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Unit5 First aid. Lead-in 1 A boy fell into water and is_____ 2 A man offers to _____ him. a kind of help) 3 This situation often happens___ (after,before)

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Presentation on theme: "Unit5 First aid. Lead-in 1 A boy fell into water and is_____ 2 A man offers to _____ him. a kind of help) 3 This situation often happens___ (after,before)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit5 First aid

2 Lead-in 1 A boy fell into water and is_____ 2 A man offers to _____ him. a kind of help) 3 This situation often happens___ (after,before) a doctor comes. drowning help before A boy A man

3 Warming up What is first aid? First aid is _________________ given to someone who suddenly falls ill or________ before a doctor can be found. the first kind of help gets injured 急救是在找到医生之前给一个突然病倒或受伤者首 先进行的救护. 1 Only doctors can perform the first aid. right knowledge can give first aid. 2 Anyone with right knowledge can give first aid.

4 How would you stop severe bleeding? A.cover the wound with plastic B.put a bandage over the wound 1 First aid quiz

5 2 A friend is choking (not badly). What should you do? A. have her lie down and rest B. slap her four or five times on her back

6 3 If a friend has a badly bloody nose, what should you do? A. let her sit down and bend her head forward and pinch her nose B. let her sit down and bend her head backward and pinch her nose ×

7 4 If your friend sprained his ankle, what should he do? A. put his feet up on a chair and then put warm cloths on his ankle B. put his feet up on a chair and then put an ice pack ( 冰包 )on his ankle ×

8 5 In a medical emergency what telephone number would you call? A.110 B. 114 C.120 D.119

9 Pre-reading The girl will get burned. What will happen to the girl?

10 Reading: First aid for burns

11 Skimming. What is the main idea of the passage? Learning skill: Skim the title & the headings to get the main idea of one passage Skim the title & the headings to get the main idea of one passage This passage tells us about the functions of _________, _______,__________, __________________________and ___________________ of burns the skin causes types (kinds) characteristics (symptoms) first aid treatment

12 Scanning Learning skill: If you want to get the answer correctly,you should find the exact or similar sentence. If you want to get the answer correctly,you should find the exact or similar sentence. 1 What is the essential part an also the largest organ of one’s body? 2 How many types of burns are there? What are they? 3. Why doesn’t a third degree burn hurt? (characteristics) 4 Why should you put cold water on a burn?

13 1 What is the essential part an also the largest organ of one’s body? 2 How many types of burns are there? What are they? 3. Why doesn’t a third degree burn hurt? (characteristics) 4 Why should you put cold water on a burn? The skin Three. They are first degree, second degree and third degree burns. Because sometimes the nerves are damaged, so you can not feel the pain. Because the cool water stops the burning process, stops the pain and prevents or reduces swelling. 凉水可以阻止烧伤的进程, 可以止痛, 还可以防止或减轻肿 胀.

14 1. What can skin do for our body? (P1) ● protect you against diseases, poisons and the _________ ● keep you ___ or cool ● prevent you from ____ water ● give you ______ sun’s harmful rays warm losing sense of touch Detail reading

15 2. How can we get burnt? (P2)Re a d i n g hot liquids fire the sun electricity chemicals

16 1 First degree 2 Second degree 3Third degree A burns caused by electric shock, burning clothes, or severe petrol fires B severe sunburn and burns caused by hot liquids C burns caused by touching a hot pan or iron for a moment. C B A

17 4. Which degree burns do they belong to? First degree burns Second degree burns Third degree burnsRe a d i n g

18 5 T or F questions 1 Take clothing off the burned area even if it is stuck to the burn. 2.Put icy water on any burns to cool them. 3.Don’t rub the burns. 4.It’s better that you put some butter or oil on burns. 5. If the injuries are first degree burns, you should get the victim to the hospital at once. F F F T F

19 Difficult sentences 1 You have three layers of skin that protect you against diseases, poisons and the sun’s harmful rays.(P1 L1) 2 It is where you feel cold, heat or pain and it ( the skin ) gives you your sense of touch. (P1 L3) 3 Burns are called first degree, second degree or third degree burns, depending on which layers of the skin are burned. (P3 L1) 皮肤有三层,可以防病,防毒和抵御太阳有害光线的伤 害. 正是皮肤使你感到冷热,疼痛,它还使你有触觉. 根据皮肤烧伤的层次,烧伤有一度烧伤,二度烧伤和三度 烧伤.

20 4 It is best to place burns under gently running water for about 10 minutes.(P5 2 ) 5 For second degree burns,keep cloths cool by putting them back in cold water, squeezing them out and placing them on the burned area over and over again for an hour until pain is not so bad. (P5 3 ) 最好是把烧伤的部位放在慢速流动的自来水下(冲洗) 大约十分钟. 对于二度烧伤,要保持湿布清凉,需把湿布放回冷水中, 拧出水后再放到烧伤面上,这样反反复复地做一个小时左 右,直到不太痛为止.

21 6 Cover the burned area with a dry,clean bandage but will not stick to the skin. Hold the bandage in place with tape. (P5 5) 用干而清洁又不粘皮肤的绷带盖在烧伤面,用胶布固定.

22 Summary: This period,we have covered 1 some first aid knowledge 2 Fist aid for burns 3 difficult sentences

23 Homework: 1 Try to retell the text.(ABC English 基础训练 ) 2 Outline the difficult phrases and your own difficult sentences.

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