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Presentation on theme: "CHEMICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEFENSE"— Presentation transcript:

SBIR/STTR PROGRAM OVERVIEW Mr. Larry Pollack CBD SBIR/STTR Program Manager Joint Science & Technology Office for Chemical and Biological Defense

2 CBD SBIR Program Overview
One acquisition element of the Science & Technology component of the Joint Chemical and Biological Defense Program $13.250M FY15 CBD SBIR program CBD SBIR is participating in the DoD FY16.1 SBIR solicitation with six topics Phase I: Feasibility $100K, 6-month Period of Performance; Phase I Option exercised if Phase II proposal is selected for award CBD SBIR offers three opportunities annually for Phase I awardees to submit a Phase II proposal; encourage small businesses awarded Phase I to defer Phase II proposal submission until at least the 5th month of the Phase I PoP Phase II: Proof-of-Concept/Prototype 2-year Period of Performance ($500K/year, incrementally funded) CBD SBIR is separate from DTRA SBIR; two separate Programs / two separate Program Managers

3 CBD SBIR – FY16.1 Solicitation Topics
CBD Dual-Purpose Biocidal and Chemical Warfare Agent/ Reactive Textile Finish CBD Development of Chemical and Biological Aerosol and Liquid Repellent Coatings CBD Dermal Medical Countermeasures for Chemical Weapons Exposure CBD Medical Countermeasure Development for Viral Induced Encephalitis Using Single Domain Antibodies CBD Smartphone Application for Mask Sizing and Projecting Quantitative Fit CBD Contaminated Materiel Transfer Case Proposals due NLT 6am ET, 17 February 2016

4 CBD STTR Program Overview
$1.8M FY15 CBD SBIR program CBD SBIR participated in the DoD FY15.C SBIR solicitation with one topic Research Institute as subcontractor to small business firm Phase I: Feasibility $150K, 6-month Period of Performance Phase II: Proof-of-Concept/Prototype Development @$1M, 2-year Period of Performance ($500K/year, incrementally funded) CBD STTR is separate from DTRA STTR; two separate Programs / two separate Program Managers

5 Gg

6 Chemical & Biotechnology within the DoD & SBIR/STTR Programs
Search for additional Chemical/Biological & Biotechnology topics outside of CBD SBIR Army, Air Force, Navy DARPA SOCOM DHP DHS NIH EPA NSF Topics address one or more DoD Key Technology Areas Topics tend to have narrow focus rather than broad

7 CBD SBIR Program Overview
Visit the JSTO-CBD one-on-one table for more information and to discuss how your technology may assist the Joint Chemical and Biological Defense Program mission! Mr. Larry Pollack Chemical and Biological Defense SBIR/STTR Program Manager Joint Science & Technology Office for Chemical and Biological Defense Defense Threat Reduction Agency Fort Belvoir, VA (703)

8 Joint Science & Technology Office for Chemical and Biological Defense
Chemical and Biological Technologies: Taxonomy of Technology Focus Areas

9 Diagnostics, Detection, Disease Surveillance (J9-CBA) Focus Areas
Diagnostic & Detection Devices Assays & Biomarkers Threat Surveillance Development and verification of rapid, sensitive, and specific tests for the identification of Chemical Biological Warfare Agents (CBWAs) and their expressed pathogens and toxins in clinical specimens from Warfighters for the diagnosis of exposure/infection. Discovery of host biomarkers generated in response to exposure to biological threat agents. Also includes co-development of next generation diagnostic technologies including portable diagnostic platforms, highly parallel and informative testing formats, novel assay formats and hardware solutions to enable point of need diagnostic capabilities, allowing for rapid guidance of medical decisions. Focuses on the detection and identification of chemical and biological threats in near real-time. Future programs focus on the improvement of algorithms, excitation sources, and detector elements to increase warning time, reduce false positives, increase sensitivity, and reduce cost. Also includes diagnostic device development to include systems able to harness next generation technologies to revolutionize clinical diagnostics in care facilities and in hospital laboratories. This investment will incorporate capabilities such as next generation sequencing and advanced biomolecular methods to harness both host and pathogen biomarkers in a threat agnostic approach that will serve all echelons of military medical care. Deliver cutting edge Integrated Early Warning, Information Management and Applied Analytic capabilities to the warfighter; virtually connect them to these capabilities and other system users for rapid situational awareness, course of action (CoA) analysis and decision support. This will include development of a biosurveillance framework, integration and demonstration of standards-based device-to-cloud connectivity, development and testing of Role 0 and Role 1 diagnostic device solutions with capability of data upload, and next generation analytic capabilities for prediction, early warning and forecasting.

