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“Do you know Britain?”. 1. How many parts does Great Britain contain? a) 4 b) 3 c) 5 2. What is the capital of Great Britain? a) Edinburgh b) Boston c)

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Presentation on theme: "“Do you know Britain?”. 1. How many parts does Great Britain contain? a) 4 b) 3 c) 5 2. What is the capital of Great Britain? a) Edinburgh b) Boston c)"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Do you know Britain?”

2 1. How many parts does Great Britain contain? a) 4 b) 3 c) 5 2. What is the capital of Great Britain? a) Edinburgh b) Boston c) London 3. What are the colours of the British flag? a) blue, red and white b) blue and red c) blue and white

3 4.What is the capital of Great Britain? a) Edinburgh b) Boston c) London 5. What is the English flag called? a) Union Patric b) Union Jack c) Lines and Crosses 6. What is the symbol of Scotland? 7. What is the river in London? a) Thames b) London c) Avon

4 8. What is the symbol of Northen Ireland? 9. What is the symbol of England? 10. What is the symbol of Wales?

5 Famous cities 1. In what city were the famous “Beatles” born?

6 2. What is the name of the famous old University town?

7 3. Darvin, Isaac Newton, Prince Charles studied in this University town.

8 4. In what city is the famous tower?

9 1. How many pence are there in one pound? a) 100 b) 90 c) 10 2. What do the English often put in their tea? a) jam b) milk c) lemon 3. Which holiday is on December 25? a) St. Valentine’s Day b) Easter c) Christmas 4. Where can you always see ravens in London? a) near the Thames b) near the Houses of Parliament c) near the Tower of London 5. What place was built by King Arthur and the wizard Merlin? a) Stonehenge b) The Tower of London c) Camelot

10 1. Who is the Head of State in Britain? a) the Mayor b) the Queen c) the Prime Minister 2. What is the name of the Queen? 3. What is the name of the Queen’s son? 4. What is the name of British popular music group? 5. What is the name of the great biologist. He created a new theory of evolution.

11 Дэниэл Редклифф – он же Гарри Поттер What is the name of this actor?

12 Шон Коннери What is the name of this actor? He played the role of James Bond.

13 Льюис Кэрролл The author of the book «Alice in the Wonderland»

14 Дэвид Роберт Джозеф Бекхэм What is the name of this famous football player?


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