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VIRTUAL REALITY CS 620 – Human Computer Interaction Professor - Dr.Dascalu Presented by – Sankeerth, Rui Wu, Walker.

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Presentation on theme: "VIRTUAL REALITY CS 620 – Human Computer Interaction Professor - Dr.Dascalu Presented by – Sankeerth, Rui Wu, Walker."— Presentation transcript:

1 VIRTUAL REALITY CS 620 – Human Computer Interaction Professor - Dr.Dascalu Presented by – Sankeerth, Rui Wu, Walker.

2 CONTENTS  Definition and Need for Virtual Reality  History  Taxonomy  Basic Virtual Reality  Advanced Virtual Reality  Applications  Conclusion

3 DEFINITION  Virtual Reality is the use of computer modeling and simulation that enables a person to interact with an artificial three-dimensional (3-D) visual or other sensory environment.  Via seeing, hearing, smelling and feeling.  Common Features in todays world.  Virtual Reality will have some impact in almost every field in the near future.

4 WHY VIRTUAL REALITY  Virtual reality is adopted by military, aviation, sports like golf etc. as training ground in highly realistic manner.  In military, soldiers can diffuse a bomb without any real world risks.  In Medicine; Earlier: Dissection and study using plastic models; Now: Virtual Patients and Virtual Histology  They have lower operating costs and are safer to use than real experiences.

5 HISTORY  Traditional square or rectangular screens  Pin cushion Distortion  Top and Bottom center of a projected image appear to droop inward creating corners of squares form elongated points, as in a cushion.

6 VITARAMA AND CINERAMA  VITARAMA: 11 Projectors and dome shaped screen.  CINERMA: Simplified version of Vitarama. Used as wide- screen film format in 1939. It used three projectors onto a deeply curved screen, subtending 146° of arc.

7 SENSORAMA SENSORAMA: Built in 1962 and was aimed at 4 senses. [See, Hear, Feel & Smell].But the machinery ended up being too complex. THE ULTIMATE DISPLAY: For the first time, Virtual reality was experienced via a Head-Mounted Display which was created by Ivan Sutherland in 1965. It was the biggest break through.

8 Degree of Freedom: Optimal results in 5 DoFs such as update rate, latency, accuracy, resolution and range Input Devices: Trackers, Joysticks, Mice, Data Glove. Data Glove:  Outfitted with sensors on the fingers.  Enables natural interaction by hand gesture recognition. HARDWARE USED

9 Output Devices: CRT monitor and LCD screens.  VR expanded from Basic to Immersive.  New devices like Power Wall, Head-Mounted Display (HMD), Binocular Omni Oriented Monitors (BOOM)

10 TECHNOLOGIES USED [SOFTWARE] Virtual Reality Modeling Language(VRML):  It is a standard language to represent 3D graphics within the World Wide Web.  Allows the creator to specify images and the rules for their display.  Aspects of virtual world display, interaction and internetworking can be specified using VRML without being dependent on special gear like HMD.

11 TECHNOLOGIES USED [SOFTWARE] Software packages:  Multiverse – Platform for Massively Multiplayer Online Games.  Virtual Reality Studio – Creates virtual world in Freespace.  Sense8 World Tool Kit (WTK)  Autodesk Cyberspace Development kit – Runs VR programming from keystroke commands to glove- helmet interaction.

12 KEY ELEMENTS OF A VR SYSTEM Key elements of a Virtual Reality System are  Immersion: Active and Passive Immersion  Interactivity: Interact with a virtual object while navigating through the environment.  Participants: New user and Experienced user; One- to-one relationship and One-to-many relationship.  Feedback: Gives ability to observe the results. Very useful in aviation and medicine.

13 VIRTUAL REALITY ARCHITECTURE  Input Processor, Simulation Processor, Rendering Processor and World Database.

14 VIRTUAL REALITY ARCHITECTURE INPUT PROCESSOR:  They’re responsible for the control of the input devices. The object is to deliver the coordinate data to the rest of the system with minimal time lag. SIMULATION PROCESSOR:  Core of a VR system.  Takes the user inputs along with any tasks programmed and determines whether the actions that will take place in the virtual world.

15 VIRTUAL REALITY ARCHITECTURE RENDERING PROCESSOR:  Accepts the results from the simulation processor and creates the sensations that act as output to the user. World Database (World Description Files):  Stores the objects that inhabit the world, scripts that describe actions of those objects.

16 CLASSIFICATION The classification is based on two factors:  Type of technology used.  Level of mental immersion.

17 CLASSIFICATION Type of Technology:  BASIC: Do not require special input or output  ENHANCED: Require additional input or output devices to experience virtual reality. Level of Mental Immersion:  BASIC: Lower lever of immersion  ENHANCED: Higher level of Immersion.

18 BASIC VR SYSTEMS BASIC VR SYSTEMS:  The basic Virtual Reality systems have the least level of immersion when compared to enhanced systems.  They are screen-based and pointer-driven which are presented by three-dimensional graphics.  These systems can be divided into subcategories, such as the hand-based and the monitor-based virtual reality systems.

19 HAND BASED VR SYSTEMS HAND BASED VR SYSTEMS:  Hand-held devices, such as cell phones, ultra mobile computers are used for VR experience.  Ex: Wikitude World Browser  Using a Digital Compass and a Camera on a smart phone, recognizes points of interests, landmarks and surroundings.