10 Information Systems Capability Development (J9-CBI) Focus Areas
Operational Effects & Risk Assessment Hazard Prediction and Warning Data & Methods for Analysis Enhance CBRN warfare agent hazard prediction and warning capabilities in support of DTRA Reachback and fulfillment of JEM and JWARN requirements. Develop analysis products related to hazard prediction and warning for transition to JPEO and other stakeholders to aid in decision-making and program planning. Provide data, methods, and tools in support of risk-based planning and decision-making. This includes products for generalized and service-specific human, system, & mission operational effects data, methods, and tools. CBI’s program in Operational Effects and Risk enables the assessment and mitigation of impacts at the personnel, system, tactical, operational, and strategic levels. Enable the discovery, access, & usability of CBRN defense data per DoD data policies. Among several initiatives to improve data management and sharing for the CBRN defense RDT&E community, CBI will establish the Chemical and Biological Agent Effects Manual (CB-1) to provide the DOD authoritative position on accepted data and methods for CB effects analysis.

11 Translational Medical S&T Division (J9-CBM) Focus Areas
Bio-Therapeutics Branch Bio-Pretreatments Branch Discovery and development of therapeutics for alphaviruses, filoviruses, botulinum toxin, and broad-spectrum antibiotics targeting multi-drug resistant bacterial threat pathogens Discovery and development of vaccines for: alphaviruses, filoviruses, Bacillus anthracis (anthrax), Burkholderia mallei (glanders), Burkholderia pseudomallei (meliodosis), Francisella tularensis (tularemia), Coxiella burnetii (Q Fever), and botulinum, ricin and SEB toxin Supporting S&T Investments in animal model development, ex vivo human mimetics, novel manufacturing technologies that exploit readily adaptable expression platforms and leverage flexible biomanufacturing technologies, understanding host-pathogen/toxin interaction for identification of targets and/or biomarkers, adjuvants and stabilization technologies, drug delivery methods, and compound library compilation and characterization Changes: spelling for Francisella Added botulinum and SEB toxins

12 Advanced & Emerging Threat Division (J9-CBS) Focus Areas
Medical Chemical Countermeasures Threat Agent Science CB Research Center of Excellence Provide rapid validated chemical and biological agent property and reactivity data and determine toxicological mechanisms to inform risk assessment. Deliver novel medical concepts and technologies to address current and emerging threats to protect the lives of our warfighters Provide capabilities and competency to the DoD labs through DTRA Fellowship program, explore collaborative opportunities, and recruit and mentor young talent through scholarly programs (e.g. STEM and NRC Post doc)

13 Physical S&T Division (J9-CBT) Focus Areas
Materials & Imaging Sciences Protection Hazard Mitigation Demonstrations Develop science and technology that protects the Warfighter from the full range of chemical and biological agents by supporting acquisition programs of record and providing the material developer with innovative and revolutionary alternatives that meet the user’s needs. This includes individual protection (percutaneous and ocular) and collective protection. This area focuses on novel materials and improved air filtration technologies. Emphasis is placed on lowering the thermal burden to the warfighter. Develop technologies that rapidly reduce the contamination hazard and enable reduction of the Mission-Oriented Protective Posture (MOPP) level, while reducing life-cycle costs and the logistical burden. This will be accomplished by improving and transitioning formulations that support legacy processes. We will use combinations of complementary technologies to reduce the hazard faster with less outside support. and develop revolutionary approaches that sense contamination, respond, and signal. Identify, develop and integrate maturing technologies that provide Innovative, actionable capabilities. These capabilities combine and enhance technologies from across JSTO and the broader community, address real-world challenges, demonstrate practical utility to warfighters and support the Nation’s whole-of-government approach. The desired end state is to facilitate rapid transition to advanced development and to inspire follow-on S&T development. Conduct innovative and cutting edge basic and applied science and technology that lead to novel advanced development of chemical and biological therapeutics and materials. Particular emphasis is given to nanostructured active therapeutics, designer binding, catalysis, and biological nanoscale interface and dynamic interactions. Benefits are development of therapies and diagnostics for emerging CB related events, whether natural or man-made, novel materials for emerging threats and understanding of host/material interactions. Approved Bass/Madden 22 NOV.

14 Basic Research Office (J9-CB BRO) Focus Areas
Innovative Materials Understanding Threats Novel Sensing Advancing Countermeasures Understanding design, fabrication, and performance characteristics of new materials for decontamination, detection, protection, and elimination of chemical and biological threats Understanding factors which influence behavior, incursion or exclusion of toxic chemicals, toxins, pathogens, or countermeasures Understanding and exploration of novel devices, components, and approaches for detection, diagnostics, and protection Understanding and exploration of potential approaches to enhance chem/bio protective or therapeutic efficacy, including immune mediated approaches


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