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Welcome: Let’s Self Assess Right now at this moment, rate yourselves: How comfortable/familiar are you with Math Investigations? Not at all Somewhat Very.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome: Let’s Self Assess Right now at this moment, rate yourselves: How comfortable/familiar are you with Math Investigations? Not at all Somewhat Very."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome: Let’s Self Assess Right now at this moment, rate yourselves: How comfortable/familiar are you with Math Investigations? Not at all Somewhat Very Familiar Familiar Please place a sticky note on the number line of how comfortable you are with Math Investigations. 0510



4 LET’S TALK  Introductions  Talk at your tables:  Who you are  Share positive experiences you’ve had with Math Investigations this year

5 Agenda  Warm Up  County resources  Looking Closer at the Lessons  Break  Intervention Resources  Access Codes  Exit Slips

6 Ten Minute Math Activity  Try it out  Talk about it  Where can we access this online?

7 Curriculum Map Alignment 456/Centricity/Domain/520/Thirdmathcurriculumm ap.pdf  Review SWBAT  Discuss lack of investigations resources listed

8 Planning Materials  Look at the Planner at beginning of Investigation (Unit 5 CC28)  Looking across Sessions  Look at curriculum map and planning page to determine:  What should I assess before teaching this lesson? (Curriculum map)  What do I need to copy?  What do I need to collect?  Student Math Handbook pages.  Review other symbols for Practice, Homework  Pencil- practice pages  Backpack- homework  Spinner- recording sheet  Blank page- additional practice

9 Model Lesson  10 Minute Math might happen outside your math block – just mention it. Could be as a transition.  Beige box, Implementing Investigations book  Mini-Lesson = “Activity” in Investigations  Highlight discussion points in blue for teacher  Highlight student talking points “Students might say…”  Student Tasks = “Activity” in Investigations  In red – Ongoing Assessment. What am I doing/looking for while students are working?  In orange – Supporting the range of learners

10 Model Lesson, con’td…  Closure = “Discussion” in Investigations  Often these get to the big ideas about the lesson. Don’t skip this part!

11 Assessment  Back to curriculum map  Be cautious about using the Investigations unit assessments – have you taught everything that is assessed in that unit?  Exam view CD

12 Intervention Resources  Intervention and Extensions Book  3-5 Intervention Box (black and blue box)  Blackline masters for diagnostics  Activities for interventions

13 Your Turn  Looking at the SWBAT and determining which lessons meet these goals

14 How to access online materials   Register as a new user – if you do not already have an account.  Click on your name in the top right hand corner My account Manage Products Add New Products Type in access code Click Save

15 Thank you for coming  Exit Slip  Check your email and complete the survey sent to you from Tara Nattress

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