20 HAND BASED VR SYSTEMS LEAP MOTION CONTROLLER:  No hand contact is required. A user can interact with their computer by just using hand gestures.  Senses your hands and fingers and follows their every move.  Uses 150° field of view and a Z-axis for depth, enabling a user to interact in 3D, as in real world.

21 MONITOR BASED VR SYSTEMS  Basically, desktop based computers displaying three-dimensional graphics on monitors.  Ex: Fish Tank Display  This display provides projected stereo images from users point of view enabling the user to see in three dimension on two dimensional monitors.

22 MONITOR BASED VR SYSTEMS HP ZVR:  Allows the user to contact with content on screen.  Uses four cameras to track the head and a stylus to play with the content on the screen.  The Z-view allows a user to broadcast what a person is looking at, on a larger screen.

23 ENHANCED VR SYSTEMS  Enhanced VR systems are again divided into two sub categories.  Partially Immersive : Wall projectors, Immersa Desk and Monocular Head Based  Fully Immersive: (a) Room based - Vehicle Simulation, CAVE (b) Binocular head based


25 Expectation in Movie Star Wars

26 What is this?  Hologram: Typically, a hologram is a photographic recording of a light field, rather than of an image formed by a lens, and it is used to display a fully three-dimensional image of the holographed subject, which is seen without the aid of special glasses or other intermediate optics. (From wiki) light field lens three-dimensional special glasses or other intermediate optics  Easier version (my opinion): a technique that can display three dimensional images and users do not need to use any other devices to view the outputs.

27 Why is it amazing?  Users do not to need wear any devices.  It looks real! Most of other virtual reality devices-- connect to computer and 3D models generated by computer.  Interactive

28 We do have nice prototypes...  2:16 Life Sized Hologram  3:41 Hologram Presentation  3:46 3D earth  Presenter used a controler

29 About the prototype  A brand new way to present.  An awesome way to tele-communicate (skype, video chat)  Possible better interactive methods-- hologram+kinect (hand pattern, Angela Chan)

30 Is it too far?  es/events/bbma- 2014/6092040/michael-jackson- hologram-billboard-music- awards es/events/bbma- 2014/6092040/michael-jackson- hologram-billboard-music- awards  1:20  2014 Billboard Music Awards 2014 Billboard Music Awards

31 Is it just for rich people?

32 Future hologram Long way to go…  Multi-angle to view  inside 3D images  Merchandise  standard interfaces process/request-pricing/pages/default.aspx

33 Virtual Fitting Room  Sometimes, we work hard to make lazy life possible. --Rui  Have you go shopping with your girlfriend or wife?  My girlfriend can keep shopping for 10 hours.

34 Virtual Fitting Room En… Maybe this will work. But not 100% fit. Feeling of the materials.

35 How does it work? Key: Kinect, powerful device. Skeleton Detection + 3D models


37 Video Games - Early Examples  Sega Heavyweight Champ Had to move boxing gloves  Hang-On (Arcade Racing) Leaned on bike  Nintendo Power Pad

38 Video Games - Early (continued)  Nintendo Power Glove Hand motion detection  Duck Hunt Light sensing guns  Sega ActivatorFull body motion detection  Sega VR and Nintendo Virtual Boy 3D headsets

39 Video Games - Return of VR  Motion Detection Nintendo Wiimote PS Move Microsoft Kinect  Nintendo 3DS 3D and AR  Other Wii Fit pad Rock Band and Guitar Hero

40 Video Games - Near Future  Augmented Reality 3DS, Hololens  VR Headsets Oculus Rift, Project Morpheus ear/the-best-ar-and-vr-headsets ear/the-best-ar-and-vr-headsets  Motion Detection Virtuix Omni 11

41 Augmented Reality Applications  Games  Design  Training  Visualization

42 CAVE VR Applications  "This has applications for faculty in computing, game design, psychology, the arts, and a wide range of other fields.”  Can study cognitive processing, assess phobias, visualize large data sets, etc,  Forest fire simulation presented by Dr. Harris

43 Military Applications military/index.html  Flight Simulation  Battlefield Simulation  Medic Training  Vehicle Simulation  Virtual Boot Camp

44 Medical Applications  Surgical Fields - Training on models instead of real people  Diagnostic tool, Robotic surgery  PTSD and Phobia Treatment  Place patients in controlled environments  Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – Transform negative beliefs into positive action Patients may be more comfortable talking in virtual environment

45 Medical Applications (continued)  Addiction Treatment VR used for counseling Display images in VR to use as Hypnotherapy Meant to relax patient and encourage behavioral changes  VR for the disabled Allow the disabled to explore world as regular people Test building accessibility for disabled before construction Prepare people who may have their disability cured for tasks and skills they may be able to perform

46 Virtual Reality and Education education/index.html  Able to present large amounts of potentially complex data.  Especially useful for scenarios and places students cannot experience or see immediately (astronomy, surgery)  Can tailor to specific learning styles

47 Other Virtual Reality Applications  Fashion  Virtual Heritage Sites (Stonehenge, Archaeological digs, etc.)  Sports - Performance analysis, equipment design  Engineering - Design, AR-assisted Maintenance  Business - Training, 360-degree product view  Construction - Building construction, disaster test  Art



50 ADDITIONAL SLIDES  There are things we may not particularly like about ourselves in normal life like not being tall, athletic or creative as we’d like to be. But according to Brad Paisley, you can be so much cooler online in the virtual world. This is how:

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