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日本研究演習 ( 英語 ) A Chris Burgess (1 号館 1308 研究室、内線 164) /

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1 日本研究演習 ( 英語 ) A Chris Burgess (1 号館 1308 研究室、内線 164) /



4 Contemporary Issues about Japan in the English Media

5 Gender (8) –Same-sex marriage, pay gap, surnames Economy (4) – Minimum wage, recession Sex education (3) –“taboo” of sex education in Japan Terrorism/refugees/security law/China (2) 2015

6 Top 10 Buzzwords of the Year (Explosive shopping spree carried out by Chinese tourists) せいじ ゆ る “We will not tolerate Abe’s politics” (I am not ABE) “A society in which all 100 million people have an active role to play” いちおく そ かつやく しゃかい ばく が

7 Top 10 Buzzwords of the Year Goromaru しゅうぞう Shuntaro Torigoe, a journalist who headed the selection committee, said 2015 was a year of politics. The winners are “a mirror to reflect the reality of Japan,” Torigoe said at an awards ceremony in Tokyo. “The top 10 list shows what Japanese society looked like this year.”


9 Japan PM to seek fresh mandate for 'Abenomics' with snap poll Last year saw a snap December 14 th poll in which Abe sought a fresh mandate for his economic policies (an unpopular sales tax rise was postponed after data showed the economy had slipped back into recession). House of Representatives has 475 seats: 295 filled from single-seat constituencies &180 from regional proportional districts ( 衆議院 Shūgi’in) (down 5!) ( 比例代表 ) ( 小選挙区 )



12 Election 2014 Slogans Economic Recovery: Abenomics is the only way Now is the time to realise lower taxes Now is the time to change the direction of the current Stop the reckless Abe administration! Establish new policies to make the people’s voice heard (かえ る) (このみ ちしかな い) (あんていはきぼ う)

13 After winning the election, Abe vowed to… Reform the economy (sales/corporate tax) Expand the military’s role (security laws) Restart nuclear power plants Revise the constitution (?)

14 Key Issues/Policies for Japan Economy (tax/welfare) Energy (nuclear power) Security/Military/Article 9 Education (English) Immigration/Foreign Workers Women “A society in which women shine” 「女性が 輝ける社会」

15 Top six items that foreign visitors have found a problem with (JNTO) 1. Lack of signposts, maps, street signs indicated in foreign languages (37.3%) 2. Inconvenient locations of tourist information center (28.9%) 3. Difficulty in communicating in foreign languages even in English (20.0%) 4. Too few installations of ATM that accepts credit cards (17.8%) 5. Complexity in using public transportation (15.4%) 6. Insufficient number of trash cans and benches in town (14.0%)


17 25.6. 05

18 Slogans 開かれた文化創造国家へ –An open, culturally creative country 「時持ち」が楽しむ「健康寿命 80 歳」社 会へ –A society where people have free time and live a long and healthy life 豊かな「公」、小さな「官」へ –Thriving public spaces, small government



21 2030年の日本の将来像・ビ ジョン PROBLEM: SOLUTION: (concrete policy) Be as imaginative as you can! Our keyword/slogan for a new Japan is: しょうらいぞ う Future Image

22 日本研究演習 ( 英語 ) A Chris Burgess (1 号館 1308 研究室、内線 164) /

23 Locations of Abductions of Japanese

24 Eating, Drinking, Bentos (III) Chinese warship visits Japan (II) 2007

25 Bullying I I I I Foreigner Problems/Counseling Service II Philippine Nurses Imperial System/Princess Masako & Kiko Fundamental Law of Education Revision Robots Environment Nuclear Power Aging society Japanese Economy Popular Culture Densha Otoko International Relations (Russia, China-Japan, Vietnam, Australia) Sushi Organ donors 2006

26 Language and Communication I I I Imperial System/Princess NoriI I I Japanese pop stars in US I I Rural Living General Election 2005 Low birthrate Baseball Anti-Korean/Chinese comic books I Fashion Space exploration Hot baths Sayuri Shinkanesen in China American beef A-bomb Gender Equality Whaling American bases in Okinawa Japanese books in China 2005

27 China/YasukuniIIIIII Immigration/visa/foreignersIII Korean wave ( 韓流 )II Japanese WomenII Ore-ore fraud Japanese pop stars in US Human Trafficking Abuse of Mentally ill Jinmei Kanji Japanese Film Urbanisation Kogyaru-go Mitsubishi truck recall Bush’s re-election and Japan Japanese wine 2004

28 国際社会に名誉ある地位を占めるため の 7 つの提言:グローバルな視点から 日本の行方を考える 2010 年 (人口問題協議会・明石研究会)

29 Power Savings/Green energy IIII China/Korea III Radiation III K-pop boom II Popular culture/comedy II Japanese service/Nagoya Castle II Gender Equality/Mothering II 2011

30 Academic Rankings IIII TPP/FTA/Tuna quotas III Nengajo/Christmas gifts II Newspapers/Kanji II Smart home/electric car II 2010

31 Futenma, Okinawa, US militaryIIII Women in the workplace/employment rate III (Illegal) migrants/fake marriageIII School violence/tuition feesII 2009




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