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The Principle Theory for the Dissertation: (Relevance Theory) Cognitive Environment COMMUNICATOR Intent Meaning Evidence Context Cross-cultural communication:

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Presentation on theme: "The Principle Theory for the Dissertation: (Relevance Theory) Cognitive Environment COMMUNICATOR Intent Meaning Evidence Context Cross-cultural communication:"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Principle Theory for the Dissertation: (Relevance Theory) Cognitive Environment COMMUNICATOR Intent Meaning Evidence Context Cross-cultural communication: the communicator must adapt/convert to a new context in order to communicate effectively. Cognitive Environment RECEIVER Context Conversion

2 THE THEORY Cross-cultural communication: the communicator must adapt/convert to a new context in order to communicate effectively. THE MISSIOLOGICAL IMPLICATIONS OF THE THEORY In order to adapt/convert, the communicator must FIRST understand: BOTH the receptor’s cognitive environment AND his/her own cognitive environment. But just how does one go about doing this? MY PROPOSAL To discover cognitive environments through music-ritual (EM theory). EM theory proposes that deep-level beliefs produce the music-ritual. I propose using the reverse process. Assume: “cognitive environment” = “deep-level beliefs” The following is a diagram of my proposal: (My dissertation has only reached step #3.)

3 Music-Ritual New forms Beliefs Extract Music-Ritual New forms Beliefs Evangelicals Rural folk 1 2 3 4 5 1.Use music-ritual to discover one’s own beliefs. 2.Extract these from one’s cultural context. 3.Participate with rural folk in their music-ritual to discover, with them, their beliefs. 4.Dialogue with them about their beliefs and one’s own. 5.Create new forms of music-ritual.

4 MY QUESTION IS: Do I put this proposal in my dissertation BEFORE or AFTER discussing my research? In other words: Is this proposal “a new theory” or rather “a theoretical construct” I put together in order to guide my research? (even though I developed it AFTER doing my research)

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