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ART TALK: Pablo Picasso w/Mr. Martinez “Everything you can imagine is real. ” -Pablo Picasso.

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Presentation on theme: "ART TALK: Pablo Picasso w/Mr. Martinez “Everything you can imagine is real. ” -Pablo Picasso."— Presentation transcript:

1 ART TALK: Pablo Picasso w/Mr. Martinez “Everything you can imagine is real. ” -Pablo Picasso

2 Pablo Picasso (1881- 1973) a Spanish painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist, and stage designer. spent most of his adult life in France. best known for c0-founding the Cubist movement. was a revolutionary artist. best-known figure in 20th century art. making him the best-known figure in twentieth century art

3 The Blue Period 1901- 1904 What do these paintings have in common?

4 The Blue Period -seemed to reflect his experience of relative poverty and instability. The Old Guitarist, 1901

5 Mother and Child, 1901 The Blue Period -(1901-1904) -”I started painting in blue when I learned of Casagemas’s death”.

6 The Absinthe Drinker, 1902 The Blue Period ”I started painting in blue when I learned of Casagemas’s death”-Pablo Picasso.

7 The Rose Period 1904- 1906 How do these paintings differ from the last?

8 The Rose Period Garçon à la pipe, 1904 -(1904-1906) -signifies the time when cheerful orange and pink colors were used. Text

9 The Rose Period Acrobat and Young Harlequin, 1905 -in 1904, he met Fernande Olivier. -suggested as a possible reason he changed his style of painting.

10 Cubism 1908+ The Three Musicians What do you see in this picture? -used natural forms and reduced them into basic geometrical shapes.

11 Girl on a Pillow Cubism -moved toward “abstract art”

12 Girl and the Mirror Cubism

13 Portrait Activity The Weeping Woman Marie-Therese Walter

14 LETS CREATE!!!!! 1. Start with your partner’s PROFILE! 2. Lets draw an EYE! 3. Now add to the NOSE! 4. Now add to the MOUTH!

15 LETS CREATE!!!!! 5. Draw the other side of the face using the FRONT VIEW!! 6. Add in the other EYE!! 7. What about the NOSE & MOUTH?!! 8. Eyebrows? Hair???!!!!

16 THANK YOU!!!!! Good Luck this school year! You guys were AWESOME!

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