings.  Note mission similarities.

13 Learning Opportunities  Take a field trip to NASA’s Space Center Houston.  Invite guest speakers to talk to the class about Mars, space probes, or robotics.  Ask NASA experts questions online.

14 Powering Probes  Teaches students about solar power and various kinds of propulsion  Cost is $10 per kit for teams of 2-3  Fun for races, analyzing design/propulsion strategies

15 Solar Racer Kits  Solar Racer Kit 1 available from, a Pisco Sunzoon Lite Kit or equivalent (less than $15) Pisco Sunzoon Lite Kit  How To Video: Solar Racers available as a guide  Tools & supplies–knives, balsa wood, fine grain Styrofoam, soldering iron, markers, and glue guns

16 Creating a Solar Racer  Provide instruction on pieces in the kit, assembly options, steps, and potential pitfalls.  Emphasize safety in using knives & glue guns.  Show a finished sample of each type of propulsion.  Recruit lots of parent helpers to help solder and assist teams.

17 Planning the Mission  Begin completing the leading questions in the Mars Rover Guide. Begin completing the leading questions in the Mars Rover Guide  Obtain consensus on 2-3 mission objectives. Obtain consensus on 2-3 mission objectives.  Examine a map of Mars to locate a landing site to accomplish mission goals.

18  Brainstorm the technology and features needed to accomplish their mission.  Brainstorm features to handle harsh conditions like cold, dust, and rough terrain.  Sketch an initial design incorporating the team’s ideas. Planning the Mission (cont.)

19 Build Your Rovers  Review Mars conditions.  Review highlights of NASA’s probes to Mars.  Review the criteria for the 2012 Mars Rover Celebration. Review the criteria for the 2012 Mars Rover Celebration  Form rover design teams of 3-4 members.

20 The Rover Team  Emphasize teamwork and group decision making.  Use various arts and craft supplies along with foil, cups, Styrofoam trays, straws, spoons, etc.  Use book tape and hot glue for assembly.

21 Presenting the Mission  Explain criteria for the presentations.  Encourage creativity with skits, props, and costumes.  Explain key features and the rover’s capabilities in the extreme conditions.  Develop scripts & practice.

22 Presenting the Mission  The day is here! Share rovers and creative ideas for future exploration.  Encourage questions from the audience.  Evaluate rovers and presentations based on established criteria. Evaluate rovers and presentations based on established criteria

23 Resources Johnson Space Center Educator Resource Center Space Center Houston 1601 NASA Rd. 1 281.244.2129 (Free for teachers)

24 Science TEKS Alignment Every set of science TEKS between 3 rd and 8 th grade includes the following topics:  The use of models and a discussion of their limitations.  The history of science, careers in science, or impact of scientific research.  The states & composition of, or changes to, matter.  The forms, sources, and/or uses of energy.

25 Science TEKS Alignment The following topics are covered in specific TEKS throughout the 3 rd – 8 th grade curriculum:  Testing and measuring the relationship between force & motion.  Observing and describing the effects of magnetism and gravity.  Identifying landforms and the processes that led to their creation.  Identifying and describing the planets in the solar system.  Describing the characteristics of the sun and the impact of the Sun’s energy.

26 Other Subjects TEKS Alignment The following topics recur consistently in the 3 rd –8 th grade curriculum:  ELA – Identify and evaluate sources of information.  ELA – Draw conclusions from gathered information.  ELA – Communicate information through speaking and writing.  ELA – Organize information into a logical structure.  MATH – Interpret graphical representations of data.  MATH – Use graphical representations of data to communicate information.

27 Mars Rover Standards Matrices Standards Matrix Provides full text of all grade level appropriate national and state standards related to the Mars Rover Celebration. Quick Glance Standards Provides only TEKS numbers for all grade level appropriate standards related to the Mars Rove Celebration. NOTE: Both documents organize standards according to the following steps in the Mars Rover Celebration: Research, Design, & Presentation

28 Mars Rover Pedagogy The following elements are key to our pedagogical approach:  Student choice should drive classroom activities & discourse.  Teachers should act as “guides” & “listeners” whenever possible.  Active exploration should precede explanation of new material.  Student experience and preconceptions should be recognized and addressed.  Divergent thinking should be actively encouraged.

29 Inquiry vs. Direct Instruction INQUIRY BASEDDIRECT Principle Learning TheoryConstructivismBehaviorism Student ParticipationActivePassive Student Involvement in Outcomes Increased ResponsibilityDecreased Responsibility Student RoleProblem solverDirection follower Curriculum GoalsProcess orientedProduct oriented Teachers RoleGuide/facilitatorDirector/ transmitter

30 Why Inquiry? Cobern, W. W.Cobern, W. W., Schuster, D., Adams, B., Applegate, B., Skjold, B., Undreiu, A. and … Gobert, J. D. 2010. Experimental comparison of inquiry and direct instruction in science. Research in Science & Technological Education, 28(1): 81–96.Schuster, D.Adams, B.Applegate, B.Skjold, B.Undreiu, A.… Gobert, J. D.  Science concept understanding can be delivered through both inquiry and direct instruction.  However, it is likely that inquiry science instruction promotes a greater understanding and appreciation of scientific inquiry as a process.  Because the central goal of the Mars Rover Celebration is to promote long-term student interest in STEM related fields and careers, building appreciation for science & engineering processes is critical.

31 Website Items of interest:  Schedule  Rules  Entry form  Resources  Slideshow

32 Teaming Up

33 Sharing the Project

34 Judging Setup

35 Winners!

36 Schedule Teacher Training Workshop  September 17, 9:00am-4:00pm, Room 232 Philip G. Hoffman Hall, University of Houston Mars Rover Celebration  January 28, 9:00am-6:00pm, Houston Room, University Center, University of Houston  Elementary (9:00am-2:00pm)  Junior High (1:00pm-6:00pm) Forms for registration are available on

37 Teacher Training Workshop September 17, 9:00am-4:00pm, Room 232 Philip G. Hoffman Hall, University of Houston  Register by September 15 (late registration will be accepted as late as morning of)  $20 fee includes one sample solar kit and lunch  Taught by UH professors, staff, and a middle school science teacher  CPE Certificate

38 Capstone Event January 28, 2012 Elementary (9:00am-2:00pm) | Junior High (1:00pm-6:00pm) Houston Room, University Center, UH  Enter by November 15 at  Capacity is 120 models per age group.  Nominal entry size will be three teams’ models per classroom. Minimum is one. Actual maximum will be determined when entries close.  Event includes UH campus science tour, Mars presentation, NASA speakers, and STEM-related exhibits.

39 Mars, Here We Come! For more information, please contact: Dr. Edgar A. Bering, or Jennifer James, Director of Communications, TLC 2

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