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EE Undergrad Program + Excellent teachers – individual courses - Enrollment numbers - SEAS 10 year trend – 16%-8% EE. ASEE 10 year trend 17%-11.4% -Program.

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Presentation on theme: "EE Undergrad Program + Excellent teachers – individual courses - Enrollment numbers - SEAS 10 year trend – 16%-8% EE. ASEE 10 year trend 17%-11.4% -Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 EE Undergrad Program + Excellent teachers – individual courses - Enrollment numbers - SEAS 10 year trend – 16%-8% EE. ASEE 10 year trend 17%-11.4% -Program has evolved but no major review in memory Curriculum Revision: Outcomes Based – What should an EE grad be able to do? Inputs from Grad/Alum surveys, PE Exam, Benchmarking EE programs, our students/faculty Increased emphasis on hands-on/lab/studio/design experience and integration Introduce more advanced level concepts earlier (2 nd year) Concept inventories – integration across courses with overarching themes - e.g. time domain vs. frequency domain Hands-on component for all required EE courses What we have already done RF circuits Circuits/Electronics Student Projects Lab

2 Degree percentage by major ASEESEAS






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