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Topographic Maps 1/29/10. Now your turn What we are doing: 1.Get in groups of four with your IANS 2.Each group get 1 piece of play-dough and a ruler 3.Stop.

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Presentation on theme: "Topographic Maps 1/29/10. Now your turn What we are doing: 1.Get in groups of four with your IANS 2.Each group get 1 piece of play-dough and a ruler 3.Stop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Topographic Maps 1/29/10

2 Now your turn What we are doing: 1.Get in groups of four with your IANS 2.Each group get 1 piece of play-dough and a ruler 3.Stop and follow my instructions to begin 4.We will all be doing this together

3 What is a topographic map for? A topographic map shows the elevation change of an area on a flat map. What do we mean by that?

4 We can show all these formations on a Topographic map

5 It is sometimes important to have a map that shows the elevation of land on a flat paper surface—a topographic map. Why is this useful? Can hikers carry small three-dimensional models of the hills they walk? Not very easily! Maps are more convenient.

6 Transforming 3-D island  flat map

7 2-D  3-D topographical map

8 Contour lines! 250mm 0m 0m 150m150m1 00m 50m 100m 200m

9 Vocab Contour lines- lines on a topographic map that show the elevation of the land touching that line.

10 Contour lines! 250mm 0m 0m 150m150m1 00m 50m 100m 200m

11 What could this type of map be used for? 1.Building projects (architects) 2.Sea floor mapping for submarine/ship passage 3.Road construction 4.Military operations 5.Hiking


13 What are the elevations found here?



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